Men visiting at the Moment.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Touch and the Empire

By  Monkey Brothers Playing 
So I have been in deep meditation the last few days on the this topic: touch. Someone who is a "new monasticism" (read: celibate) follower/ participant said something like "all people need is warm, loving, intimacy with others, and the sexuality and the erotic is fully unneeded...." so, I began thinking

I disagree. I think it is ll about touch, touch between humans and interactive touch. I think that separating the sensual or the erotic is impossible and creates artificial walls that skew the outcome, and set the entire system of interaction way off balance.
I believe that touch is the key, it is how ants in a colony bond together, it is how apes and monkeys keep connected and bonded, and it is very much what empire is terrified of. We are so deprived for touch, that we pay outrageous amounts of money to professionals to "theraputic massage us", and if a salesman slips his hand over our shoulders, it makes a sale of a large object almost inevitable. We are denied touch, especially as men and between men, which breaks us of our humanity. In this context, males are "violent" and "aggressive" not because they are male or because of testosterone, but because they are denied touch, especially from post-toddler. It is a way of breaking a boy into submission as poerful, and way less noticable than molestation.
Also, I really dont think what friction gets you to orgasm is the problem, it is who you are bonding with. So sexuality and eroticism isn't the problem, even in the imperial world, it is the deliberate forbidding of touch, except in approved circumstances. Wifey/girl, infant children, and maybe sports mates, that's it. enough to drive anyone mad and into violence. I think the new monasticiam preacher was onto something, but blew it because he puts the artificial boundary up. When you put up a heavy industrial rules wall witha big NO! on it, you tip the balance on the table, and everything on the board has to tilt to and adapt to the gravity of the wall and the rule, which results in an artificial flowing, usually controlled and to the favor of empire. Last evening, a local skater, 24, came over to get his arm worked on. He had fallen off his skateboard, over some ground ice, and down a flight of steps, onto more concrete in a local park. Relatively unscratched, except for his left elbow. In EEUU/USA, it is typical even for medics to say things like "ok, my hand will be near your groin, i need to do this because...", since we are a broken society of victim mindframes, and touch here is rape... I refused this time, and as I was working on him, he was talking openly, and even helped me by instinctively rolling to let me access the part i was working on.
He hugged me before he left, and told me he loved me, and sent me a fb message to say thanks, he was feeling much better, and the arm swelling had gone down.
So, i truly believe it is all about the touch. I also truly believe that empire only has power over us when we let it; when we dont use it's boundaries or vocabulary, even those most likely to panic don't, as it was never invoked. If we can free ourselves of their paradigms, we can do a greater impact in the world.

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