Men visiting at the Moment.








naked, naked are you
the rising morning star, the morning star speeds
enough, beautiful, naked be you
the morning star rises, the morning star speeds
the brothers entwined, dancing serpents
your going away parallel with the shore for teasing
the rising morning star, the morning shooting star
enough, handsome- naked be you

The ancient R & K speaking Americanos ancestors left us with an amazing herencia. Their wisdom and knowledge covered everything in Creation under the Hurukan, the Heart of Heaven. Within that amazing herencia are many precious gifts. One set of those gifts deals with the understanding of the CHIC'CHAN, or Sacred Serpent, that dwells within every male human from the moment of his birth to his death. The CHIC'CHAN is the presence of the Sacred in a male, it allows him to directly connect to the Creators and Makers without an intermediary. It allows a male to work enchantments and creation directly, and to feel the ecstasy of the Creation. It can also heal him (and others), and to prolong his life.
Knowledge of the CHIC'CHAN was present in all real, non-pathological ancient cultures, and examples from those cultures will be given.
This CHIC'CHAN in built in, and is present in all males, although by great programming and effort, many modern societies have de-activated and disconnected a male from it. It is still there, and can be re-activated quite easily, allowing a male to reach his full sacred potentials again.
It is my greatest hope that your CHIC'CHAN may be activated, and you can again live to your full sacred masculine potentials.

                    Joaquin 2 Cacimarex, Sewaornock, Manahatouac. 1/12.


The traditional definition of a human male goes well beyond "YX chromosome pair". The Creators and Makers have provided human males with a built-in conduit that allows them to directly connect to and play as a part of the creation. A male has a QUI-QUIX, or penis, and QUI' CHE'EL TOON, which are his testicles and scrotum, which are all integral to his being. The penis is a sensory organ, and an exploring appendage, and is considered the head of his CHIC'CHAN, or "Backbone Serpent". The body of the Serpent is his spine, and it's rattle would be in the back of his head (probably ending at the pineal gland). The sacral disc and pelvis/hips are considered a “second skull”, as there are so many major neurological and circulatory connections and bundling in this region. There is also the Serpent's own hemipenes, directly central between the shoulder blades on the spine. This human equivalent of the baby mammal's “neck scruff” the parents carry them by is a very powerful and sensitive area.
 When a male reaches QUIX NOHIN' TAH, or orgasm, the head of the Serpent releases the GUANGUAYO, or semen, the stuff of life, and the tail in the base of his head rattles. QUIX NOHIN' TAH is orgasm, or the Serpent striking, the male's masculinity being exercised. The CHIC'CHAN is a male's body mind and spirit, and the QUIX NOHIN' TAH is sacred. We are told in the Amatl Turey (NiTaino Holy Book) and Popol Vuh (Quiche Maya Holy Book) that the creation started with two brother gods reaching QUIX NOHIN' TAH together, by PAJ'E, or masturbation. It is our way of reaching back into and becoming part of the Creation of the Cosmos.
When the CHIC'CHAN is activated -and then continued to be cultivated and cared for- a human male has a personal direct connection to the Cosmos, and no intermediary- be it priest, minister, pastor, rabbi, nun, monk, imam, ayatollah, guru, or whatever- is needed. The connection is deep, personal, and entire. YAU, or mentors may be helpful, but their goal should be to nurture and teach the student, so that he may be independent, whole, total, and free. If a student does not reach the point where the YAU is no longer needed, then the failure and fraud of the YAU is most evident.
A male with an activated and properly-cared-for CHIC'CHAN will be complete and whole, and will contain the entire balance of the Creation within him. The activation of the CHIC'CHAN may only be a one-time event, but the proper tending and maintenance will be an ongoing, lifelong discipline. It is not an easy road, but it is fully worth it. The entirety of Eurasian empire and it's seven major religions would not have put so much deliberate focus into destroying, denying, and disconnecting the CHIC'CHAN in human males for thousands of years, if it wasn't a threat to the imperial-religious powerbase. Remember this wisdom here: “Dogs don't chase after parked cars”.
A male who wishes to activate and sustain his CHIC'CHAN faces several scary prospects. Firstly, he will be ridiculed, belittled, and ostracized by those connected to and still stuck in the empire. Secondly, he will begin to feel everything he does, and everything around him intensely, as his body clicks on, and he begins to be fully alive again. Thirdly, he will be alive, conscious, and present in his arousal and eroticism, which will make it intensely more sacred and enjoyable. Lastly, he must face the prospect of being totally responsible- not only for his ideas, decisions, and actions and their outcomes, but for the choices and options he will have freed for himself. No longer will there be outside people or a system telling him what to do or how to do it, nor will the outcomes be predictable and of only a few choices. The world is literally his, and he is free to make any decision or interaction with it. Things will not be automatic and rote, and the myriad of outcomes will need to be considered and dealt with.
The activation and husbandry of the CHIC'CHAN is nothing to be feared! Living with activated and cared-for CHIC'CHAN will be the most invigorating and amazingly freeing experience imaginable. Your life will clear up, your mind will calm down, and the world will be Beautiful again, life worth living.
The tending of the CHIC'CHAN will continue to keep honing your life, and keeping it simple. Endless conflict, unneeded complexity, excessive drama, dysfunction, and insanity have no means to continue in the presence of functioning CHIC'CHAN, as it renders these imperial pathologies useless. CHIC'CHAN is an ongoing, lifelong discipline, which will re-focus your life and consciousness to what is really important, and it will de-prioritize needless aspects quickly.
The males who would prefer to dwell within empire's embrace are in a dire situation- they are willingly surrendering their masculinity for familiarity and lack of need of being challenged. They would prefer to live as robotniks, following orders and obeying repeated instructions, to always result in “safe”, predictable outcomes. Theirs is a life of mired slavery, an inescapable tar-pit of “stability” and “security”.
Even the physical adventures that empire offers pale in comparison to living with an activated CHIC'CHAN. A male with a functioning CHIC'CHAN lives as a self-actualized, totally free individual who gets to choose every aspect of his life. He is free to be compassionate, he need not follow waves of approved mass emotion or behaviors. There is no “should” in his life, there are many “I-want-to” situations. He decides and is responsible for everything in his life, he is a true self-owner.
A male with an activated and cared-for CHIC'CHAN cannot become pathological or harmful, as that would disconnect the CHIC'CHAN. He is inclined to be compassionate, thoughtful, and empathic. He considers the “greater good” in his decisions as a matter of course and personality, not of forced programming.

Let us look at some of the core worldview and thinking that helps us understand more about our Dragon Within.


 The CHIC’CHAN that dwells within all males is his sacred masculine core, his connection of his body, mind, and spirit, and his connection to himself, those around him, his environment, and his deities. It is also his way into the power of masculine creation.

The CHIC’CHAN and it’s expression are a core part of experiencing, sharing, and weaving in the masculine communion. Without the CHIC’CHAN activated and properly functioning, the masculine communion will simply be a gathering of imperial games and value, usually resulting in conquest. Before any work with CHIC'CHAN can be done, a male must be properly initiated and go through a masculinization process. Once that is done, to experience and express the CHIC’CHAN correctly, a male must go through the three stages to activate and engage it.

