Men visiting at the Moment.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

If A Brother- Paying It Forward Campaign

Greetings, Bronkeys!

It is now December 2011, and Monkey Brothers Playing continues to develop and grow. The world has gone insane, and we will continue to be a stalwart citadel for males wishing to exit the insane ZioFempire paradigms. It is quite difficult at times to stay focused on the positive, and Phlip and I will try our best to keep the blog more positive and nurturing; sure there is plenty of bad, but we must NEVER forget the good at all. Your many submissions have provided me with a deepening realization that the Monkey Consciousness is alive and well, and is so in some unexpected (for me at least) places, including the military! The wonder for me of this site is to see how each Bronkey helps steer and polish the community. I am deeply grateful for all the inspiration and effort put in by each and every Bronkey, be it public or private posts and correspondence.

We have several new Bronkeys as of late, including a former militiaman who lives in a Guatiao trio! (What a Lucky Monkey!) I am honored as always that we can serve you and preserve the safe, sacred, all-male space and time. I want to encourage ALL of you to continue to post ideas, essays, articles, links, and those great and amazing pictures of Bronkeys being Bronkeys. Frequently I sit and stare at the Bronkey Footprints map on the blog. I encourage you to do so, it is quite humbling and amazing. MBP is being read and having an effect GLOBALLY, a fact I still can't wrap my pollywog noggin around. Truly amazing.

So, as we continue to grow and adapt to our Bronkeys wherever they may be, we will be evolving to meet the needs of our community. This will include more chat groups as needed, a re-launched youtube channel (featuring new videos- including those sent in by Bronkeys), and a renovation of the main site.
In the spirit of my culture's 2012 renewal consciousness, the upcoming year will be one of new growth and positive changes- the main site by the end of the renovation will focus less on the ZioFempire, and will focus intensely on the Chic'chan (a whole new section and book are coming- I'm already writing it!), and on aspects of the Old School paradigm in other cultures around the world. We are also going to have videos featuring these images and ideas in other cultures, as seeing is easier than sifting through thousands of words. The first video is being planned, I will visit the Metropolitan Art Museum and the American Museum Of Natural History in New York City, and make a video as I tour their exhibits, highlighting the Chic'chan and Bronkeys in each culture. (If you live near a museum that features artifacts, please do so as well!)

The further I research MBP topics, the deeper and more widespread it goes. Our detractors and deniers have no ground to stand on at this point, their beachhead has shrunk to nothing. The MBP community in Manahatouac is growing in ways I had only dreamed of. Males are tired of the paradigms, and we need the new paradigms of nurturing, creation, and love in place, so as the old one disappears, we are ready. Several churches in Manahatouac have done variants of a “Pay It Forward” campaign. The idea is to encourage politeness and kindness by smiling, holding a door, being patient, etc. I suggest we do a MBP version of this. That's going to require every Bronkey to be the best Bronkey they can be where they are. We are role models and heroes, and we should live to reflect that. Bring that same sense of wonder and acceptance and discovery that you found when you found us to those around you. Challenge the paradigm by living the example of a great Bronkey. Become the change you wish to see- love the males in your life openly, completely, and unconditionally; mentor and nurture the boys in your life; stick together and help support and protect each other; speak truth and be honorable and brave to and for each other; live passionately and create intensely; and be proud of being male. I truly believe by living in ways such as these, we will manifest and accomplish so much more than by trying to fight politically or psychologically. The victory lies in the hearts of men, not in a boardroom or house of government. Always remember: “I am become LOVE, Creator of the Cosmos!” You are sacred, the Creators and Makers made you so; live up to their glory that is in you!

In return, I promise to remain focused on the positive, to encourage, nurture, and share openly with all of you; and I promise to observe and report, but not judge. We need each other's solidarity and support to succeed in this, and make the world safer for EVERYONE, especially our Bronkeys and sons. We can do all of this RIGHT NOW, RIGHT WHERE WE ARE, and BEING EXACTLY WHO WE ARE. Please read the “If A Brother” poem again:
If a Brother is crying, hold and console him
If a Brother is hungry, feed him
If a Brother is depressed, engage him
If a Brother is laughing, ask him to share the joke
If a Brother is cold, cover him
If a Brother is tired, let him sleep
If a Brother is questioning, answer him
If a Brother needs a Brother, be there for him
If a Brother is weak, protect him
If a Brother loves you, love him back
If a Brother is horny, nuzzle and rub him
If a Brother wins, celebrate with him
If a Brother is speaking, listen to him
If a Brother is singing, sing contrapunto for him
If a Brother needs a hug, embrace him
If a Brother is feeling ugly, show him his beauty
If a Brother shares himself, accept him and share back
If a Brother reaches out, reach back for him
If a Brother is angry, let him vent
If a Brother is in pain, ease him
Without Guiarq, Quibey, and Tekguiarq, we males are lost.

Let's live this, everyday. If we do, I am sure the world we live in will get better. I know I am asking a lot, but you have all proven to be amazing, decent, strong men of good character and solid ethics. WE CAN DO THIS!

I'm in. Are you with me?

- JoaquinRaymundo, Sewaornock, Manahatouac.

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