I will re-print several passages from the last essay, to remind us of the Native mindframe:
From Savage Harvest: A Tale of Cannibals, Colonialism, and Michael Rockefeller's Tragic Quest for Primitive Art, by Carl Hoffman (2014, William Morrow, Harper/Collins, NYC), we get this description of Tobias Scneebaum's adventure into the wilderness beyond the last outpost of the Peruvian Amazon. Schneebaum had been warned that:
“(there) were uncontacted tribes who bashed the heads of their enemies and attacked any new attempts at contact from outsiders. But Schneebaum had an insatiable curiosity and deep affinity for indigenous people- they didn't scare him. After four days of walking, he spotted a group of men on the banks of the river. Had he been armed, fearful, on edge, or in a big group, who knows what would have happened. But Schneebaum surrendered totally: he shed his clothes and walked naked into their midst. The violent savages' response? They hugged him and touched him and kissed him all over and marveled at him and led him back to their village where he lived for months.”
Jules Henry, writing about the Kaingang tribe of Brazil, in the book: "Jungle People: A Kaingang Tribe of the Highlands of Brazil". 1935/ 1964, Vintage Books, NY, NY.:
"When the children grow up to be young men and women, a strange dichotomy of behavior is noticeable, which is all the more striking because the Kaingang lay no emphasis on such differences. Kaingang young men love to sleep together. At night they call to each other, "Come and lie down here with me, with ME!" Then there is a shifting and squirming so that Nggugn or Waipo or Kanyahe can lie down where he is bidden. In camp one sees the young men caressing. Married and unmarried young men lie cheek by jowl, arms around one another, legs slung across bodies, for all the world like lovers in our own society. Sometimes they lie caressing that way in little knots of three or four. Women NEVER do these things."
"The men like to congregate together, and when the women are in camp they leave them and sit around in groups, weaving baskets, or just talking. They just visit. Like the indiscriminate playing of the children, these caressings, sleeping parties, and gossipings do not follow relationship lines. Whatever may be the specific obligations of cousins or brothers-in-law, they are completely lost sight of in these ephemeral, wholly casual masculine contacts. The basis for a man's loyalty to man has roots in the many warm bodily contacts between them. The violent, annihilating conflicts among men in Kaingang society were all among those who had never shared the languid exchange of caresses on a hot afternoon under the green arched shelter of a house nor lain together night after night under a blanket against the cold. The very transient, unfixed nature of these contacts leaves no ground for jealousy. The relationships built on these hours of lying together with other males bear fruit in the softening of conflicts that are so characteristic of Kaingang society. Indeed, there is a patterned friendship between men that has woven this contact into it's very warp and woof, and that is the friendship of hunting companions. Men who have hunted together day after day, raided the Brazilians together, slept together beside the same fire, under the same blanket, wrapped in each other's arms, hold this relationship above their kinship with their brothers. The consequences for the general integration of Kaingang society are immeasurable."
There are many more books with many similar passages, all on the Native peoples of the tropical Americas, Polynesia, and Australasia. We can clearly state that the natural, normative state of the human male is that of homoerotic and homosocial bonds in a fratrifocal society. This results overall in a society where people of both genders are deeply human, expressive, and free; and where all individuals of adult age are expected to be autonomous and independent, although the society itself is cooperative.
What we find outside of Eurasian Montoheist Mutterrecht Empire (EMME from now on) is the new synthesis Dr. Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. spoke of: one that realizes that people are unique individuals, yet are highly social. In this system, it is not about power and control, it is about the Higher Love, and about the glory of the Creation. It is not bogged down or limited by the political powers of religion, but by the truly spiritual power of the compassion and glory of mankind. Victim mindframe, so prevalent in EMME, is non-existent, as are the common pathologies of EMME: rape, child abuse, violence, hatred, prejudice, fear, and evil. As Dr. King also spoke, “if a man will lie, he will steal. If a man will steal, he will kill.” (Where Do We Go From Here? August 16th, 1967. Closing Keynote of the Southern Christian Leaders Conference, the entire speech is 1 hour 21 minutes. Text: http://www.economicpopulist.org/content/where-do-we-go-here-speech-martin-luther-king-jr-august-16-1967
relevant audio: http://vimeo.com/11154217 )
It seems the very basic human ideals that are so difficult in EMME, and that cost Dr. King his life, are the very thing EMME will assassinate someone to keep from being known or put into effect. Many years before 1968, the Natives were treated the very same way, as we have learned.
This new synthesis is an old one, predating EMME by tens of thousands of years, and is deeply needed if mankind is going to evolve out of the current primitive medieval economics and power structure based on greed and fear. The current system is not exactly totally broken- it works for the elite who control it, which is why they fight so hard to keep it intact. They also work to keep the mass of humanity ignorant and trembling in fear by pumping them full of questionable morals and ethics based on twisted ghost stories the clergy have made up. Marx was wrong about almost everything, but he got one point right: religion and it's trappings are the opiate of the people.
Not to say that the tribal peoples in question don't have belief systems in spirits and the supernatural- indeed, those are a core part of why these people are so human. The difference is that their faith and beliefs are a worldview, not a political platform. Xingu stories of creation and gods are based on the reality of the cosmos, not trying to keep a supreme leader who fucks little kids in power. When these Natives have a problem, and revenge is afoot, they strike once, and surgically, and then the matter rests. There are no blood-debts that require genocide of an entire people or group, there is no Frankfurt Schule Critical Zionist Theory in effect that makes the aggressor the helpless victim by lies and propaganda; simply, there are no Chosen People. All humans are equal, and if someone fucks up, someone smacks them right again. How refreshing from the twisted psychotic kosher nightmare we now live in.
