Men visiting at the Moment.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The Serpent That Goes Around the World

It always amazes me how the MBP Band of Bronkeys works. I have shared before of how what was fiercely personal has now become viable, independent, and global, and has taken on amazing, wonderful variants. On the surface, they look like they disagree and collide (or wouldn't be interested) in some very integral details and aspects, but as always, that diversity pulls through, and enriches and strengthens the whole. Recent research and discussions on topics as varied as “God Isn't A White Man” and the sports/violence exchanges, as well as a new Lakota Bronkey sending me wonderful information and perspectives through a series of emails- these have all gone places I wouldn't have thought of or wanted to, but shows everyone is really on the same core root page. The fathers and married Bronkeys are in places I have no direct experience. Caring for my nieces and nephews was childcare, but not fatherhood. These are places MBP needs to go, and not just philosophically.
For me, I am honored and in awe that our very fundamentalist Christian Bronkeys would be so open to exploring and discovery on the Father Creator, willing to go beyond the traditional Americanized caricature of the bearded old white guy judging and dominating everything (Which comes from the Greek Zeus anyway, just add lightning bolts...this is from Paul's recent post). As much as you guys have influenced me to re-shape my views based on your deep convictions and love, I see you challenged and willing to listen and look as well; for that I am most grateful. It is all too easy for anyone (Natives included) to get locked into a rote program of regurgitated static cultural or faith dogma, with little or no living, dynamic interaction, weave, or growth. Exploring the diverse Creation is in itself the best way to learn and interface.
For our stalwart Atheist Bronkeys, I have not been lost to some mystic make-believe, I am reveling in the Cosmos, as astronomers and physicists and multiple tribal cultures have done throughout the millenia. If you speak to a particle physicist, you begin to see them for what they truly are- warrior-monks of the Quark Consciousness. They don't believe in a god, per se, but they wallow in the glory of what is here, no matter how it got here. Personally, I'm a guy who follows butterflies and gets mesmerized by sunsets or a clear dark starry sky. The times I have watched the quarks play in a bubble chamber were transcendental. I must disclose here that I was an atheist from the time my mom got sick, even before my excommunication, even during my early cultural training. I looked at the “gods” as different terms to explain scientific phenomenon, an alternative to the stuffy Greek and Latin pompous phrases. I LOVE science, everything has to have a logical explanation and reason, even if we can't figure it out yet. Mr. Spock is a major hero for me. As I got older, and began to look into both Quantum and my own culture, I started to see patterns and similarities in both, which would seem to back my theory up.
Then there come the moments when the Creation backhands you, and you realize you are no longer in the realm of the mechanical. This wasn't just about not being able to explain, this was an experience and understanding that transcended. So yes, I personally believe in the Creators and Makers, a set of masculine force/entities that are beneficial and nurturing. But I also believe in Quantum, and can explain how that works. So when we have devout Bronkeys and atheist Bronkeys, I understand and respect both views, and all I can hope for is that both sides have the experience and are moved by the other view, as I can tell you that's where it's at. There is a marvelous system in place, a giant cosmic clockworks, which pretty much runs by itself. No deity has to sit and make sure gravity and light work. But why does Titus-Bodes Law work? Random numerical chance? To me, that would be even more scary. The problem comes not in how we perceive, observe, discover, and explain our world, but when we turn it into political dogma, and force others to follow us at gunpoint. Faith and worldview, like culture itself, is highly personal, and can only be developed and earned by experience.

The purpose of this essay is not to apologize or defend or attack or question anyones worldview, or opinions- but to show how truly the same we are, and why that is important. Those personal experiences can and do lead us to the exact same places, no matter where our origin point. A 5-day long 2004 AMTRAK (train) journey from Austin,Texas back to New York I made showed this clearly. On the train were all walks and kinds of people, white and black and Asian, southern and northern, single and families, young and old, different faiths, and different political views (it was a presidential election year), all being expressed and stated strongly and nervously. After the third day trapped in this land rocket with such a tumultuous mix, I realized how we were all the same- we all wanted to get back home, we all wanted a warm dry place to sleep, we wanted some decent food, we missed running water, and as Benjamin Franklin said, “fish and visitors stink after three days”. It was a major experience that allowed me to be more emapthic, more tolerant.

The research some of the xi'paals have shared with me of late proves these ideas even more so. Researching the new Chich'chan stuff even more, finding out if there were other things like it, Chuen found Taoist massage, which pretty much is Chich'chan massage, with the exception that the Taoists are quite anti-orgasm, and believe that the semen should be retained. Let me state loudly, MBP DISAGREES TOTALLY with that concept. Orgasm is sacred, skeeting and ejaculating is very good, and needs to be done. The fact that people should be naked and touching each other, especially and including the abdomen, hips, and groin area, genitals included. When I worked as a licensed massage therapist for a Chiropractor back on Long Island, the asking for the waistband of the pants to be lowered an extra two inches so I could access the bottom of the sacral disc (the “second skull” according to recent research), inevitably the guy would be uncomfortable and say something like “you're not a faggot, right?”. Being that the “lower back” doesn't stop at the waist, but actually includes the entire buttocks region and down to at least the knees, one wonders how we are supposed to heal a body within Victorian-era “decency” rules and it's psychotic fake anatomy.
Stephen posted about a West Coast “masturbation coach” ( who we have no contact with, who in the posted audio, sounds like he is already a great Bronkey. He talks of fully-conscious, full-body masturbation, about taking your time and feeling it. He helps teach ”men of all sexual preferences” how to “be one with and in their body again”.
So, even guys in places where there are no Mayas or Tainos, and no one knows of the concept of or work Chich'chan, the Chich'chan, and the need to work with it and weave with it is becoming apparent.
This masculine spirit serpent was once active and found around the world- especially the “flying rainbow serpents”. Quetzalcoatl, Kulkulkan, Ehecatl, Gucumatz, the Norse Ygdrisil Serpent, the Prussian Sky Serpent, the Australian bill-a-bong-digging Rainbow serpent- these are all examples of the Chich'chan.
What did St. Patrick do? He introduced monotheism, and “drove the serpents out of Ireland”. Why would someone do this? Why are serpents considered evil in monotheism? It seems that the aboriginal people the feminized monotheist missionaries encountered had some presence or understanding that the missionaries did not, and in basic fear, the missionaries destroyed what they couldn't understand- the same reason the second thing the Iberians did was to burn the books of the Americanos. (The first thing was to rape and kill the xi'paals. Gold and forced conversions would come later). One needs to wonder what is inherently missing in monotheism, why they had lost the sacred masculine serpent, and turned it into something evil to be beaten out of a male to make him submissive. Coptic Christians use what we know as the Greek Caduceus as a symbol of authority and wisdom, so perhaps the original sacred masculine serpent presence can be located and re-installed. Jonathan's Sons of Iron is a beginning of that exploration, in my opinion, and I wish him success.

How many other times and places has this tragedy of St. Patrick happened, denying males of their sacred heritage, until now it now only remains as fragments in a few places? But it is renewing, and will soon once again be the Serpent That Goes Around The World. Perhaps the millennial fears for 2012 many are carrying in the zeitgeist is actually heralding an awakening of the Chich'chan around the world. What a glorious moment- both scientific and sacred- that would be!

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