Today, on the suggestion of a Guatiao, I watched the British television series “Pagans” with Richard Rudgley, especially episode 3, “Band of Brothers”.
The video truly floored me- here was an imperial television show, with imperial scholars featured, speaking truthfully and praisingly about pre-monotheist fratrifocal culture! They even go so far as to delve into the non-romanticized core of the Arthur myth that the empire holds so dearly as a Christian stock and trade. They deal with everything- including male bonding, and semen being used as the base gesso for wode application- openly, honestly, and non-sensationalized. Even the non-male historians seem longing for the old ways and old days. The host openly admits he never bought into the “we're Roman and Christian” bullshit. All this amazing material and presentation, and the most shocking of all- it was made and broadcast in Britain, one of the cores of the current Ziofempire! Simply amazing.
Since the beginning, the fratrifocal core of Monkey Brothers Playing has been attacked and ridiculed, as a modern take on the old boy clubhouse of the “He-Man Woman-Haters Club”. Among the many assinine names and accusations hurled at MBP and fratrifocal social theory, the most constant is that we made it all up, that it never existed, and if it did, it was only among a group of isolated cannibal junglebunnies. So, highly degreed Eurasian scholars trumpeting the fratrifocal roots of Eurasian culture (even the imperial) is quite refreshing. Here there is no Great Mother Goddess, no “all men are rapists”, and certainly no matrifocal/matriarchal power dynamic. There is an intact of sworn foster brothers as powerful warriors and magicians, and living close to the land. They exchange younger males of their lines to form alliances and strengthen their bonds. They live by a code of honor and valor, and are expressive. And, they are WHITE NORTHERN EUROPEANS.
What that last phrase in capital letters does is dissolve the near-universal excuse used to wave off MBP and fratrifocal society as purely masculinist and entirely unworkable: “That's not from people like us, it's not our heritage; we don't do that here. You need to go back to the jungle. Real men simply wouldn't live like that and do those things.”
Really? Watch the video, please- I dare you. I'll wait.
When someone says that, or claims that our ideas are fantasy, what they are REALLY saying is: “I am a domesticated, owned and controlled being, defined by my servitude and being defined by things that are not like me. I have surrendered to my owners, and I want no autonomy.”
Worst of all, they also are saying: “I am unable and unwilling to own and become the full free masculine heritage of my ancestors. In fact, I am afraid of it. I am a feminized, ballless coward, who doesn't deserve the title of male.”
The complete ignorance of natural masculine heritage (yes, even white/Euro ones), the surrender to a controlling feminized elite, and the willingness to continue living enslaved and emasculated are all CHOICES. YOUR choices. YOU decide to continue living like this.
And when you live surrendered, you deserve what you get.
These thoughts began about a week ago, when my hometown held it's annual Alphabet Faggot Parade. I call it that, since it was originally “Gay Pride”, and now has become the LGBITQWXYZ Pride Festival. The 450 pound rollerblading transvestite clown (literally- big red nose ball, rainbow wig, etc.) I interviewed couldn't even tell me what all the letters stood for, or when the letters ballooned into a sentence-long anagram.
In fact, that is a core problem not only of “Gay-alphabet” groups, but in most masculinist or men's groups as well- no one wants to dig into the history to see what everyone was doing pre-empire, pre-monotheism. Everyone seems afraid of what might be there. For those so filled with trepidation, I challenge you- how could the real rooted pre-imperial past be any worse than the current emasculation we are currently living in? If you're reading this, you obviously know somethings wrong with the current model, and you are searching for something else. So why keep yourself tethered and drowning in the feminized imperial stupidity? Is it as simple as “familiarity breeds content?” Really?
You might argue that it is too difficult to escape your current situation, or that you would be ostracized, and you would lose everything. Let me tell you, brotherman- if the society tolerates and encourages repulsive surgical and chemical androgene monsters, it can most certainly deal with a male (or a group of males) not bonding with females and not bending over to be fisted by the elite. And I'm not even speaking of living in a mud hut in a woodland, and not paying taxes or ever stepping foot in a Wal-Mart ever again (Not that those are bad ideas, mind you....). I am speaking of allowing your core being and true natural masculine heritage to be free and thriving. Please re-read the MBP NiTaino Bill of Rights again:
Core Statement
Males need other males for creativity, magic, healing, spirituality,
emotional and physical love, social and environmental interaction.
NiTaino Male's Bill of Rights
1. Right to foreskin.
2. Right to express emotions freely.
3. Right to wander and explore.
4. Right to be curious and play.
5. Right to be unshaven and musky.
6. Right to be naked.
7. Right to have an erection without shame.
8. Right to choose environments and relationships freely.
9. Right to spend quality time with other males without intoxication, competition, or non-males being involved.
10. Right to have close, loving, and caring relationships with other males without interference.
11. Right to a stable, non-imperial, all-male, secure area to play in.
12. Right to have a strong, positive role model/mentor when young, right to be a boy's role model/mentor when older.
13. Right to be in his child's life beyond discipline and economic support.
14. Right to not have his masculinity questioned or defined by an outside source, especially by a non-male.
15. Right to recover traditional ancestral heritage, culture, faith, language, and lifestyle.
I truly am exhausted by the continual whining and excuse-making by guys who keep telling me how they want change in their lives, they want to be free, etc.; and then they continue to ride the rail back into their enslavement in empire. Truly ask yourself- WHAT IS STOPPING YOU FROM ACHIEVING THE FREEDOM, AUTONOMY, AND MASCULINE WHOLENESS YOU WANT?
Chances are, it is probably you.
Now here comes the part where we get hate mail....
So quit using terms that define you as a slave.
Begin using terms that define you as whole, and in your power.
Begin using terms that indicate heritage (ie culture), not a marketing demographic.
Work with others and groups, not for them.
If you have a bonded relationship, allow that you are equals, not owner or owned.
That's why We are not “GAY”
We own our masculinity, We own our lives, "I own me".
We own no one, and no one owns us.
I define me, no one else does
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