A main problem of EMME is that it relies heavily on ignorance of the body and cosmos, and is entirely based on fear of human interaction, particularly the affectionate and the erotic. Reay Tannahill, in her 1980 book Sex In History, goes into a multi-chapter description of the medieval church's obsession with “sexual sin”. The chapters are too extensive to quote here, but are highly revealing. Using fasting, praying, or just cash payments, “sins” of a sexual nature could be “cleared away”. What were these “sins”? “Having a turgid member”, “having had lascivious thoughts”, “kissing on the mouth”, “touching one's privates”, and many more, or any of the above with or without “emission”.(Lord knows we wouldn't want to stain the carpets).
In case anyone thinks any of this has evolved and changed, it hasn't. Regardless of the Peronist Pope saying “who is he to judge gays”, even he still encourages gays to live “celibately, and for the rest of their lives”. Coming form the leader of a priesthood who fuck little kids en masse, that is kind of ironic. Same goes for the Hasidic Jews- homoerotic members are ostracized and ridiculed. All the EMME faiths have strong “ex-gay” factions, where the official line is being homoerotic is a choice, and can be brought out of someone if they just try hard enough. Just tell the rabbi to bring his dick out of the eight year old boy in mikvah, and watch the brouhaha.
The preference is a choice thing always strikes me like the other great EMME argument, transgenderism. If preference and gender are choices, then none of it should matter. Ask an EMME clergy member to fellate you, and watch the response. (And there can be no crystal meth or narcotics involved. Those are the work of Satan.) Apparently humans aren't so convertible....
It is important for me to talk about where we are and where we have been in such blunt terms, so we can plot a new course for where we are going. Trying to make a new synthesis out of the same old shit doesn't work. Neither does building a house of gemstones on top of a decomposing manure pit.
So let us see what we can learn and apply from our cousins in the tropics. Remember, I am not suggesting anyone runs away to the Orinoco or Amazon, and lives with the Xingu or Korubo. I am also not suggesting you go run away and live naked in the nearest forest (even if it was possible or fun). I am suggesting add ideas and changes into your life, where you are, and watch what happens. GRINDR exists because there are many more like us who are alone and afraid, but they are lemmings, blindly following the leader. We need to be Monkeys Who Lead, and Live By Example. That is how changes occur. EMME has used fear and consensus to enslave and hurt everyone, it is now our time to free the men!
TOUCH: Touch is the primal human connection and communication. Touch can heal and can please. Sharing is also preceded by touch. Touch shows intent quickly.
AFFECTION: Affection is the most basic and needed of all human touch and communication. Our primate relatives engage in it entirely. To not be able to engage in open and free affection means you are hiding something, or are unworthy.
NUDITY: As with affection, nudity is normal and practical. No one is held to an idea of beauty, we are all beautiful. Someone trying to be covered is trying to hide something.
AROUSAL: When it occurs, is understood, and accepted, and is another form of communication. It is not ridiculed or shameful, it is a sign of the vitality of life.
EROTIC PLAY: Much like affection, it is important to bonding. Eroticism is a sacred body function, and is to not be ignored or denied. It is not evil, it is sacred, a connection to Wanadi and the Creation. During erotic play, worship and celebrate the sacred masculine in your partner(s). Do not claim, dominate, or own your partner(s). There should be no penetrative contact (sex) done, unless you are with a non-male, and trying to reproduce. Otherwise, males and non-males should play and weave with their own gender. Males do not penetrate other males. That makes them eyeri, and non-male.*
FAMILIES: Families are those trusted and closest to you, not necessarily genetic. Guatiao bonds between males are the most sacred of all. If a male impregnates a non-male, then he and his Guatiao are the fathers of the baby. This provides better nutrition, protection, and education for the baby. Non-males are in groups with their mothers and female relatives, males are in all-male groups comprised of Guatiaos, extended Guatiaos,or a conuco bond. After weaning, the children live with the groups of their own gender. In areas where family bands are comprised of both genders, separate areas of the shobono or longhouse are used by different groups, and there is a separate communal mens and womens houses.
* Now, this revelation and re-statement of policy is based on the paradigms and behaviors of several actual tribal groups. After the recent dustups over policy statements and idea changes, the sides are more entrenched than ever. I am changing my idea to match that of actual tropical American peoples, not to appease an individual or group with their own agenda. This is no reflection on anyone's individual experiences,politics or ideas. It just simple isn't done in these cultures, and I think it's a good thing. And before anyone asks, while oral stimulation of the penis is done, the semen is not ingested except by certain of the Papua New Guinea peoples (Sambia, and during pubescent initiation rites.). The reasoning is that the guanguayo and the orgasm is sacred, and meant to be an offering, not consumed like food, but is offered to the gods. This is reflected in northern Vedic traditions too, based on the stories of Shiva's soma.
Anybody who wants to start a fight over this or claim victory for the G0ys can go fuck themselves. This is based in real culture, not EMME-based attempts at society.
More to come soon...
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