Men visiting at the Moment.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Toxic imperial masculinity: Str8bro 101

Rape, lies, Confessions, definitely NOT masculine virtues!
Warning: (Explicit pictures ahead)

The ways masculinity is represented in the Empire are sickening and disgusting. For those of us that have discovered the truth like us in MBP or G0Y movements it is completely laughable. I was reading a blog post on a str8bro blog ran by some gurrumiao* called Kevin that blamed us for being a “hate group” no respect for women! I would respond to say yes we don’t give the respect to women to decide our masculinity for us ,we are it, our masculinity are defined by other guys and ourselves, and that women and other types non males got nothing to do with defining us based on the servitude towards non males****!

This fucker (with pun intended) from str8bro declares male rape as a special thing and justifies male hate/violence/rape as part of true masculinity. If you want to see it for yourself see this! .
Basically he quoted the sauna scene" from Neil Labute's, "your friends and neighbours."
Neil Labute wrote a book, Masculinity 101 that str8bro are a huge fan of (and never read) were masculinity are projected in a ‘hyper-imperial’ way. He even goes out calling it "Hyper-masculinity"!!
See the movie here
He would even describe and mark it crucial, the tone and setting as:
“It’s a quiet and intimate all-male space, a sauna in a gym locker room. Labute effectively recreates and produces that sort of lazy, dreamy, and even drunk, heady atmosphere in which seemingly anything can happen. It’s a feeling and an environment that enables men, when they are surrounded only by other men, to find themselves saying and doing things perhaps they never would otherwise.”
We see this as a Holy all male space and time, something that should nurture and build masculinity. In stead the actor are sharing a story from high school were he had a  "special moment" while taking part in a ass-gang-rape of another boy. Here in this movie it gets polluted and becomes profane by the best Xilbalban overlord thinking of male rape and he would go on justifying it! This is so un-male unholy and pro-nonmale.

He went on in the blog post to describe this imperial unholy masculine communion as
“inter-related dynamics that nevertheless also operate in tension with each other: swapping sex stories, but also the bickering, the banter back and forth, trading barbs. Its friendly and familiar, but its also a pissing contest.”
 And I have to give it to him, which it is a great description, of the dessert-dwelling all-male spaces of the empire where COMPITITION are more critical than having FUN with other males!!! A REALITY where there are 1000’s of contrasts that confuse the participants, even for life how they relate to other men! No wonder these days’ guys avoid being naked in front of other guys, no wonder they AVOID showering, using saunas, swimming or playing naked! NO WONDER THE FACT THAT A GUY WITHOUT CLOTHES ARE SEEN AND FEEL LIKE A SEXUAL OBJECT, WHILE THERE ARE NOTHING SEXUAL ABOUT A GUY BEING NAKED!
According to Kevin masculinity are about contrasts. He describe this contrasts as “intimacy to competition and friendship to aggression". This is exactly the pathology that breaks men to worker-breeder-soldier units and makes these guys, not to stand in love and solidarity to other men! A toxic soup prepared by the non males to get guys divided and to be psychologically castrated to the servitude of the non males alone.

This, my dear friend/guatiao are the real thing we have to guard against not to become a victim but rather a victor, Avoid this sick pathology enforced onto us by the Empire that divide us. All men are beautiful and masculinity in all its vibrant variants should be celebrated, physically and emotionally.
FAITH, NO FEAR, COMPASSION, COMMUNICATION, CREATION OF (FRIENDLY TIME AND SPACE), SELF-RESPONSIBILITY AND DISCIPLINE, AND VALOR , should always be present when you find yourself in all male space and time, and go about it having fun!
FALSE masculinity CAN BE IDENTIFIED BY if you feel, fearfulness, irresponsibility, unfaithful in the other guys, there are no clear verbal and non verbal communication and differences between them, there are talk of females and nonmales while you are in a all male-space.
It has to be a celebration of the other guy/guy’s. The other day I heard a guy commenting that “ he love playing with me because I don’t play to win I play to have fun with him. You should not have aggression towards other brother men, "FRIENDLY FIRE' KILL'S TRUST AND ULTIMATELY FRIENDSHIPS!" BAD Aggression should be limited to non males and the empire that divide us, that would cause the question: DO WE HATE WOMEN? The answer is NO! Any women that fit in her natural role as a women, will be applauded and loved by us, but if they want to interfere with masculinity, it’s not their place, and fact is ,THEY DON’T KNOW SHIT ABOUT MASCULINITY, THEY ARE FEMALE NOT MALE!, and have nothing to say or do about masculinity, just the same MEN HAVE NOTHING TO SAY OR DO ABOUT FEMININITY!
If MBP's core values are GUATIAO, GUIARQ, QUIBEY, AND TEKGUIARQ, then sites like str8bro offer men a counterfeit of all these. BROS are not GUATIAOS, they are glorified drinking and JO buddies. They can be best described as GURRUMIAO’s .QUIBEY is destroyed by insisting that our most important relationships must always be with women, and TEKGUIARQ is sullied by heterosexist fixations and pathologies.

Also, "Kevin" doesn't seem to know the difference between aggression/violence and true ENGAGING A BROTHER ON A MASCULINE LEVEL . TRUE male Engagement might seem very aggressive but it is actually a form of ENGAGEMENT. "If a Brother is depressed, engage him" RAPE is not a masculine virtue because it is an act of VIOLENCE on another person. ENGAGEMENT is what makes men love wrestling each other a being outdoors and why little boys can't ever sit still. It's an aspect of Chic'chan.

****For those that don’t know what non males are they are women or men that don’t have masculinity.
GURRUMIAO - a penis-bearer who is obsessed with non-males so much, that it can only attempt to express its humanity, emotions, and caring with a non-male. Is only capable of conquest and domination, so no eroticism is present, only sexuality. It has surrendered it's masculinity to a non-male, as it defined it's masculinity by non-males. If it is not around non-males, it feels it's masculinity is in question. Uncomfortable around and with actual males, so it really isn't masculine at all, even though it thinks itself the epitome of MACQIO (masculinity). Also, CALLED an imperial (straight boy) or STR8BRO.
EYERI- a penis-bearer who is obsessed with non-males so much, that it imprints on them. It surrenders its masculinity willingly, as it wants to be a non-male. The only males it is comfortable being around are those it wants to dominate or those it wants to be dominated by, in a sexual conquest fantasy.
PARIGUAYO- literally, "little bitch". The term refers to anyone who has willingly surrendered their masculinity to or for a non-male. It can be used for any penis-bearer who, through their own choices and actions, has become a non-male.

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