To be activated properly, each stage must be achieved and mastered in sequence. This may be difficult for people set in their ways with large amounts of imperial programming and sexual conquest experience. Those experiences are not applicable to CHIC’CHAN, and everyone starts off as a virgin as it were. If you do not work on them in sequencing, you are not achieving CHIC’CHAN, you are a poser who is forcing your way through a cheap imperial imitation.

As far as a question to when one will know he’s doing it right?- it’s like having a cramp in your leg- you really can’t describe it, but you instantly know when you’ve got one. The same holds true for CHIC’CHAN- once you’ll get it, you’ll know. Each of the phases continues into and along with the following phase- once you enter these, you will never come out again.


The first stage of CHIC'CHAN is homeostasis, being at peace in one’s self, being balanced, connected, and flowing body, mind, and spirit. This includes managing stress, staying healthy, and accepting and loving oneself. It is basics: getting sleep, eating properly, staying hydrated, and not being depressed. It requires sobriety, and no more drug usage, be it narcotic or prescription. This would include tobacco as well. It is also being in your body, listening to, understanding, and acting on its signals and messages. Play and joy are important aspects of this phase- feel everything entirely- taste your food, feel your bedding, stand outside shirtless in the sun or rain. Revel in the very beauty of existence. You are alive! In this stage, the expression is to masturbate using your entire body, and to not use outside images, toys, or people. Get off on you and your natural sensations and feelings, and not on some programmed-in kink or fetish. Work within yourself, and the environment. At orgasm, invoke the creation by crying out “Quix nohin' tah'”, like the Creators and Makers at the beginning! This is the phase where the Beautyway is understood. The Beautyway, at the most simplified level, is the way things are naturally supposed to be, not the way humans or anything else want or demand they are. Is it raining? Go dance naked! All of the weather, and the animals and plants- they all belong right where they are! So do you! Drown in the unbearable lightness of being! A song for this phase could be the jazz classic “Feeling Good” by Nina Simone.


The second stage of CHIC’CHAN is weaving in balance, connecting to and weaving and sharing with someone close to you.
The sacred masculine force of CHIC’CHAN is about creation, and this is the stage of shared pro-creation. It may be expressed erotically or artistically, as long as something is created.
It is easy to see CHIC’CHAN in effect on the border of the erotic with performing musicians. Flea of the Red Hot Chili Peppers has performed naked and aroused many times, and he is so “turned on”, his mouth even pops open into the “o” shape we express when in ecstasy. At that moment, the CHIC’CHAN serpent within the performer is awakened, and any outlet for creation is needed.
This need to create is core to a male, it is why men seek to leave a legacy- whether it is offspring to continue their lineage, their name or image carved in stone, or a work of art so amazing it penetrates the human consciousness. All legacies that are enduring bestow a kind of immortality, and that is one of the things that can fill the needs of the CHIC’CHAN. Snakes renew themselves periodically by shedding their outer layer, not just their skin, but their eye coverings as well. After shedding, a snake is restored, their eyes can see again, and their color returns. The hormonal changes that cause the shedding process also revitalize the snake’s inner organs and systems. The immortality of a CHIC’CHAN induced legacy echo this. When you create in this phase, do so completely free, without care of sales or marketability. Create for you and your loved buddies, and don't worry about commercial applications. Create to Beautify you and your world. Did you ever think that the most popular art may actually be wrong and ugly, and that the popular musician or singer might actually be off-key or out of tune? How much of what we are told is Beautiful really isn't? The same holds true for visions of human Beauty- the officially approved ones are always artificial, unlikely extremes. Real people, as-is, are always the most Beautiful.
At this phase, mutual erotic contact with your closest male friends is in order. One must be careful to keep within the Sacredness of CHIC'CHAN, which precludes penetration of any body cavity, including the anus, rectum, or mouth. To do so is to be offering the energy to another human, and not to the Cosmos. The shared erotic event between the two brother creator deities described in the Popol Vuh and Amatl Turey is PAJ'E, or masturbation, in their case, shared together. When you PAJ'E, you are totally in control, and can be totally focused. The direction and invocation on the QUIX' NOHI'N TAH is at your control, and can be used to connect to the Creation, or as a sacred offering. When you are with a non-male, or in GUACACIQ, penetrative sexual behaviors, there is a focus on the transfer of energy in the situation, usually flowing from one partner to the other, either directly or by a secondary transfer (such as money or power). PAJ'E is personal, and directly effects you, and connects you with the CHIC'CHAN energies.
PAJ'E can be shared, but it is imperative that any erotic activity be balanced and shared, and not have any conquest attached to it. A mystery of the Guatiaos is "The Two Together Woven Together As One Went Along The Road." The Mystery of the Guatiaos can be perfectly expressed and explained as shared mutual PAJ'E. It is one of the best and most intense forms of sharing the masculine communion. Remember to say “Quix nohin' tah'” when each of you reach orgasm, it will amplify the experience, and boost your connection to the Cosmos.


The third stage of CHIC’CHAN concerns the sacredness of that moment of ecstasy. While in that moment of ecstasy, a male is entirely connected to the Creation itself, and if he was to remain in HUNAB KU (focused and in control of his ideas and actions), he could accomplish amazing things. In that moment of ecstasy, he is at one with the HURUKAN, the Heart of Heaven. Any enchantments or invocation made at this point would be quickly realized, and would manifest with power. It is why when, how, and with who we choose to reach these states of ecstasy with are crucial. While the general results may be fun and harmless, it keeps us away from reaching our utmost potential with the CHIC’CHAN energies. The Taino, Maya, Taoist, and Shaivite cultures teach that if a man correctly worships the Sacred Masculine CHIC'CHAN, be it in real erect penis form, images of phalli, or in a connected abstract way, he will live forever, and shall have no fear of being harmed or of dying. We also have teachings of increasing of TONAL, or life-force, and the use and application of such to influence and change the environment, as well as to heal and nurture on levels not seen in allopathy or militias. The Eurasian empire and it's seven major religions and their spin-offs have expended an inordinate amount of resources to prevent males from reconnecting to and using these potential applications of the CHIC'CHAN.
Body, Mind, and Spirit are all linked under CHIC'CHAN, and will all function as one. We have been trained to ignore our bodies, specifically our penises. Your penis is a major part of your being male. And, there are several types of erections, each defined by what it is awakened by:


Erections happen for a bunch of different reason, as the penis is a major sensory organ close connected to the core. Erections are to be celebrated, and their enchantments and powers embraced. Erections come in four main invocations: Erotic, Sensual, Dreamscape, and Spiritual.
EROTIC erections are the most common, and the easiest to explain- they are from the result of getting "turned on". Sensory stimuli is encountered that triggers arousal, and then requires friction to get off. These erections are frequent, and are more psychological than physiological. Always remember that no one else can ever turn you on- YOU turn you on each and every time, based on your expectations and your near-interior fantasy world and programming.
SENSUAL erections are random, and are caused by random environmental factors, such as the warm sun in your lap, or a bumpy bus ride. They are one of the two longest-lasting erections, and do not require immediate release. They may rise and subside, or stay at a constant, non-throbbing level for quite some time. Sensual erections also occur when we become naked, or when we wash ourselves or handle our QUI-QUIX to urinate. Males are in frequent contact with the core of our masculine being on a daily basis.
DREAMSCAPE erections are when our mind and spirit free, usually during sleep. They are probably the least understood, because the imagery involved is so unlikely. They give us a direct link, however, into how integral the CHIC'CHAN actually is, even in the subconscious. We become aroused in sleep because we are either slaying lovers or dragons, or are in high adventure and freedom.
SPIRITUAL erections are the shortest-lasting, and can be the scariest. They occur when our spirit is aroused or connected into the HUNAB-KU (Sacred Balance) or the HURUKAN, The Heart of Heaven. They are truly when we are in the presence of Spirit; when we are in true ecstasy.
 Yes, it is also more than your penises and what you do with them. And it has NOTHING to do with your girlfriends and eel lovers.
It is really about the virtues. Masculine virtues  and communion, that non-males would have great difficulty understanding, much less achieving.


From our experiences, we have found that there are seven principle virtues that are an important part of proper masculine communion. They are all deeply intertwined, and it is difficult to achieve one without the others. We have also noticed that the seven virtues being actively observed result in the dignity, respect, and love that is required for true masculine communion. With these virtues in effect, one can never fall into the paranoid, conceited, victim mindframe so core to the non-males.

FAITH: Believe in yourself, the gods, and those around you.
NO FEAR: Feel caution, be wary, but do not be paralyzed by fear and worry.
COMMUNICATION: Clear, concise, direct communication and careful listening.
CREATION: Weave with the environment around you constructively. Make the world a more beautiful and meaningful place. "Become the change you wish to see in the world"- Mohandas Gandhi
COMPASSION: Experience and express GUIARQ, QUIBEY, and TEKGUIARQ as much as possible.
SELF-RESPONSIBILITY AND DISCIPLINE: Exercise and express control over your own behaviors, and take full responsibility for your choices, actions, and ideas. It's all about your choices and how you express them.
VALOR: Always do the right thing. "In a situation, the best thing to do is the right thing; the second best thing to do is the wrong thing; and the worst thing to do is nothing at all."- Theodore Roosevelt
Unless you spend quality all-male time, and allow other males to interact and play with you and your entire body, and you with theirs; and yes, including your and their penis and balls- you will never, can never reach and have a truly activated and functioning CHIC'CHAN.
It will also not work at all if you do what I stated above, but only do it rarely, and “because you have to”. As it states in the Amatl Turey and Popol Vuh, “you must give your armpits and waists over in love, not fear.” Only do things that you want to, and that are nourishing you and your CHIC'CHAN. You can't pretend or force it, it just won't work.
It is also not going to work if you have to keep hiding it or get approval from a non-male who defines and control you, whether it be smother, wife, fiancée, girlfriend, or other such domineering non-male. In fact, it probably won't work if you have any of the above, in any form, anyway. When a non-male defines and controls you, much less you fucking and feeding one your energy on any regular basis, you are surrendering your masculinity. Indeed, even being attracted to and fantasizing about non-males compromises you and your CHIC'CHAN.
These statements are about as important as the rest of the stuff here, if not more so, because these limitations and pathologies have to be overcome before someone tries what follows.  CHIC'CHAN will only function in a balanced, autonomous male, and in masculine situations. Another thing I have to stay is that once you get it, you gotta keep doing it. Again, it can't be an occasional, regretful, half-hearted. It's gotta be wanted, sought-out, and actively done. A guy who sneaks off away from wifey for a male-male handjob IS NOT CHIC'CHAN. A guy who feels he needs a full-time, continuous non-male because he thinks it is normal, or that people would say things, that IS NOT CHIC'CHAN. Worrying about what a non-male will think of you because you are in masculine time, space and activity IS NOT CHIC'CHAN. And getting rid of all your close male friends because your bonding and weaving activities make the bitch feel insecure, useless, etc. IS CERTAINLY NOT CHIC'CHAN. It is more of complete surrender of masculinity. If that is the case, the guy should not even bother with the non-male. All it is doing is taking away from energy and presence, and feeding on his masculinity to survive.


 It is time to talk basic trigger points and what the CHIC'CHAN activation bodywork is about. Just keep in mind that this is the easy part. Post-activation will require focus, dedication, and work to keep the CHIC'CHAN healthy and functioning.

The first consideration is the guy who will be doing the bodywork. (Yes, it MUST be a male- females DO NOT have the ability to transmit CHIC'CHAN, as they do not have CHIC'CHAN.) He must be calm and balanced, and quite focused to be able to transmit enough masculine tonal to activate the guy-being-massaged's CHIC'CHAN. To do this, he must be of clear mind, and he must focus on and control his breathing. CHIC'CHAN breathing is like the way a dolphin or whale breathes. It is done completely consciously. If a dolphin or whale doesn't focus on it's breathing, it's blow-hole will open under water, and the cetacean will drown. So for the CHIC'CHAN masseur, he must breathe in from his lower abdomen, not his upper belly (as he might in yoga or another martial art), or his chest (as if singing), or his upper chest/throat (as we do when we are normally talking. At least this is true in New York.). Try and tense the pubic mound or navel, and pull in from there to start the breathing. The breaths will be tempered, paced, deep, and rhythmic. They are not shallow, nor are they gasps. The masseur will feel quite rooted as he breathes this way, a calm will overcome him, his mind will quiet.
Once he reaches into this state, he can focus on pulsing and flowing his own CHIC'CHAN energy. This can be done most simply by alternately tensing and releasing the penis/pubic mound, and the anus. One is tensed, the other is released, back and forth, in a cycle. It doesn't have to be clenched so tightly, just tensed and felt, held for a moment, and then released. You will feel the CHIC'CHAN begin to flow, at
which point you can tense intermittently when you feel the flow waning.
At this point, focus on your hands. Feel the CHIC'CHAN flow down your arms, and into your hands. As you do this properly, the hands will naturally tense a bit, and they will warm up, as they begin to flow CHIC'CHAN through them.  This set of focus and energy is also exactly what is used when working on your own CHIC'CHAN solitary. Whether alone or with a partner, it is the same breathing, tension, and focusing. After a few moments of this, you are ready to begin working on your partner.

All around the areas, front and back, where the legs connect into the torso, there are nerve ganglia, vein and artery junctures, and lymph glands and plumbing of the limbic system. These are located at or near the surface, but in deeper folds like the groin and buttocks. Since we have been deliberately conditioned that these regions are forbidden, dirty, evil, and off-limits, we- and even doctors and chiropractors- generally avoid and ignore the areas. That is unfortunate, since many major structures and systems meet in these areas, and to do complete healing requires their inclusion.

