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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

More on the Wandervogel and the Havamal by Ruther Skae and JoaquinRaymundo Rodriguez

by Monkey Brothers Playing on 24 Augustus 2010 om 01:33 NM

The Wandevogel began in 1896 as a way for Germanic xi'paals to escape the domesticized, politicized, and imperial world around them.
"Youth was an age for getting to know onesself, and that before entering upon the stress and struggle of adult life, young people needed to withdraw into the wilderness, to acquire inner knowledge. They were not yet ready to decide what leader or party to follow. There was a distinct danger of being captured by a modern Pied Piper, lured to perdition by some spellpinder appealing to vague emotions. Youth ought to be tolerant and respect everyones opinion, so long as it was arrived at in search of truth, and was sincerely held. The supreme good of these young men was sincerity of mind untouched by party strife."- Young Germany, A History of the German Youth Movement by Walter Laqueur.
The mindframe of the Wandervogel matches Monkey Brothers Playing, in thinking that you can't fix society until you have fixed the Individual, so fix the Individual first. Politics and power are useless, and it is only by self-actualization and autonomy that a group of people can live together fairly and sustainable. Alll else is imperial posturing, and will result in suffeing, cruelty, and collapse.
Wandervogel groups had as few as seven, and no more than twenty members, because they felt in a larger group the socialization and bonds were not able to be maintained. Twenty or over, and the group entered a sheeple/ Borg mentality, and self-actualization and individual personality were difficult to form.
Wandervogel ideals originated by seeking the Germanic Spirit, which is deeply rooted and identified in Viking Norse culture. To do this, one needs to go back to the Eddas, and particularly the Havamal, written by Odin himself. Several verses of the Havamal clearly state masculinist, self-actualized ideas, and encompass the idea of the Wandervogel:
47: Young was I once, and Wandered Alone, and nought of the rode I knew. Rich did I feel, when a Comrade I found- For Man is Man's delight"
118- I saw a man whow as wounded sore by an evil woman's word. A lying tongue, his death blow launced, and no word of truth was there.
Many other Havamal verses are guidelines for brotherhood and mannerbund
This is a photo we OWN the original of. It is of a Wandervogel group ca. 1932. This is of one of the last boy's only groups- probably Frei Wandervogel
119- ...If a friend thou hast, whom thou fully wilt trust, then fair to find him off, for brambles grow and waving grass on rarely trodden road
120- ...A good man find, to hold in friendship, and give heed to his healing charms.
121- ...Be never the first to break with thy friend the bond that holds you both, care eats the heart, if thou canst not speak to another all thy thought.
122- ... Exchange of words with a witless ape, thou must never make.
124- ...Mingled is love when a man can speak to another all his thought. Nought is so bad as false to be, no friend speaks only fair.
These are just a few clear examples... Havamal translation by Henry Adams Bellows, from his Poetic Edda.
Also in Norse Viking culture, there was a special strong emphasis on xi'paals, as was in all R and K Atlantic Seastream cultures. The Ulfhedenar, or Werewolves seem to be the xi'paals during the Norse Migration period, when Scandanavia was overpopulated, and the young men were seperated from the established villages. The Ulfhedenar title was literally :"The Skin Changers", a humorous way to honor that the xi'paals were going through puberty, and were growing hair, and their voices were changing.
As in many traditional pre-imperial cultures, the xi'paals formed their own bonds, and lived in their own "pack", like wolves. Ulfhedenar also seem to have been great warriors, and were one of the Norse special forces, along with the Berserkers. This flies in the face of the modern feminized werewolves, who are pouty and exist only to get dumpy middle aged housewives and their larva off... Real Ulfhedenar would have NOTHING to do with females during this period. Homosexuality was referred to as "The German Vice" many times due to their emphasis on male bonding, which is exactly what Hans Bluher pointed out.
Indeed, the word "Sodomite" did not mean "someone form Sodom" until the late 1600's. The word Sodomite's real origin was a Norse Viking bonding ritual, "raising the sod/ bloodbrother ritual", featured in the Saga of the Sworn Brothers. Sworn brotherhood was a core part of all R and K cultures, as it provided strong yet flexible bonds between the men, and a social welfare system that would survive anyhting. This runs from GUATIAO and BLUDBRODERS in classic times, through the Scottish Quaik cups, and up throught he world's first retiree pension system in Prussia in the 1890's. The earmark of a masculinist culture is a shared wealth and social welfare system, as oppossed to a feminized imperial system, where resources are centralized, horded and controlled.
It is a shame, due to the horrible influences and destruction wrought by the Khazars, Zionists, Jesuits, and Feminists, that the most Teutophobic ( literally being afraid of Germanics, and using the Khazar terms, they are self-loathing and self-hating, much because of the work of the Khazars and French to destroy the Germanic people during and after each of the World Wars ) peoples on earth are the Germans themselves -followed closely by the Dutch and the English, also Teutonic peoples. Thank the gods for the Boers and Germanics other places, as there will be hope of a full restoration our their cultural heritage.

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