Men visiting at the Moment.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Masculine violence: A Matter of Life and Death

Here in the EEUU, we are obsessed with violence and physicality, yet we are terrified of intimacy and connection. I suppose this is the legacy of a country forged from the rape and destruction of the indigenous peoples and environments, as well as a country that only keeps it's identity through extremely violent religious and military crusades.

This is shown in many ways- the way we treat animals here, the way we treat the weak, the way we treat our children, and the way we treat our prisoners. We beat and abuse our animals, put our elderly and sick in institutionalized abuse houses, we either ignore or beat and fuck our children, and we torture and experiment on our prisoners. Even in “the noble art of war” do we show our barbarity- we not only torture and sexually abuse prisoners and torture and beat national leaders to death- we film the crimes, and use them for propaganda and porn. Google “Prisoner Saddam in Underwear”, “Saddam's Beheading”, “Abu Ghraib Sex Torture Pictures”, or now “Gaddafi's Last Moments”. Fuck, you can even find a video of Secretary of State Hilary Clinton laughing about Gaddafi- “You saw the video- We came, We saw, He died!” Surely the man was an evil bastard, but why is she such an evil cunt?

Victory and death is not good enough for her?
We are just as neurotic in our daily lives- our arbitrary age-appropriate based movie system (ie: G-All Ages, PG- Parental Guidance, PG-13-Inappropriate for Under 13, R-Restricted- Under 17 Needs Parent or Guardian Present, NC-17- No Children Under 17 Admitted, and X or XXX- Adults Over 21 Only) grants “normal violence” such as war or a cowboy shootout as a PG or PG-13, add “curse words” into it, it is an R- but show a nude male or a penis- R or NC-17 immediately. If the penis is erect, it is an automatic X. I don't know, if I was a parent, I'd much rather have my kid see an erection or people fucking than a disembowelment or murder... but that's just me.
We also are bombarded with video-games and toys that graphically re-create war and graphic violence. From the recent flop “Captain America” to “G.I. Joe” to “Worlds of Warcraft”, we are flooded and drowned- actually brainwashed- by the propaganda of pro-war images and themes. Murder-mystery novels are top sellers, militiamen are looked upon as heroes, and true-crime always thrills and sells.
If you discuss military violence as bad or harmful, you are immediately labeled “anti-American”, “a Commie”, or “a faggot pussy”. But who are the real pussies?
In a relatively internally secure nation with the world's largest per-capita militarized police force, Americans are obsessed with self-protection- be it weapons or martial arts. There is an internalized, very deep paranoia that an unidentified someone or something (Injuns, Nazis, Commies, Taliban, Al-Quaida, Rapists, Murderers, Fatherfuckers, Zombies, the Grinch or the Joker) will suddenly appear and threaten life and limb in an instant, and someone will need to be a superhero. (I'm still kinda hoping that the Green Goblin shows up- his costume is kind of cool...) Survivalist and Paleo mind-frames and ideas abound, yet when faced with a crazed gunman (also a product of this fear and paranoia) actually does go postal and let loose, all of these well-trained, well-equipped douche-bags turn into pangolins, curl up, and cry. No heroism, no bravery, just cowards who cry and just shit their pants.
Amazing, since they have all taken “martial arts” classes from some pudgy middle-aged Jewish or Italian guy in some suburban “dojo”. Absolutely NONE of the “senseis” have ever been or met an Asian person, much less a “master”. It is all a sick moneymaking scam cashing in on the fear of violence from the glorification in the general culture at large. As of late, “MMA” and “Brazilian Jiu Jitsu” have become the latest cash cows. (I need to dis-include the authentic Gracie lineage, and Capoiera, as they have consistently shown themselves to be about weaving and wrestling, and nurturing a person, not just promising to blast through brick walls like a comic book ad.)
In New York, we now have a “real, authentic Shaolin Monk” in a “temple” in NYC, who promises to show you thousands of years of real experience (which would take decades to truly learn and experience) in a short time if you show him enough money. The actual Shaolins are from a sacred mountain in China, and are a fratrifocal warrior-monk group, not an international scam to fleece the tourists. Apparently, they have learned about robbing the round-eyed devils by watching the Vedic child-molesting "godmen" cults that have set up shop here.
So with so few bad guys and so many heroes walking around, one wonders what would happen in such an imbalance. Enter the Fight Club. I have written about this phenomenon before, I call these guys the Kicky-Punchy-Pussy Crew. Desperately needing significant male-male contact, but programmed enough to know unless it is violent and/or a bitch is involved, the sheeple's tongues will be wagging, they turn to violence to satiate their need for male contact, and to impress their eel on how tough they are. It is all nothing more than an insane pathology taken on by a scared little boy so Mommy won't think she raised a pussy-boy. What they also miss is that in Chuck Palaniuk's novel Fight Club, he was showing the futility of the idea, and how insane it really is. The novel is chock full of brilliant ideas and commentary on modern masculinity, including the line: “We are a generation of boys raised by women.”
The Kicky-Punchy-Pussies used to be called the school bullies, and now they are worshiped. We also have more bullying than ever, as KPPB's believe they can belittle someone into ultimate scared perfection, just like them. Even the anti-bullying campaigns are teaching the bruised kids to act like the bullies. Beat them into submission instead of appreciation and nurturing. Just like empire.

