Men visiting at the Moment.

Sunday, August 22, 2010



In the modern feminized, zionist empire, whenever males and their concerns are discussed, immediately non-male influence, ideas, and concerns are brought up to either lessen, ignore, or pre-empt the matter at hand. Chuck Palahniuk ridiculed this in his masterwork Fight Club (1996, W.W. Norton & Co, NYC), as he has a non-male named Marla show up at a testicular cancer survivor's group, and no one except the narrator has a problem with it or challenges her.
This is not only a great violation and denial of the biological facts of the differences between males and non-males, it is also typical imperial trivialization of males and their concerns. These are also part of a larger effort to disenfranchise males from each other and the society and therefore lead them into the worker-breeder-soldier unit without resistance.
Masculine communion is the only long-term way for a male to continue to keep his autonomy and masculine self-identity.
The sacred masculine communion is core and integral to the existence of a human male. Denied it, he becomes pathological, and not only loses his masculinity, but will die spiritually and in the mind.


The masculine communion is what we have been discussing throughout this entire site: it is males together in connected, quality all-male time and space; nourishing, celebrating, and supporting each other's masculine identity, and encouraging and supporting each other's self-actualizaton and self-autonomy. This should go on as much as is feasibly possible within the given modern imperial constraints for basic survival. Males who are not connected in this fratrifocal way will wear down and become ill.


From our experiences, we have found that there are seven principle virtues that are an important part of proper masculine communion. They are all deeply intertwined, and it is difficult to achieve one without the others. We have also noticed that the seven virtues being actively observed result in the dignity, respect, and love that is required for true masculine communion. With these virtues in effect, one can never fall into the paranoid, conceited, victim mindframe so core to the non-males. We have discussed these in another place on this site, and feel they are self-explanatory, but bear repeating..



The three words: "I Love You" are bandied about in such ways as to have rendered them useless. The word love itself has become a confusing abstract: one is told that someone "loves that color on you", "loves that song", "loves that pasta", etc. This is why the Matouac-NiTaino languages have the words Guiarq, Quibey, and Tekguiarq. Most pre-imperial cultures and languages have multiple words for these concepts.
Let's look at the deeper, implied meanings when two males who are equals tell each other: "I Love You".
To love someone who is your equal does not include needing to protect or defend them always, it is not an enabling or victimizing concept, nor is it forming a legacy (unlike "romantic love", "love" involving non-males, imperial or "patriotic love", and most "parental love".). It is truly a celebration of trust and dignity in the loved ones' very essence of being. Nothing is expected, nothing is exchanged, gained, or lost. It is totally and truly non-imperial, as true love must be.
In this mind-frame, if you tell a Guatiao "Ni Guia" or "I Love You", it must be understood (and probably should be stated) that what is really meant is: "I love you, unconditionally, body, mind, and spirit. I also believe in you unconditionally, and I trust you unconditionally." Anything less is insincere, and disrespectful. If you don't feel it, don't say it. But if you do, say it as often as possible. That way it will never cease to exist.
In my last year of high school on Long Island, a close friend and I went to a local arboretum a few weeks before graduation. His family had raised him to be quite the imperial gurrumiao, and he was always boasting of how big and strong he was, and how many girls he had had, and similar stuff. He rarely, if ever, showed emotion on anything except rage or laughter when he was ridiculing someone. He was quite arrogant, and was always forcibly telling people how they could be better (in his eyes and ways), even when (as in most cases) his advice was not solicited. He was a copy of his father and his uncles.
We were walking along an estuary river, and the rare feelings of joviality and acceptance were strong. As we walked into the hurricane-devastated Pinetum area, I began a long, rambling preface, telling him how much he meant to me, and I was glad we were friends and all. About a minute in to my speech, he walked up to me, hugged me tight, and kissed me on the mouth, and told me he loved me. I kissed him back, and said “I love you, too”. We walked on a bit, holding hands, totally alone for several hundred acres on a drizzly May day. As we got back to the parking area, he looked at me, and said- “Now you know, but it stays unspoken out there, OK?” I agreed, and we went home. Within six months college and circumstances ended the friendship in a fizzle. (These were the days before the internet.) But, amazingly, he had said it.


