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Wednesday, October 3, 2012

A Bronkey Lost in Marxland

This past Spring and Summer, I was invited by some dear friends here to attend meetings of a group they were forming. I really get along with these people well, and thought, "why not?" The group is EcoSocialist Horizons, and the meetings were part of the Scientific Soul Sessions. Now, I consider myself somewhat of an environmentalist, and as I had said for years, I consider my political view to be tribal Smurf socialism, so I eagerly went to the four meetings held here at my friends' house.What i experienced and heard was quite eye-opening. I will relate the basics of how this all relates to MBP, and why I have such a nasty taste in my mouth. Also notice I no longer use the word "socialist" in any way shape or form to describe myself. I will also refrain in this essay from including any living personalities involved, and simply deal with the problems of Marx and Mutterrecht.

I was raised in the 1970s and 1980s in the USA/EEUU, where we were propagandized whole hog that those goddamn godless commie bastards were a hairsbreadth away from invading us and destroying America. Even as a kid I knew this was paranoid political rhetoric and fantasy, and it was a massive exaggeration. I also knew that outright corporate empire benefited no one except the corporations, and figured that a decent system was probably a mix of the two, like Canada or the Scandinavians have. I had never really read Marx or Engels or any of their source material out of small extracts offered in class. To me, Martin Luther King's words in his "I Have Been To The Mountain Speech" made shortly before he died were a good enough summary for me: " I don't care about your capitalism; I don't care about your communism- because they are the same damn thing: a small group of elites telling everyone else how to live their lives."

So I walked rather blindly (and with open heart and open mind) in trust into these meetings. Rather immediately, problems were evident, and the rift began. Firstly, the writings of Marx were venerated as a sacred text would be by a group of worshipers. Secondly, there was a continual push for matriarchy, and a continual throbbing that males were the problem, and that women were going to save us all. Thirdly, I was told the group was NOT environmentalist, despite the implied "eco" moniker. The four meeting series ended, and I will never return.

So let's look at Marx more closely. Marx's "Ten Planks", published in the “Rheinische Zeitung” (Marx's paper- he was editor and then publisher) are considered to be the distilled essence of Marxism. These were published in 1848, in the ‘the ‘Neue Rheinische Zeitung’:
1) The abolition of the property/ownership of land.
2) Income tax to be graded to income – the more an individual earned, the more they paid. The less you earned, the less you paid.
3) Abolition of all rights of inheritance.
4) The confiscation of all property of immigrants and rebels.
5) The centralization of all credit into the hands of the state by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive economy.
6) Centralization of all means of communication and transport into the hands of the state.
7) The extension of factories and the instrument of production owned by the state. Bringing into cultivation all land not being used that could be and an improvement in the fertility of the soil.
8) The equal obligation of all to work and the establishment of an industrial and agricultural armies.
9) The combination of agriculture and manufacturing industries with the gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country by the more equable distribution of the population over the country.
10) Free education for all children in public schools. The abolition of child labour in factories; an educated child would be better for society in the long term, than a child not educated.

Does any of this seem vaguely familiar? It should- it is exactly the same as Mao Tse Tung's 1960's "Great Leap Forward" that destroyed China and killed millions of people and cause immeasurable suffering. Many of these were also obvious in Stalin's Soviet nightmare gulags. Yay, Marx! Yet another fucked up imperial way to rape and destroy the world! Now before the Marxist apologists start howling- I can simply say read your history. Marx's words are clear and concise, and no matter how hard you spin them, they still say amazingly evil things. Mao and Stalin- the two biggest mass murderers in history- were not aberrations of the Marxist ideals- they were the perfected execution of the dream. That Marxists are not environmentalists- that is obvious by point seven, second sentence. Just go ask a taiga or a bai'ji. Oh, and by the way- as the son of an immigrant- y'all can go fuck yourselves.

So, this leaves the matriarchy and the obsession with sacred females and the demonization of males. Being a male myself, I take umbrage with that concept. I think I'm a pretty good guy, and so are most of the Bronkeys I know. The one matriarchal obsessive apologist in attendance (who is a post-surgical male to female transsexual, now with "terminal cancer"!) even advocated females learning violence to use it against males to achieve domination. My guatiao was there, and can attest to this as well.

Marx and Engels also were quite homophobic. In personal communications, they ridiculed and mocked Karl Heinrich Ulrichs and Jean Baptista von Schweitzer for being "morally deteriorated". That same phrase, along with "abominable", "loathsome", and "degenerate" were publicly used by Engels in his "The Origin of the Family, Private Property, and the State", where he also used the term: "the vice that the Greek men practiced". His and Marx's view of the family was the male as worker-breeder-soldier unit, dominated by a sacred mother/ sainted whore female.

So where did the Khazarian-based Marxist system get so deeply into rabid misandry and twat worship? (Especially since Marx and Engels were males (they had big beards!), and were Jews, which means they were "patriarchal"). The answer is found in Marx and Engels' sources by Johann Jakob Bachofen, who will forever be referenced by me as "John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt- His Name Is My Name Too!", because of a popular children's song here in the USA/EEUU. Please see:

I have rented copies from academic libraries of both Das Mutterrecht and Urreligion in English and German, and have carefully read them cover to cover. John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt- His Name Is My Name Too!' main points are exactly what I heard this summer- females are superior and more important for the virtue of them carrying babies inside of them, and also for the material needs of the mother, that is the engine of a civilized economy. I had to slog through 500 pages of insanity I have never seen the likes of to be able to understand his convoluted and non-existent logic. Apparently it was easier to get published in the old days. Anyway, Bachofen's insanity was initially rejected by Marx and Engels, but when they realized the potential for control, they co-opted it. Bachofen himself was pulling from medieval Italian dyke nun Christine di Pizan. Not so amazingly, the eugenic fempire we discuss on MBP gobbled Bachofen and di Pizan's shit wholeheartedly, and it became the major core of their platform. We will discuss Bachofen and the eugenics fempire in more detail in the next essay.

I also want to say that all of the Marxist regimes- especially Mao, Stalin, and Castro- have treated their Bronkeys horrifically, and have imprisoned and tortured them. So much for being the "great egalitarian social model"

- Joaquin 2 Cacimarex, Seawaornock, Manahatouac

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