Men visiting at the Moment.

Sunday, August 22, 2010


by Joaquin Raymundo Rodriguez

Ayn Rand
Self-image and the self-esteem that results from it are quite important, integral parts of self-realization and self-autonomy. A male has to feel beautiful or “be looking good” in his own mind before he can love himself, and by extension, love others. Before self actualization occurs, he must be entirely at peace with himself, body, mind, and spirit. This includes his sense of beauty about himself. Without this sense of beauty about himself, he will never be rooted in himself correctly, and will never achieve self-actualization or self-autonomy.

The word “beauty” can be simplified to a concept found in the NiTaino languages: “GUAPI'TO”, or “lovely to look at”. The goal, “I am beautiful”, is “NACA GUAPI'TI”, or literally, “I have become beautiful”. This is an important part of the widespread Native American Beautyways, cycles of ritual and prayer that are used for healings and initiations. Basically, if a positive sense of self is not realized, one cannot be recognized as an individual with a will, and is also incapable of being healed.

Those living in Eurasian Eugenic Fempire have been broken down by design, and then denied a sense of natural or correct beauty that would allow a person to be able to find self-image, and therefore prevents them from self-actualizing as an individual. This limits our choices to one: living with a bit of false hope that we can emulate and copy (and therefore become) one of the Eugenic Elite that controls fempire, by living the only way that is offered to us by the Eugenic Elite: the worker-breeder-soldier-unit. If we fulfill Margaret Sanger's and Ayn Rand's dreams of “breeding like good thoroughbreds”, we may just reach the goal of being one of “the Beautiful People”(ie, the Eugenic Elite).

The road to the land of the “Beautiful People” is impossible to reach, even with the surgery and chemicals, or a complete surrender of your sense of self. Being based in the shallow, petty, unstable, insatiable concepts of “beauty” based in the hollowness-hunger of the non-males, it is a no-win situation. Sanger and Rand consistently complain that the models of “Master Race Nordic Perfection” they set forward would take “multiple generations of careful breeding to reach, even when starting with the best livestock”. The Catholic Nazis' Liebensborn program wasn't this particular.

Even when the “perfect man” was achieved by inbreeding, he was to be no more than 15% of the population, as “women were always more inherently beautiful”. A “perfect man's” duty was to “continue to have perfect children to ensure the beauty and perfection would continue”. He was supposed to slave on farms and offices to “support the pivot of civilization, Womanhood, the Fountainhead”. (all of the Eugenics quotes are directly from Margaret Sanger's own writings, Woman and the New Race (1920), and The Pivot of Civilization (1922), both available free as PDF's online. Note one of Rand's nightmarish novels is called the Fountainhead.)

The fempire has subtly and not so subtly hammered these ideals home for over a hundred years. Some obvious by products, outside of the Catholic Nazi (versus “non-Aryans and dissentors), Soviet Jewish (against Junkers and any dissentors), and Israeli Genocides (against non-Khazars), have been the flood of outright propaganda trying to get everyone thinking they are unworthy and imperfect, so that they can be enslaved further. No matter what, no one is beautiful. There is always “one more thing” that can be “fixed” by application of Eugenic Fempire's bag of expensive alchemy: your teeth aren't straight enough or white enough; your hair isn't blonde, thick, and perfect, your penis isn't big enough or hard enough, you're too fat/ skinny; you eyes are the wrong color; you're too hairy/ not hairy enough; you're too tall/ short; your muscles aren't big enough/ not defined enough- whatever it is , you're never good enough. There is always “one more thing to get “fixed”, so you can match the Eugenic Fempire's ideals of a “perfect man”. Even after you have spent a fortune and decades on the makeup, high-fashion wardrobe, surgeries, bleachings, braces, hormones, and workouts- then you are too old, and, according to Mother Margaret: “there comes a time when a man has outlived his usefulness to the Society. He is to then be put down, much like a thoroughbred is when he can no longer run, and is beyond his stud years”. (Pivot of Civilization)

Margaret Sanger Lecturing Nazi KKK
Is this how you want to be viewed, evaluated, and judged, even by yourself?

In the Native Beautyways, the Creators and Makers made everyone unique and beautiful and different. The differences were what made Beauty; everyone had different talents and gifts, and were Beautiful and valuable. Attraction as based on who and what a person was as a whole, body mind and spirit. People and their Beauty were not fetishized on one feature or attribute like the Eugenic Khazar pornographers would lead us to believe.

On the front of the main Monkey Brothers Playing site, I have posted a slogan: “ALL MEN ARE BEAUTIFUL”. I only post things I deem to be true on this site, and I believe it is one of the truest statements I have ever heard. We should also tell ourselves and each other how Beautiful we are. A compliment could be as simple as “you know, you're looking radiant today”, or a compliment to someone who is believing the shit the Eugenic Fempire is telling them. Encourage each other, and love each other. Search for and celebrate each other's Beauty daily. The Eugenic Fempire has no power over you unless you give it to it.

I have gotten through a long essay on Beauty without having once used a term considered the opposite of Beauty. I did so, as I don't feel you can define something properly by using it's negative or opposite. You can only define something on it's own terms. I will still not use that four letter word, but I will post two pictures- one of Margaret Sanger, one of Ayn Rand- and you will instantly know what the word is.

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