Even under the oppression of feminist-zionist empire, the crucial, integral need for the masculine communion makes itself known. This is not only in imperially sanctioned, controllable ways, such as sports or military, but in automatic, spontaneous ways, and many times uncomfortable for the imperial overlords. Many times, the empire can’t figure out what the expression is, and if it does, it doesn’t understand it fully, and certainly not enough to successfully control it or destroy it. The increasing frequency with which males greet each other with hugs is one example.
In the 1950’s, 1960’s, and 1970’s, two imperial Eurasian males would have never hugged each other publicly to show affection or greeting, with the imperially sanctioned sports, military, or a father and his young son. Some time in the late 1980’s, spontaneous hugs between guys began to break out, for no reason other than friendship and warm feelings. At first, they were ridiculed as “gay” by most non-males, and longed after by other males not being hugged. The hugs increased, though, and finally the non-males started to claim that they were “hot”, but that was after they were already established. Those gurrumiaos under non-male control then tried to compensate by doing a quick pound-hug, arm in between them so the bodies wouldn’t touch, and quick pats on the back to get it over with as quickly as possible. Even in buddy movies such as the Without A Paddle series and the Harold and Kumar series, jokes come at the expense of any bond or affection between the males. Even 2009’s Star Trek had to ratchet up Uhura being a slut for Spock to break any deep bond between the traditional principles, Kirk and Spock.
In the Americanos and Africanos cultures that had never become fully imperialized or assimilated, it had always been arm-in-arm friends, and deep, real hugs, sometimes even with a nose or cheek kiss. Friends still share the same beds, and still primarily spend time with their guatiaos. The traditions and closeness had never stopped. Unfortunately, as empire goes into its death throes, it is infecting more and more of these traditional communities. There has been heavy marketing to get these close traditional bonds into the imperial worker-breeder-soldier unit pathology. A good example of this is the totally Eurasian pose of the male up against a wall erect, legs parted, while a non-male faces him, and hold on like a helpless baby koala. A few moments observation will reveal that the non-male isn’t so helpless, indeed, she’s in control, and he’s her slave.
Since such important principles as sacred masculine communion can never be destroyed, the hug-renaissance of the late 80’s has continued, and spawned a whole new series of shoots to keep it alive. Current pop parlance gives us words and phrases such as: “bros before hos,” “bromance”, “bro dust”, “bro code”, “brotha from anotha motha/ nutta”, and the like. All in all, offers several hundred words containing variants of “bro” and “brother” (including “brotha” and the like…), all referring and pertaining to concepts of Guiarq, Quibey, and Tekguiarq and Guatiaos. These words and phrases would not exist if the concepts weren’t present, and they wouldn’t be posted, debated, and discussed if they were not prevalent. So, the sacred masculine brotherhood is alive and well after all.
The sacred masculine communion is not without its detractors, however- a series of imperial patsies running to play catch up with something they can’t fully understand. These rabid, misandrist shills are almost exclusively feminists and non-males, and run through the same tired, hackneyed kike psychobabble as always. Their claims that bonded, close males are a foundation of the patriarchy, and exclusionary and oppressive to non-males is laughable; the real threat posed by bonded, close males is that they don’t need non-males or empire in their lives at all, rendering the non-males and empire useless and impotent. Such attacks on the sacred masculine communion quickly and clearly expose how much the feminist-zionist empire needs to be in control of males and their expressions.


In 1984, two trained imperial psychologists published an amazing article in the trade/ research journal Voices: The Art and Science of Psychotherapy, Volume 20, Number 3, Issue # 77, Fall 1984. The article was "Men Together In Group Therapy", and it was written by Louis W. McLeod and Bruce K. Pemberton, who were two colleagues who had become friends, began practicing together, and then discovered that they enjoyed dancing with each other. They had been toying with a males-only therapy group in their practice, and, after dancing together, it finally solidified and took off. The article was written several years after they had been running the group (it started in 1979), and almost a decade before the mythopoetic/ feminist men's movement began in earnest.
What these pioneers found and reported was that men truly don't open up in a mixed group of males and non-males, they will always play for approval to the non-males, since that's what they were programmed to do. They found that in an all-male group, males not only bonded to each other for support and nourishment, but that the males began to heal in much more quickly, and in much larger numbers. It seems that the nourishment and support the males needed to recover and heal wasn't anything that a non-male could give them, it could only be provided by other males. They suggested all-male groups are the only way to properly have males recover and heal. I'm glad two imperials had the balls to state this, even if it was only once. Non-imperial traditional cultures knew this and ran this way (and still do) for tens of thousands of years. Sadly, no other article like this would be published again until this site.