When one starts to freely allow another to explore this area with the application of basic massage and fingertip acupressure techniques, the specific spots for CHIC'CHAN activation will quickly become obvious. The CHIC'CHAN points are all quite sensitive, and many will hurt or be sore because of stress-storage and excessive tension. When a spot is found, work at it a while, to allow the person being worked on to begin to freely feel in the area again. Circulation and nerve function being restored or freed from tension will result in intense feeling and response. Different points will be felt in different places, some of them surprising. Radiating sensation down limbs or up the torso are common, and indicate the body's meridians are back functioning again.

Once basic exploring and mapping have taken place, the masseur-activator begins working on the recipient's lower abdomen, from just above the navel. Work your way downward, from the lower belly and pubic mound, out to the hips, an the outer part of the hips and legs. Work your way up back to the pubic mound, and then into the groin and inner legs. Work your way to the fold where the leg and the buttocks connect, and then up the central fold of the buttocks to where the coccyx is. Work straight up the spine from this point, radiating out only for the top of the buttock/ hips are, and the sacral disc. Work your way up the spine the place where the spine and the skull connect, and then back to the shoulders, over the shoulders, and down into the central chest. The whole time you are working, work with each trigger point, and keep in contact with the recipient's body. You are working with and to stimulate the neural, circulatory, and limbic systems.

The recipient should get an erection from the work being done, and that is wanted. The erection should be of the calm kind, as the body relaxes and feels and flows again. Do not begin direct stimulation of the penis to reach orgasm until you are done with the rest of the body.

If this seems too vague or general, it is because using words to describe what is a very human and tangible thing is quite useless. This is an outline/ guideline, and I encourage you to explore and play on each other's bodies. The more you do, the easier and better you will understand each other, and know what you are doing with this.

Even though an activation of CHIC'CHAN may be only one time, but the maintenance of it is an ongoing process, a continuing work. Not only will continued bodywork be a part of this, but a conscious change of life, and conscious
disciplines will be needed as well.

“The phallus is the source of all pleasure. It is the sole means of obtaining earthly pleasure and salvation in the heavens. By looking at it, touching it, and meditating on it, living beings are capable of freeing themselves from the cycle of future lives. He who focuses on and prays with the phallus will be as a god, he will not be harmed, his presence shall live forever.” - Shiva Purana, section 1.9
(translated by Alain Danielou)


 To work properly, CHIC'CHAN needs specific energies and mindframes to be present. One must be totally at peace and tuned into his environment, and must clear his head of all non-sacred things. CHIC'CHAN, like PAJ'E is sacred, and should be done in a mindfully sacred place and time. There must be no objectification, fetishization, or GUACACIQ (powerlust) present. This would exclude the use of pornography or other commercially-produced imperial erotic images, as they produce a focal point, which becomes a fixation. If images are needed, it is best to use one's imagination, avoiding fixating on a body part or article of clothing or activity. The CHIC'CHAN practitioner should be getting aroused and getting off on the Creation and the CREATOR, NOT on some distracting fluff. The best way this can be shortened into a slogan is: “Get Up And Get Off With God”.
 "Get Up and Get Off With God" is easier than it sounds. The Creator made you, and made your eroticism and feelings. That erection you have is a gift, it is a sacred link back to the Cosmos, so treasure it, take care of it, celebrate it properly. This includes avoiding using drugs and alcohol during eroticism, and not engaging in penetration of any kind. It also means staying focused on your feelings and the beauty before you, and not being distracted by a fetish or objectification of a person or object. To do so is to surrender focus, and that will prevent CHIC'CHAN from occurring. Be in the presence of the creation, flow in it, and experience it, with no limitations or worries. When you begin to put stipulations and limitations on CHIC'CHAN, it will leave. Don't worry about looks or making an impression, or about performance. Sometimes CHIC'CHAN will take an hour to reach orgasm, sometimes a few minutes, sometimes it won't occur at all- DON'T FORCE IT- LET IT FLOW. Correctly practiced CHIC'CHAN will be a conscious, meditative, and mindful experience, focused on the Glory of the Creation.
   One also has to be careful of the energies present while practicing CHIC'CHAN, which is why, until it is mastered by oneself, it should be done solitary, and not with a partner. When CHIC'CHAN has been mastered, and a partner (or partners) are being included, there must NEVER be penetration, as it is a destruction of energy. The Ritual of the Bacabs explains penetration- which includes oral, vaginal, and anal- as “eating”, and a consuming of the energies present.  Penetration is an insertion and focusing of energy into another human, and NOT about and into the Creation. Penetration CANNOT be done without objectification and dominance (ie. "I'm gonna fuck you good"), so it intrinsically excludes CHIC'CHAN when it occurs. Penetration and CHIC'CHAN CANNOT exist together. Frottage and PAJ'E are stimulus, but do not devour the CHIC'CHAN, so they are safe.
     Both of these principles are present in not only NiTaino, Owasco, and Maya cultures, but globally as well. The Norse Viking cultures have stories where two deities have used transvestite trickery to humiliate each other, and the insult “to pull the drum like a woman” is used. We also have the monotheist Leviticus, which states: “One shall not lie with a man as you would a woman”. All in all, proper CHIC'CHAN activity can be guided by the statement: “Don't make your bro your bitch”. As always, it is about consciousness, respect, honor, dignity, and equality. CHIC'CHAN is about HABUK'E, or weaving between two males, not domination or consumption.
     The Ritual of the Bacabs states that : “All disease, misery, and trouble besetting men starts with the women”. If a non-male is present, the CHIC'CHAN is impossible. In the Itiban system of reproduction,  the consumption of the CHIC'CHAN during vaginal sex sometimes results in an offspring being produced. Outside of this effect in those wishing to reproduce by the Itiban-era method, erotic contact with non-males should be kept to a minimum. In the traditional male-male Sirioco method of reproduction, there is no penetration or energy destruction. SIRIOCO requires proper expression and application of CHIC'CHAN to work, and is rendered impossible to those trapped in imperial and Itiban sexual pathologies and systems. Properly applied CHIC'CHAN renders non-males obsolete.
SIRIOCO is the male-male reproductive system practiced in indigenous peoples before the Itiban contamination. Fossil evidence shows no distinct proof of a bi-gendered species prior to 22,000 BCE. Before that, all the Homo genus skeletons were completely and obviously male. Reproduction in this time was by SIRIOCO, a complex ritual where the two males wove in CHIC'CHAN, and invoked the offspring. Boys were wanted, and unlike the Itiban system, there were no “accidents” or unwanted boys.
 We also need to get some basic truths down in relation to how CHIC'CHAN is gotten, maintained, and cultivated.
Firstly, it must be understood that CHIC'CHAN, much like total masculinity, is not an automatic, instinctual thing. Surely, the wiring and plumbing are inborn, but both need to be actively sought out and cultivated. Both also can only come from experience and contact with other males. Non-males, no matter how well-meaning aren't males, they will never experience very masculine experiences, and therefore are excluded form the masculating mentors pile.
It goes even further with the CHIC'CHAN. Not only can it only be taught by another male, it has to be GIVEN by another male who already has it. There is no other way to activate, get,  and cultivate CHIC'CHAN. Without another male giving it to you, you will never have CHIC'CHAN activated and cultivated properly. And without the CHIC'CHAN activated and maintained, a male is not masculine, he cannot function as a healthy, complete male. He is a feminized eunuch who has only learned some domestic table magic. He will NEVER be autonomous of self-actualized. He will remain an incomplete slave for the rest of his life.
In fact, the Bacabs also speak of the limitations of a boy who has been conceived and carried to term and then is born of a woman as an illness, as opposed to the natural boy being created and born by SIRIOCO. It is stated by the Bacabs that a boy carried by and born from a woman is incomplete, unfinished. He literally needs to cultivate his masculinity to gain it, it is not innate or inborn. Surely, he has the wiring and the plumbing, but they are not activated or functional in any way, shape, or form. This is why so many pre-imperial societies have masculinization and initiation rituals.
The Sambia and Asmat of Papua New Guinea, the Nuba of South Sudan, the Dine of the Southwest North America, and the Yucatec Maya of the Yucatan all have similar processes and rituals like the NiTaino. These rituals and processes correctly find, activate, operate, and cultivate the CHIC'CHAN which has been damaged by continued contact with non-males since before birth.
The basic sequence is activation of physical structures, including neural networks and muscles and plumbing by use of hands-on healing and triggers; the learning of proper controlled focused masculine breathing and energy; a weaving and cultivation of masculine energy; an insemination process, to transmit the masculine heritage in a direct manner; and a continued cultivation and socialization of the masculine. All of these would have been an integral part of a boy's experience and learning in CONUCO. Since we have no CONUCOS, and are deeply averse to any of the ideas, we are limiting ourselves to be broken, emasculated quasimodo slaves for the Eurasian empire and it's seven major religions. Reacquiring and restoring and cultivating your CHIC'CHAN is a PROCESS. You cannot buy a CD-ROM that you listen to in your car (“CHIC'CHAN while you drive- in 2 hours or less!”), nor can you go to a mall and buy it . Nope, the Eurasian empire systems CAN'T DO ANYTHING FOR THIS. The correct CHIC'CHAN masculinization process requires dedication, commitment, discipline, and a willing community of men.