In 1945, after almost 8 years working on “the Manhattan Project” in various phases, group leader Julius Robert Oppenheimer and his minions set off the world's first atomic bomb at Alamogordo, New Mexico, in the EEUU desert southwest. The site, interestingly enough, was called Trinity, after an early Spanish Christian mission there, named after the “Holy Family” of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. How appropriate.
The experiment unleashed the Cold War, and a cascade of atomic weapons being stockpiled, enough to destroy the world thousands of times over in less than twenty minutes, and the monsters who built and designed the bomb are considered heroes and patriots, in both scientific and political circles.
Many years after Alamogordo, but before his early death of cancer, Oppenheimer was filmed, giving a recollection of that horrible day: “Some were silent, some wept, some cried, and I thought of the Vedic Scripture, the Bhaghad Gita...(he then misquotes Vishnu, in a version of the story which does not exist)
“I have become Death, Destroyer of Worlds”.”

That's it in a nutshell- that's all of “Western” Eurasian Big-6 Religions Culture in that one sentence:

“I have become Death, Destroyer of Worlds.”

All of their history, wars, politics, murder, rapes, pillage, plunder; all of their science, alchemy, eugenics, technology, medicine, and all of their societal models- all perfectly defined by that one short sentence. It explains their violence, their fears, and why they are so hung up on the parts of basic life cycles- including death.

It is the ultimate goal, the dream achievement everything form their world-vision and creation is going for; it is all completely and totally 100% Moloch. So simply, the Khazarian wizard Oppenheimer spilled the beans, and exposed the core warp drive on the entire empire.

“I have become Death, Destroyer of Worlds”, indeed.

So we here at Monkey Brothers Playing claim to be recovering and reclaiming our total healthy natural masculinities. If this statement is true, we have to not become what Oppenheimer invoked. We need to become human again-nurturing, loving, sentient, playful, healing, intelligent, caring, empathic, creative, expressive, curious- we need to become everything and anything that is not contained in his orgasmic prayer- we need to become ALIVE. To do so, we need to escape the orgy of violence we are steeped in, and that even means abandoning our bully-rag physical fitness junkies the KPPBs. Yes, physical play, physical activity, exercise, stretching, and sports are all a part of it; they are part of play and competition, which are part of enjoyable life experiences. Being healthy and flexible and strong and mobile are all wonderful things- but remember, they are one part of life- the body part- and not all of life as some would have us think. Body, Mind, and Spirit are all equally important, and must all be nurtured, tended, and developed. And no matter how “spiritual” you claim it is, working out or sparring is NOT for the Mind or Spirit. Especially when it is done to prop up a violent masculine caricature.
We need to be in a fully alive, fully activated being and life, Body, Mind, and Spirit. We need a slogan or mantra to help us remember and focus on this, since it is easy to let one third of us override the other two.

And with all the above in mind, I now invoke for all True Monkey Brothers:

“I have become LOVE, CREATOR of the COSMOS.”

That's our mantra, our power chant. Without that, we are just a cheap monkey-fied copy of them. This song, this statement, must resonate throughout EVERYTHING we say, do, and think, if we are to change. No need to fight and protest and attack and hate. The ultimate dynamic power is in this one sentence. Combined with Guiarq, Quibey, and Tekguiarq, Empire and all of it's pathologies can not exist ever again. Inch by inch, row by row, we're gonna make this garden grow.....

Come on, Itza, keep saying it with me, until it feels like it's a part of you; keep saying it until it is automatic, and it flows within you...

“I have become LOVE, CREATOR of the COSMOS.”
“I have become LOVE, CREATOR of the COSMOS.”
“I have become LOVE, CREATOR of the COSMOS.”
“I have become LOVE, CREATOR of the COSMOS.”
“I have become LOVE, CREATOR of the COSMOS.”
“I have become LOVE, CREATOR of the COSMOS.”
“I have become LOVE, CREATOR of the COSMOS.”
“I have become LOVE, CREATOR of the COSMOS.”
“I have become LOVE, CREATOR of the COSMOS.”
“I have become LOVE, CREATOR of the COSMOS.”

Love is all you need......

-Joaquin Raymundo in Sewaornock, Manahatouac.

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