Apparently, an imperial EEUU poet by the name of Robert Bly must have read the McLeod/ Pemberton article. Bly began reading through his academic pile of myths, and found the Grimm Brother's tale Iron Hans. Bly was intrigues by what he saw as massive, powerful male archetypes in the story, and began fiddling with it to form ideas that could benefit men.
Bly was a pro-matriarchal, goddess-worshiping writer, who has participated in the annual Great Mother Conference festivals since 1975. Bly had spent most of his time since the 1960's promoting men getting "in touch" with their "inner woman". As the greed and impact of the 1980's continued, Bly began focusing on Iron Hans himself, who Bly considered to be a "Wildman" archetype.
Iron Hans the Wildman is an ironic choice, for Iron Hans embodies everything the feminist, mythopoetic men's movement is the exact opposite of. Iron Hans encourages males to not be defined by or controlled by their mothers, he encourages them to go "back to the well" by returning to an all-male, nourishing environment, and he encourages roughhousing and intense play, and unashamed, glorious male eroticism. Bly and his disciples would be terrified of a group of naked, erect and aroused, mud-covered men dancing in the rain in the forest. It would break their comfort zone, it would be too...well, "wild". Nice, domesticated eunuchs don't do that, and only nice, domesticated eunuchs get pussy or imperial rewards. They'd blame it on the testosterone, call it a sister to "'roid rage". Then they'd have to lament their surrender of their masculinity to a non-male, outside source, which is also something they would never do.
"Bly and his ilk also only see the father as an archetype for a young male, yet they demonize it. Bly also keeps any and all versions of masculinity he's dealing with well within the imperial worker/ breeder/ soldier unit model and the nuclear family. Bly frequently speaks of the "Wildman", but is really afraid of him. Bly's vision of the "Wildman" is uncontrollable, and Bly seems to fear that he would have no use for non-males (beyond maybe raping one in a rage). The "Wildman" is also fully in the realm of the enchanted Dreaming, including play, aggression, and Bly's worst nightmare, free homoeroticism. This is what truly scares the feminized mythopoeticists right down to the bone: they might become (or maybe really already are) just like Iron Hans the Wildman.
Bly continued gender-blending, and then butchered the Iron Hans story to fit his own purposes, and from 1987 ran lucrative workshops on the subject, and then published Iron John: A Book About Men in 1992 (Vintage Press). The book spawned the widespread mythopoetic/ feminist men's movement.The movement would continue full-throttle until the late 1990's, when it collapsed because of too much feminist zionist contamination (ie. the Promise Keepers, an pro-Israeli, evangelical x-tian group that rabidly preached the worker-breeder-soldier unit), and because it became unprofitable once the fad had passed. One can also see that nagging, ridicule, and pressure form the non-males in these guy's lives collapsed it as well. Oprah at first embraced the movement, but then attacked it, for fear of increased numbers of guys on the "DL" being involved.
This is actually right on (and highly ironic), as the movement was entirely and wholly homophobic and xenophobic right down to the core from the very start. Stories from Africa or South America were allowed, and maybe even some music, but god forbid an actual brown person with a foreskin or a name ending in "a", "o", or "z" try and attend. Likewise any males who could express physical affection beyond a pound-hug.
So, the low point of the men's movement was reached in about 1995, and climaxed in the three different organizations, all equally useless: the fundamentalist x-tian Promise Keepers, the Radical Faeries, and a sadistic zionist joker going by the stage name of Justin ("all men are dogs") Sterling. All are the philosophical children of Andrea Dworkin and the empire's core, and it was (and is ) painfully obvious that males in empire deserve something better.
I have a personal story from 1993- I lived on Long Island at the time, and had gone with an Irish friend of mine to a "Men's Retreat Weekend" out at a new-age/ theosophist center in the Hamptons (We weren't rich, that's just where it was located...). At the gathering Bly was speaking, but the real leader was Bly disciple Michael Meade, a Viet Nam Vet with alot of issues.