There also needs to be a review of other cultivation of the CHIC'CHAN that doesn't directly deal with the body or spirit proper, but the environment around it that affects them.
In stage one of CHIC'CHAN, it is important to remove problems from one's life on all levels. Are you in a bad job that causes a lot of stress? Are you living somewhere you despise? Are you in a destructive, venomous relationship that is more trouble than it is worth? Then change it! Yes, it will require some dedication, focus, and probably some sacrifice, but in the long run it will pay off nicely. The energy, attention, and focus you are putting into the bad situations will be freed, to then be used for other, more positive, and needed things. There are over 7 BILLION people on Earth, about 3.5 billion of those are other males. You will not and cannot be alone unless you choose to be. No one has power over you unless you give it to them. No one turns you on, you turn you on with your inner fantasy realm, customized to what you like. You can and have lived without someone. Not only did you live fine before you met them, but you will live fine after they are gone as well. When you break the nostalgia and romantic chicanery, and understand you are a complete, whole being, who must enter every relationship as an autonomous, equal partner, then the drama of the romantic tar pits, and the overwhelming false sense of obligation will no longer hinder you.
In stage two of CHIC'CHAN, it is important to approach others as equals, and it is important to interface with your external environment in a realistic, honest, and balanced way.
You exist and are alive, and you have an inherent right to exist and live in relative peace and serenity. It must also be realized that other entities- human and non-human life- have the same basic rights. One must not try and be “lord and master” over everything he encounters, he needs to interact with each in a proper, respectful, balanced way. You are connected to the Creation in just the same way as any other entity, and no entity is the center of the Cosmos. All are equally important, and have a proper place and function, and none is better or more privileged than any other. You do have the right to decide who and what is in your life, as well as what helps you find serenity and comfort. But also realize that there will be times you will be forced out of your comfort zone, and then you will be forced to reconsider and reset boundaries and paradigms, These are bad events, they induce change, and change is good for growth and development.
Once these points are understood, interactions with entities and objects in your near exterior are will be much easier to experience. On the most basic level, nudity, arousal, and sensual or erotic interactions will be in balance.
All erotic partners should be treated as equals, and their pleasure and responses should be just as important as yours. Clear, concise communication and empathy, as well as trust and respect, will be needed to achieve this.
In Stage Three of the CHIC'CHAN, it is required that a male connects into and finds serenity within the Creation, and with his Makers and Creators. By virtue of you having a CHIC'CHAN, you have a direct connection and link into the Creation. We have all been beaten down and discouraged by imperial religions from experiencing this and reaching our full potentials.
The sensations during arousal, erotic play, and then orgasm are quite intense, as these are the times when our bodies are linking to the Creation. This is why it is so important to be cautious on when, where, and with whom we are sharing these moments and activities. An unequal partner or situation- a non-male who can only consume out tonal, or two males with conquest or penetration- will destroy the energies present and disconnect us from the Creation. Stages Two and Three of the CHIC'CHAN should be done either alone, or with someone who equally understands the implications of what is happening, and will actively participate in the shared goals and direction.


All males need an initiation process to allow them to be fully and actively masculinized. The YAU or mentor's role is to activate the CHIC'CHAN as explained above, and to train the student in how to cultivate and actively apply the CHIC'CHAN.
Initiations must be intense, masculizing events, which deal with body, mind, and spirit in real ways. Let us look at the Initiation of Deminan tale from the NiTaino Amatl Turey:


The four natiao, the four Cacicarikans: Deminan, Maquetaurie, Yucahu, and Boinayel, were brought by the Coquis to the Land of Hurukan, the Heart of Heaven, and were left there by themselves. Soon after they were freed from the imprisonment of Itiba Cahubalba's corpse, the four natiao began to walk, to run, and to climb. It was after this that they explored the lands around them.
In pairs of two, Deminan and Boinayel, and Maquetaurie and Yucahu, they went one forward along the roads and paths. It was in this manner, begun in their curiosity, that they explored the realm of the Hurukan, the Heart of Heaven. They traveled, explored, played, and rested unencumbered by anything; in these things they were not bothered.
The four natiao had many explorations and adventures; these exploration and adventures were as numerous as the trees of the rainforest.
In time, the hunger of the four natiao became great, even though they inhaled the fragrances of the flowers and of the boughs within the gardens, there was nothing for them to eat, nothing to sustain them or give them nourishment. The hunger of the four natiao became so great as to immobilize them; they were too hungry to walk, to climb, or to play. All they could do was rest. They sat down by a trunk of a large tree, a tree so tall none of it's branches or leaves could be seen, nor could the roots be seen. It was here that the four natiao rested.
The four natiao began to slumber and dream.
Deminan was the first to awaken, and he did so because he inhaled a fragrance he had never inhaled before. The fragrance made his insides alert, and he found he was even more hungry than before.
Deminan followed the fragrance carried on the wind, until he had crossed the valley, and ascended the ridge there. On the other side of the ridge there was a meadow in a flattened area. Here in the flattened meadow was an old Bayamanaco, cooking cazabe over a fire.
“I am hungry. May I have some of Your food?” Deminan asked.
“Taiguey, Grandson,” Bayamanaco replied, “why are you so hungry, with so many fragrant flowers blooming?”
“Grandfather, I am hungry. May I have some of Your food?”
“This is not My food, as I sustain on the fragrances of the boughs. If you wish some of your food, come here to Me.”
Deminan approached Bayamanaco, and sat beside Him. Bayamanaco moved behind Deminan, and embraced him under the armpits with His left arm. He raised Deminan up, and slid underneath the boy, until his qui-quix was pressed against Deminan's back. The Chic'chan Coatli within Deminan's spine awakened, so with His right hand, Bayamanaco began working Deminan's toon, and held him closely until They had both climaxed. “Qu'yx nohin-tah!!” They cried, and it was done.
“Go awaken Your brothers in this way, and return here. It is then that You shall eat the cazabe.”
Deminan stood, and returned to where His brothers were sleeping. One by one, He embraced them, and woke each one, according to His grandfather's instructions. First He woke Maquetaurie, then Yucahu, then Boinayel. When They all awoke, Deminan announced He had found food to end Their hunger. The Four Guatiao Cacicarikans went to the place Bayamanaco had been, but He was no longer there. The fire still burned brightly, and many stacks of cazabe, so much that the Four Guatiao would never hunger for a long time, were there.
So the Four Guatiao feasted until They were beyond full, and in the warmth of the fire, They rested again, and fell fast asleep.


A long time passed, and the Four Guatiao Cacicarikans rested. The first to rise was Maquetaurie, the second Boinayel, and then Yucahu. They began to stir, and then to play. After a time, They realized Deminan was not yet awake. The Guatiao went over to Him, and touched Him until He woke. Deminan sat up, and let out a cry of pain. He fell over onto His stomach, under the heavy weight of a large turtle-shell that had grown on His back while He slept. He lay there, weeping, while His Guatiao backed away in fear. “What is wrong with Him?” They asked Themselves.
Deminan begged His Guatiao for help, but They were so scared and confused. Finally, it dawned on Maquetaurie to pick up a piece of flint that was on the ground, and to strike at the turtle-shell with it. After several strong blows from the flint in Maquetaurie's powerful hands, the turtle-shell began to crack. After a time, the turtle-shell broke entirely open, and released a great deluge of water. This water covered all of the Land of Hurukan, the Heart of Heaven, to knee-depth and then began to quickly drain. After the water, a large number of carey of different kinds and sizes came out of the broken turtle-shell on Deminan's back. Boinayel took some cazabe bread, mixed it with His semen, and packed the hole in Deminan's back, and the wound healed instantly.

At any time during any stage of CHIC'CHAN, when a male reaches orgasm, he should speak: “QUIX NOHIN' TAH'”. (Pronounced KWEESH no-een TAH)
These are words spoken by the Creators and Makers as they reached orgasm at the Cosmic Creation. We have been instructed to follow their example in the Popol Vuh and Amatl Turey.

The Creation Of The Cosmos

Part One : The Creation


This is the record of how all was quiet; all was at rest in silence and calm, and the vaults of the sky were clear and empty.
There was neither man, nor monkey; no birds, fishes, turtles, crabs, forests, plants, hills or mountains. There were no stars, or planets; there were no stones, crystals, caves, or ravines. There was only the vast expanse of the sky, and in that, the Hurukan, the Heart of Heaven.
There was nothing yet brought together, nothing existed. The only noise in the sky was the Hurukan, the Heart of Heaven.
In the Hurukan, the Heart of Heaven, there was nothing standing; only the calm water, the vast tranquil sea, alone and still, and above the vast tranquil sea was the Hunab-Ku.
There was only stillness in this, the darkness of the cosmic night.
In this Time Before Time, all that existed was in the vast, dark waters. Nothing existed beyond the waters and all that had existed, or would exist, would come from these waters. This deep, tranquil sea was what was, and was what was left of what had been.
The Hunab-Ku, hovering above the great tranquil waters, there the facets of Hunab-Ku were finally visible. Among the facets of the Hunab-Ku were Tzacol (whose name means Creator), Bitol (whose name means Former), Alom (whose name means inside space), Cajalom (whose name means outside space), Tepeu (whose name means Governor), and Gucumatz (whose name means Plumed Serpent).
Tepeu and Gucumatz awoke before the others, and began eating them, so that they would encompass them when they were again mobile and free.
Gucumatz and Tepeu finished encompassing the other facets, and then they were free in the Hurukan, the Heart of Heaven. Tepeu fused to the Hurukan, the Heart of Heaven, to bring It consciousness, It was now awake, It was no longer hollow, vacant and void. Gucumatz fell into the vast, deep, tranquil dark sea.
In the calm and tranquil sea of Hurukan, the Heart of Heaven, there was the Singular Creator, the Forefather; in the water, and surrounded by light. He was hidden from view, He was invisible, for He was hidden under a blanket of bright blue and green feathers, and was therefore called Gucumatz or Yukiyu.
By nature, He was also a great thinker and sage. In this manner the sky existed, also the Heart of Heaven, the dwelling place of the Creators.
Then, Gucumatz climaxed, and convulsed. His seed came together in the darkness, and formed the consciousness and being of Bayamanaco.
Gucumatz and Bayamanaco sat together in the darkness, in that dark night, and talked. They talked then, discussing and debating; They talked until They agreed, and then They united Their words and thoughts.
Then, while They thought, They then new that dawn must break, and that men must appear. Then They planned the Creation, and how the surface of the Earth would rise from the waters, followed by the growth of trees and thickets, then the birth of animal life, and the first walking men. Thus it was arranged in the darkness, in the night by Those Two Who were in the Hurukan, the Heart of Heaven.
Then Gucumatz and Bayamanaco came together; and They loved so that there would be light and dawn, and to complete these thoughts of Creation.
They climaxed, and thus let it be done! “Qu'yx nohin-tah!!”, They cried out, and so it was. In this way were the Earth and the worlds created; they were created in truth, in love, and in light. They did these enchantments with Their Chic'chane'k in their hands, it was by Their love They created this way.
As they cried out, so the Light and Dark separated, and the Presences of the United Hurukan, the Heart of Heaven, and the Opiyelguobiran, Heart of Sorraya, too, separated, and went to Their respective places, to balance the Creation that was beginning. The Two that had been fused as One, were now separate and independent again.
Instantly the Earth was formed. Like a mist, like a cloud or fog, that was the Creation, when the mountains appeared from the water, and instantly the mountains rose up, and separated the waters. The currents of water were divided, and the rivulets ran freely between the hills.
Only by a miracle, by enchantment and love were the mountains and valleys formed; and instantly the groves of trees and shrubs put forth shoots together on the face of the Earth.
Above the Earth was the Vault of Hurukan, the Heart of Heaven, and below the Earth was the Vault of Sorraya, the Land of Xibalba, the Underworld.
At this, the worlds were complete, and Bayamanaco was filled with joy. He exclaimed: “Your coming has been fruitful, Heart of Heaven; You, the Glorious Hurukan!”
Gucumatz answered: “Our work, Our creation, shall now be finished by Our Descendants, Heart of Earth.”
So it was that They made perfect the work, when They did it in love after thinking and meditating on it.


