Men visiting at the Moment.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

How Monkey Brothers Playing started

To Assume Makes and Ass out of U and Me...

The idea for Monkey Brothers Playing started over 20 years ago, and at the time it was called BrothersWorks. The original goal was to be what is now the Playbook, a practical guide and encouragement for males to celebrate, play, and weave with each other, body mind and spirit. Everything was to be mutual and equal, everything was to be fun and amazing and shared. These core ideas are still the warp-drive core of MBP, and they always will be.

Along that two-decade journey, practical application demanded research and forays into applied sociology, history, comparative culture, and an extensive and painful exploration into empire, as empire was what had ended the natural connections and play between brother-friends in the first place.
The project became more and more an expression of my root culture, the NiTaino, as that culture (and all it's related R&K cultures) had the solution to the empire and it's pathology.
Several editions of a book were printed and distributed (the largest being almost 500 pages), and several years ago, the main site (which is the current “book”) was put up. The facebook and blog followed, and we are now here.
What had been a local and specific-culture project on paper became an international community online. MBP and it's ideas and values resonated in many surprising (at least for me) places, such as RSA, and in India; places I knew of only from geography books and maps. Friends were made online, and now the goings on in Johannesburg or Dehli mean something to me. My life has actually been altered greatly, and I am grateful for it. Apparently MBP has had effect in many of those far-off people and places as well, and I am humbled. I was trying to start repair of fratrifocal here in Manahatouac, and ended up impacting and being impacted from everywhere. It is exhilarating and overwhelming, but well worth it.
I also know that English is an imperial tongue, and that it is not the primary, but secondary language of most people in the world, as well as in the MBP community. English was chosen for the site and affiliations not out of pride or ego of what is the norm in NY, but because it is the most widely used lingua franca. More people will understand English than any other language, a remnant of the colonization and brutality of the British Empire, and now American corporate hegemony.
I have tried my best on the most important material to use “airport language” basic English, and I do correspond with over a dozen Bronkeys in Spanish and Portuguese, and attempts in Afrikaans.
Unfortunately, even with these efforts in place, there is still a comprehension problem- I am believing that it is few Bronkeys are reading the main site all the way through. And recently, that has caused quite a bit of friction.
So, please, I implore you- READ THE MAIN SITE. You may find more than you thought resonates with you, or, you may find less than what you thought does. The main text has not been changed in over a year, it is static at this point, it is canonical.
MBP doesn't hide what it is, or what it believes in. Yes, it is controversial to an imperial viewpoint, but as many can attest, it is a hell of a lot less pathological than what you are raised in, and what you've been doing until now. Scary at first? Very. But well worth the plunge.

I would now like to address several of the recent problems/ concerns directly.

1) MBP stands in direct defiance of ALL Eurasian Monotheism and it's pathologies. This includes Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. We would also include several forms of Vedic and Buddhist traditions as well. These paradigms are all about domination and control, and are all worshiping Moloch, the “ultimate sacrifice”. All of the big religions also widespread systemically abuse and fuck little kids so they can establish power and control. Also, history continues to show that the Molochian religions NEVER go for humanity and the greater good, it is always consumption and destruction, devastation and death. Being the fact that the Molochians run everything else in the world, MBP is and will remain a place free from proselytizing, apologetics, conversion tactics, evangelism, or the like. Being a masculine safe zone, Bronkeys should not be faced with the same oppression and mindviruses they get bombarded with everywhere else.

2) We are NOT a “gay” site. This one is stated on the opening page, and several other places. Apparently, few see it. “Gay” is an artificial agenda and paradigm created by a rabbi in the 1870's, and it means nothing. It is a neurotic marketing demographic, that has been co-opted to be yet another Molochian way to destroy and break men. Homoeroticism DOES NOT equal “gay”. Homoeroticism is the normal, healthy expression of bonding between males, “gay” is a feminizing conquest game. “Gays” are misandic and auto-homophobic, they are afraid to be men, they despise their own masculinity. MBP and Bronkeys thrive on masculinity, and celebrating and sharing with other males. Anal sex, S&M, leather, and the rest of the typical imperial fetishes are “gay”, and are NOT MBP. Again, there are plenty of other places to go if that is your interest- here is not it.

3) Xi'paals- young males between 12 and 26- are the most sacred and treasured thing in MBP and NiTaino culture. They are the future, they are the dynamic backbone of a living, non-imperial culture. They are to be given anything they need to develop correctly and soar; they are to be nurtured, taught, trained, and cared for at all costs. In Molochian empire, xi'paals are seen as a threat to the older males as competition for breeding partners, or a threat to the power of the older males, so they are sent into war as cannon fodder, or beaten into submission. In the “gay” community, “Gays” objectify and eat their own young. A”gay” will use a xi'paal as a sex toy, an object, instead of mentoring and nurturing him. Many times, a “gay” looks at a xi'paal in a bizarre dichotomy- and object so beautiful it must be defiled, soiled, and conquested. And then disposed of and ignored.

A repeating concern that I hear as I work with young males locally is the discomfort and fear that any and all Monkey play will become the “gay” conquest and objectification. Almost every xi'paal I have spoken to has had this concern. They want male contact and nurturing, but are afraid of it due to earlier bad experiences with the “gay” mindframe. So, these xi'paals are being denied their natural masculine heritage and needs so a pathology can get off by playing the hunting game. This stops here, this stops now.

MBP loudly promises to be a safe, secure, all-male space, where no one should feel threatened. This is and must remain an integral core ideal. I have failed so far in this endeavor, and to the xi'paals and those who have been made uncomfortable, I apologize. New policies and ideas will be put into place and into effect quite shortly. MBP will become a troll-free, “gay”-free site, safe for all, including the xi'paals.

Anyone who doesn't like this, please leave now, before I begin the hunt myself. You won't like it, I promise you....

JoaquinRaymundo, Sewaornock, Manahatouac.

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