At the end of the first day, there was going to be a sweatlodge (inipi style, not a temescal). A dome of saplings was constructed, and a fire built. Everyone got in, and the hot rocks were brought in. My friend form Erie and I were sitting next to each other on serapes I had brought with us. I was naked, and he was in boxers at first, but as the temperature rose, he took his shorts off as well. The temperature did increase, to probably about 120'F or so. Everyone else had clothes on- sweatpants, t-shirts, tank tops, cutoff jeans, most even had their socks on, one jackass even had his combat boots on- and the talk in the lodge wasn't of shared stories, personal pain, or spiritual experiences. There was one conversation where a guy kept talking about his secretary's new breast implants, and when music finally started, they sang American Woman and Doors songs. Now, I like Jim Morrison alot, but "Come On Baby, Light My Fire" is not appropriate for a sweat of this invocation.
At the end of round one, my Irish friend and I were standing outside, discussing how we were leaving, and how we should get our money back. Michael Meade himself (white wifebeater and gray sweatpants) came over to us, and started yelling how we "had to get dressed right now, since he didn't want anyone getting the wrong idea and think this was a gay sweatlodge, he had a reputation to uphold" and the like insanity. He also berated my Irish friend for having a foreskin, telling him "something was wrong in his masculinity", since he "didn't look like everyone else there". We left and got our $350 each refunded a few days later.
I also have had an experience in 2000 with the self-proclaimed "largest men's group in New York City". They claimed to be for all males "on the common ground", but ran more like a Scientology cult. The members were afraid to publicly acknowledge each other, and the fool in the center of the storm claimed that "MTV is the new universal culture" in response to my question of why they seemed oblivious to any traditional tribal cultures, and that "Potatoes come form France, that's why they call them French Fries". (He had apparently never heard of a country called Peru.)
I had been invited to stay over a member's apartment for the night before meeting the esteemed leader of the bunch the next day. My 28 year old host had a nice collection of A&F and D&G ads of muscular xi'paals in their way-too-tight briefs, all pumped up, greased up, and shaved down on the wall above his Soloflex where he worked out. I commented on how nice the pictures were, and that they must be an inspiration to him while he was working out. He started panicking, and kept repeating: "I'm not gay- I don't even like them" over and over for about an hour. I left as soon as possible the next day, never to return. Homophobia in it's truest sense is at the core of all of these "men's movements".
This is because the men's movements have all had the concern of the opinions and influences of the non-males at the core of their philosophies. I am not sure whether it is a Lysistrata complex, where they are afraid if they upset their little pussies they won't get anymore, or for fear of failing the sacred mother/ sainted whore. Either way, it is what continues to prevent a real men's movement form beginning, continuing, and succeeding.
The oxymoron of a feminist men's movement is self-evident, but apparently doesn't phase the imperials. Despite any shit talk of "gender egalitarian" and fantasy biology constructs, males and non-males are completely and totally different from each other, body, mind and spirit. It is obvious in any way that you look, and these differences render a practical application of androgyny impossible and impractical. As long as there is a push for androgyny, there will be continued objectification of the genders, pain, suffering, insanity, and misery.
The only way out of this is for us to realize the differences, and for men to realize and enforce that every time a group of males gathers, plays, loves, weaves, or connects, there does not have to be a non-male present, presiding, or participating to make it valid or effective. Indeed, non-male participation in these scenarios will only result in disconnection, ineffective, and invalid.