Time passed, and Bayamanaco wandered far and wide among the worlds of Creation. In the vast Creation, He found only the gardens and the waters; He and Gucumatz were alone. They were Turey, but They were alone.
Bayamanaco returned to the Hurukan saddened. “In all of Creation, We are alone. There are none who will praise and worship Us, We have no Descendants. We have no one to teach, and no one who will give Us sustenance.”
Gucumatz agreed that this was so, and then the Heart of Heaven and the Heart of Earth came together in the Hurukan, and created and formed the Tai Turey. They instantly created and formed Their Descendants.
The first of these was Yaya; the second, Baraguabael; and the third, Itiba Cahubalba.
Yaya, who instantly declared Himself Cacique, was very handsome and strong, but was filled with much fiery tonal. When He gazed upon Itiba Cahubalba, He was filled with both anger and arousal. He set upon her at once, beating her with heavy blows, while forcing Himself to climax inside of her. From this union Yayael was birthed instantly. 
Baraguabael found contentment in the water, and from his emission came forth Baibrama, His son.
Baraguabael and Baibrama were in the form of Coquis, and They began to sing loudly in praise of all the glories of the creation.
Their song reached such a clamor that it enraged angry Yaya even more, and He alighted to attack Baraguabael and Baibrama, in order to silence them.
This did not please the Hurukan, the Heart of Heaven, Who was provided for by the love in the songs of the Coquis. The Hurukan, the Heart of Heaven, struck Yaya down, warning Him He would be destroyed if He allowed His rage to overcome Him again.
As a reward for Their praises, the Coquis were made the Turey servants of the Hurukan, the Heart of Heaven, and all of It's descendants.
As so They could continue eternally singing the praises of the Hurukan, the Heart of Heaven, the Coquis created the Tucurs, the nighttime hoot-owls, as Their messengers.
(The Amatl Turey, translated by Joaquin 2 Cacimarex, distributed by Monkey Brothers Playing Worldwide. It will soon be on our sites, available free online.)

When humans are created, Creators and Makers also use the process of masturbation to orgasm to Create humans:
All of the Tai Turey were gathered together in council then, there in the Hurukan, the Heart of Heaven:
There was Hurukan, the Heart of Heaven.
There was Yukiyu, the Heart of Earth.
There was Bayamanaco, Chuch'kahau of the Cacicarikans, Who was also called Itzamna.
There was Yaya, the Grandfather of the Cacicarikans.
There was Yayael, Brother and Father of the Cacicarikans.
There was Baraguabael, King of the Coquis.
There was Baibrama, Lord of Animals and Plants; and son of Baraguabael.
There was Deminan Cacicarikan, Protector and Creator of Mankind, Giver of Life of Man, and Lord of the Wind; Who is also called Tohil, Ehecatl, and Gucamatz.
There was Maquetaurie Cacicarikan, Lord of Death, Lord of Justice; Who is also called Guayaba or Chango.
There was Boinayel Cacicarikan, Lord of the Rains, and Maker of Weather; Who is also called Tlaloc or Chac.
There was Yucahu Cacicarikan, Lord of the Crops, and Lord of Hidden Things; Who is also called Guama or Tezcatlipoca.
There was Opiyelguobiran, Lord of Sorraya, King of Xibalba, and Lord of the Dead.
There was Cineotl, Lord of Maiz; He was the Son of Deminan and Yucahu.
There was Corocote, Lord of Emotions and Love; He was the Son of Deminan and Boinayel.
There was Xochipilli, Lord of Arts and Music; He was the Son of Deminan and Boinayel, and He was attended by Hunbatz and Hunchuen.
There was Urayo, The Avenger; He was Son of Deminan and Maquetaurie.
There was Xeti Aon Coaybay, Who was born from the Carey Shell on Deminan's back, Who is the Sea and the Islands.
There was Camazotz, The Snatch-Bat, and Tormentor of Wrongdoers.
There were Xhunahpu and Xbalanque, the Hero Twins, the First Two Men.
These were the Tai Turey Who were gathered together in council in the Hurukan, the Heart of Heaven.
They had decided that it was time for man to walk the surface of Coaybay Earth. They ordered the yac (puma), the utiu (coyote), the quel (small green parrot), and the hoh (crow) to bring them the ears of maiz that grew from the bones of the Hunahpus.
They then took these ears of maiz, and ground them up. They made the meal into a dough, by mixing it with sea-water. From this dough, they made the limbs of mankind; they fashioned the bodies of man from this dough. Into the men's bodies, Deminan and Boinayel placed Coatli serpents, called Chic'chan, so that they would be quickened by and connected to the Hurukan, the Heart of Heaven. Deminan and Boinayel took the first four men's bodies, and began to enchant them, so they would have life. Deminan produced guanguayo, and coated the men's bodies with it. Boinayel then pierced His foreskin, and marked their bodies with His blood. The Turey Guatiao then breathed life into Their creations, the First Four Men.
Then they placed the men in a cave called Iguanaboina, in a beautiful land called Quiskeya, which was between where the Cacicaricans had come to Coaybay Earth, and where the city of Tulan had been built. In this land, there was abundant yucca and maiz, as well as cacao, zapotes, anonas, jocotes, nantzes, matasanos, and honey, as well as abundant fish, shellfish, and birds. The land truly was beautiful, and provided everything.
These are the names of this first four men who were created from the maiz by the Tai Turey: Balam-Quitze (Sorcerer of Sweet Laughter), Balam-Acab (Sorcerer of the Night), Iqui-Balam (Sorcerer of the Moon), and Mahacutah (Don't Hurry Me).
They were created, they had no human parents on Coaybay Earth. They were the first men of the kind of men like us. They were made by Deminan, and Boinayel, and were brought to life by Their love and his incantations.

The Plumed Serpent Gucumatz is an expression of the CHIC'CHAN, and is the primary Creator. Note that the Creation is in Love, not anger, desperation, or greed.
This kind of story is not unique to the R & K Americanos cultures. They are found in many cultures around the world; indeed, they are a watermark to help the seeker discover which cultures are original and pre-imperial.

In Ancient Egypt, we have the Benben appear in the void, and Atum appears, and straddles the Benben, lays back upside down, and masturbates. As he ejaculates, his semen falls into his mouth and nose. As he spits and sneezes his semen out, the other gods and goddesses form.

In India, we have Shiva astride his Sacred Bull, who stops to rest. Shiva begins masturbating, and as his semen falls onto the ground or into water, it forms other deities, and physical aspects of Creation.

In China, we have the first Tao Immortal masturbating, and with his energies and semen, the other gods and many environments come into existence. The Tao is depicted as a serpentine Leung Dragon.