The traditional definition of a human male goes well beyond "YX chromosome pair". A male has a QUI-QUIX, or penis, and QUI' CHE'EL TOON, which are his testicles and scrotum, which are all integral to his being. The penis is a sensory organ, and an exploring appendage, and is considered the head of his CHIC'CHAN, or "Backbone Serpent". The body of the Serpent is his spine, and it's rattle would be in the back of his head. When a male reaches QUIX NOHIN' TAH, or orgasm, the head of the Serpent releases the GUANGUAYO, or semen, the stuff of life, and the tail in the base of his head rattles. QUIX NOHIN' TAH is the Serpent striking, the male's masculinity being exercised. The CHIC'CHAN is a male's body mind and spirit, and the QUIX NOHIN' TAH is sacred. We are told in the Amatl Turey (NiTaino Holy Book) and Popol Vuh (Quiche Maya Holy Book) that the creation started with two brother gods reaching QUIX NOHIN' TAH together, by PAJ'E, or masturbation. It is our way of reaching back into and becoming part of the Creation of the Cosmos.



The CHIC’CHAN that dwells within all males is his sacred masculine core, his connection of his body, mind, and spirit, and his connection to himself, those around him, his environment, and his deities. It is also his way into the power of masculine creation.
The CHIC’CHAN and it’s expression are a core part of experiencing, sharing, and weaving in the masculine communion. Without the CHIC’CHAN activated and properly functioning, the masculine communion will simply be a gathering of imperial games and value, usually resulting in conquest. To experience and express the CHIC’CHAN correctly, a male must go through the three stages to activate and engage it.
To be activated properly, each stage must be achieved and mastered in sequence. This may be difficult for people set in their ways with large amounts of imperial programming and sexual conquest experience. Those experiences are not applicable to CHIC’CHAN, and everyone starts off as a virgin as it were. If you do not work on them in sequencing, you are not achieving CHIC’CHAN, you are a poser who is forcing your way through a cheap imperial imitation.
As far as a question to when one will know he’s doing it right?- it’s like having a cramp in your leg- you really can’t describe it, but you instantly know when you’ve got one. The same holds true for CHIC’CHAN- once you’ll get it, you’ll know.

The first stage of CHIC”CHAN is homeostasis, being at peace in one’s self, being balanced, connected, and flowing body, mind, and spirit. This includes managing stress, staying healthy, and accepting and loving oneself. It is basics: getting sleep, eating properly, staying hydrated, and not being depressed. It is also being in your body, listening to, understanding, and acting on its signals and messages. In this stage, the expression is to masturbate using your entire body, and to not use outside images, toys, or people. Get off on you and your sensations and feelings, and not on some programmed-in kink or fetish. Work within yourself, and the environment.
(A video that shows this can be found at: )

The second stage of CHIC’CHAN is weaving in balance, connecting to and weaving and sharing with someone close to you. The sacred masculine force of CHIC’CHAN is about creation, and this is the stage of shared pro-creation. It may be expressed erotically or artistically, as long as something is created.
It is easy to see CHIC’CHAN in effect on the border of the erotic with performing musicians. Flea of the Red Hot Chili Peppers has performed naked and aroused many times, and he is so “turned on”, his mouth even pops open into the “o” shape we express when in ecstasy. At that moment, the CHIC’CHAN serpent within the performer is awakened, and any outlet for creation is needed.
This need to create is core to a male, it is why men seek to leave a legacy- whether it is offspring to continue their lineage, their name or image carved in stone, or a work of art so amazing it penetrates the human consciousness. All legacies that are enduring bestow a kind of immortality, and that is one of the things that can fill the needs of the CHIC’CHAN. Snakes renew themselves periodically by shedding their outer layer, not just their skin, but their eye coverings as well. After shedding, a snake is restored, their eyes can see again, and their color returns. The hormonal changes that cause the shedding process also revitalize the snake’s inner organs and systems. The immortality of a CHIC’CHAN induced legacy echo this.

The third stage of CHIC’CHAN concerns the sacredness of that moment of ecstasy. While in that moment of ecstasy, a male is entirely connected to the Creation itself, and if he was to remain in HUNAB KA (focused and in control of his ideas and actions), he could accomplish amazing things. In that moment of ecstasy, he is at one with the HURUKAN, the Heart of Heaven. Any enchantments or invocation made at this point would be quickly realized, and would manifest with power. It is why when, how, and with who we choose to reach these states of ecstasy with are crucial. While the general results may be fun and harmless, it keeps us away from reaching our utmost potential with the CHIC’CHAN energies.

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