Among Australian Natives, the Rainbow Serpent begins the Dreaming (as well as makes the barren beginning of our Earth fecund and watered) by self-pleasuring.

This model of Creation holds up even into modern quantum physics- we are told that there are 6 kinds of quarks, and that they are made of a roiling wave-function called quantum foam. This matches exactly the facets of Hunab-Ku present at Creation above- there are six facets, as there are six quarks. The facets are Tzacol, Bitol, Alom, Cajalom, Tepeu, and Gucumatz. The quarks are Up, Down, Top, Bottom, Strange, and Charm (which, amazingly, used to be called the Beauty quark!).


The simple answer is Gucumatz. More precisely, the Return of Gucumatz.

So, why is this all being brought up now, and here? 2012 marks 520 years since the Columbian invasion, the first footfall of Eurasian empire here in the Americas. 52 years is a sacred bundle of time in R & K cultures, called a Baktun. 1492 to 2012 is 10 of these Baktuns, which marks the end of a major cycle, and, according to the actual writings, the end of empire in the Americas and around the world. This is important because these words of hope from the past to our near future are from the same peoples who understood and expressed the Chic'chan that is so important to understanding MBP.

By this point, we have all heard some variant of the Maya and Taino “Prophecies” for 2012. December 21, 2012, Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, and Summer Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere, is the marked “end date” of the Maya Long Count, which started on August 13th, 3114 BCE.
The original, actual “prophecies” have none of the 20th and 21st Century Millennial flair that has been hoisted upon them by the crumbling Western empire. Nowhere do any of the originals mention anything about harmonic convergences, magic crystals, magic crystal skulls, wayward comets, billiard-ball-behaving planets, UFOs, aliens, planetary Rubik's-cubing, runaway asteroids, solar coronal orgasms, nuclear war, Israeli dominance, or invading giant pudding pops.
So what do the sources mentioning the equivalent date of December 21, 2012 say about that day?

“All the kings shall fall, and the men shall walk free on the rounded face of the Xeti Aon Coaybay (biosphere of Earth). Cacibu visits and embraces the men, and the New Creation begins” - Chilam Balam of Utuado

“The kings are all fallen, the katun established at Chichen Itza. The resettlement of the Itza shall take place there. Our Lord Quetzal shall come, the bird will return. Ah Kantenal shall come. Blood-vomit shall come. Kulkulkan shall come with them a second time. It is the Word of the Creator.” - Chilam Balam of Chumayel

“So that he might return from the West, uniting us in hope over our present unhappy plight! This is the fulfilment of the words of Katun 5 Ahau... God grant that the Deliverer Serpent will come save us from our afflictions, who will answer our prayers in Katun 1 Ahau!” - Chilam Balam of Tizimin.

There are three structural lintels- Chichen Itza has 2, and one is in a new find on the Guatemala- Mexico border that also mention the date, and they mimic the Utuado and Chumayel statements closely. Chilam Balam means Jaguar Wisdom, by the way. Utuado, Chumayel, and Tizimin are cities where the books were found.

We are all overwhelmed by our insane world, and we are all suffering inside. I deeply believe that the ancestors knew we were coming, and wrote these instructions down so we could find them, and use them. I truly believe what happens this year is based on what we do, and how we manifest our own sacred masculine, and how we express it. I ain't talking war or revolution with guns or violence, or even political or propaganda campaigns. I am talking internally, by awakening our sacred masculine heritage and Chich'chan inside yourself, and then expressing that in your world around you. Remember the Play It Forward campaign we started. And always remember it's all about LOVE. No more Oppenheimer's Death the Destroyer. Remember, know, live, become the Cosmic Magic of the Monkeys: “I am become LOVE, CREATOR of the COSMOS”. All faiths and cultures that are real teach God is Love. Let us manifest that now, in these crucial moments. Walk in Beautyway, and Love like your life depends on it, because your future and the future of the world most certainly do depend on it.

After yet even more data on the Sacred Masculine, it must be asked again- what is wrong with us today? Why don't/ can't/ won't we rediscover, engage, and live this glorious, powerful masculine heritage? What overwhelming forces compel us to run from what is built into us by our Creator? Why have we allowed our connection to the Divine to be severed? 

The time has come for us to be ready, able, and willing to embrace and become the full masculine glory we were born to be. This end of an age, beginning of a new one should not be feared- it should be celebrated, for whatever the events of December 2012 and the time leading up to it, the new Age of CHIC'CHAN is beginning.
For those who have awakened and are maintaining their CHIC'CHAN, it will be a new dawn, a new day, a new life, indeed.


 Our first image is drawn on manatee skin in a carbon and vegetable ink. It dates from the early 1100's, well before DaVinci, and well before the Eurasian invasion in 1492. The drawing is called the Kingsborough Diagram, and is found (as the earliest copy) in the “Unknown (or Porrua) Codex”. Apparently the independent publisher Porrua in Mexico has the rights for publication of the collected book. Another original manatee-skin copy is in the Yale Rare Manuscript Library in New Haven, Connecticut. Notice the rattlesnake to indicate the penis. It is the most graphic, direct, and striking classic pre-contact depiction of CHIC'CHAN.

The next image is a contour drawing of a hollow Taino effigy vessel in a private collection in New Jersey. It is from western Puerto Rico, unknown date. The original is about 12” high. The fellow is thoroughly enjoying a good PAJ'E:

The next image is Tlaloc-Chac, the rain god of Mexico, as featured in an offering Chac-Mool bowl-altar, as displayed in the American Museum of Natural History in New York City. He is the first thing you see as you enter the Mexico and Central American Peoples Hall

Next we have a clay sculpture of a man inside a serpent's mouth. This is a widespread, quite common Meso-American image. This piece is also in the American Museum of Natural History in NYC. It indicates rebirth through the CHIC'CHAN, and obviously ecstasy is involved. Note the orgasmic expression on the man's face.

Next, we have a manatee bone “spoon” pendant, owned by the Rockefeller family, and on display in the Metropolitan Museum of Art in Manhattan, NYC. It is displayed like this, but rotate it, and you can see what it really is.

Next, from various collections, we have three Taino canteen stirrup pots used to serve liquids. All are from Quiskeya, the Dominican Republic. I will give you one guess which part you drink from.



All the rest of the images here will be from a recently-discovered cave in the north-central part of Quiskeya. National Geographic and NHK TV, Japan have both done articles and features available online.

The first image is of a CHIC'CHAN entity

Next is a group of figures with a CHIC'CHAN Serpent
The fellow on the right is having a grand old time connected to the CHIC'CHAN still depicted over his head.
Next is a depiction of CHIC'CHAN as it's own symbiotic entity

and lastly for now, we have a depiction of two GUATIAOS in proper, balanced CHIC'CHAN play and HABUKU'E weaving
if anyone has any questions, comments, input, stories, or instructions, please feel free to contact me at or
please put the word CHIC'CHAN or MBP in the subject heading, so it will be read.
I can promise a response within 2 days of receipt.

Thanks for reading!

-Joaquin 2 Cacimarex Raymundo, Sewaornock, Manahatouac