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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Penn State and Leviticus 18:21

It is rare for me to use biblical quotes and references, but on this essay I absolutely must.

For those Bronkeys who do not know, a major college-level American Football franchise has been caught raping and trafficking boys age 10 to 13. The head coach, assistant coach, college president, and several others have been dismissed, charges pending. Credible allegations shed light into a larger ring of the rich and famous donating tens of millions of US dollars to the university to gain access to the boys. The investigations have just begun, and it is going to get much uglier.
We continue to see several of the same names and patterns as we have in previous scandals, each time one or two take the fall, and the rest of the underground society gets away to reform again. Miguel Aquino, the Hershey chocolate dynasty (which runs it's own boy's school), Boys Town, Nebraska, and of course the Jesuits and Catholic Charities.
There are also several big-spender donors who appear on the list. The stories always get dropped suddenly after a while, and reporters who were involved suddenly die or disappear. We also have about 5,000 boys a year “go missing” in North America.
Instead of grisly re-hashing of the crimes and incidences and repeating patterns, though- I'd prefer to focus on the deeper pathologies, the why this happens in the first place. Want more details? Google it. We waste way too much time and space in our lives trying to re-prove stuff that is already rock solid, and if you're too lazy to do your own research, then I am not doing it anymore, unless it is quite obscure.
A first step towards this would be to look at the actions themselves- there is almost always a violation of a trusted, responsible adult; there is fear-induction and threats; there is coercion- whether alcohol or threat of punishment or ostracization; the pschological domination and brutalization; and there is physical domination and penetration soley for the benefit of the perpetrator.
The second step is to listen to the defenses put forward by the perpetrators. Besides the overused: “I was abused, so I must abuse others” (which is unfortunately true in many cases, the damage done is so deep that it reinforces the programming to abuse), we see several ineresting legal wranglings involving the inner workings of modern monotheism, particularly Jadaism and Chrisitanity. I will use arguments used in New York State, when the Lubbavitch Hasidic Jews and the Roman Catholic Church filed a joint lawsuit against the State, to prevent they increase of the statute of limitations for sexual abuse on those younger than 13 from 7 years to 28 years, allowing more time for victims to mature and come forward. Both organizations claimed that the change in the statutes would result in their being driven out of existence by claimants. Nice folks to teach your kids morality, eh?
The first argument they both used was that in the Babylonian Talmud, a girl is legal for sexual activity with an adult at 3 years and a day old, a boy at 9 years and a day old. In light of the Penn State scandal, the preference for 10 and 11 year old boys is recognizable now according to religious law, they are “legal”. Still doesn't solve the prostitiuion and trafficking issue, though.
Here is a link describing the passage in detail: Sex with Children by Talmud Rules

This is tragic, since it cleary states in Leviticus 18:21 :

New International Version (©1984)
"'Do not give any of your children to be sacrificed to Molech, for you must not profane the name of your God. I am the LORD.

So, what the fuck? Moloch is “the ultimate sacrifice”, and demands kids be raped and killed in his name. (Read the rest of Leviticus, or Google what the rituals were). The writers of the Torah knew fucking kids was wrong, indeed, any harm to kids was clearly forbidden. Sometime in the medieval period, some “sages” got it argued it was OK, and now we are in this mess. For those biblical scholars who will suggest the sacrifice was just murder, I require you look in to Cananaite archaeology, particularly the works of Herschel Shanks.
The second argument that the lawsuit used was that Jesus reflected the dominant Greco-Roman pedarastic tradition, which is reflected several times in the Gospel of Mark, particularly the raising of the dead boy, and that self-same boy being “at Jesus' breast” during the Last Supper, and also being the boy who was grabbed by the Roman Centurians and “ran away naked into the night”. A rather serious Christian discussion is at this link: here
original find was from here

Was Jesus a Pederast?

Now, I need to make clear I am not discussing Jewish or Christian thoeology here, or the finer points of those religions. I am simply re-stating what the US court case had submitted as to why a law protecting young kids shouldn't be expanded. Since these two filing groups are religious and systemically fucking little boys, I find their defense quite revealing. If these arguments are truly believed by these organizations, then no wonder thousands of kids are being violated and abused.

What I am proposing here is that Western Empire has ALWAYS been abusive to kids, and has systemically done so for over a thousand years. I believe that it is because the religions it subscribes to are about domination and violence, and that abusing a kid breaks them and makes them controllable. I believe the real core of the state religions is Moloch worship, and that until that changes, kids will be collectible commodities, whether to decorate the dick of an overlord, or to die in the overlord's wars of ego. I also do't believe this is a preference issue, as outside of Jeffery Dahmer and a few others, over 97% of the babyfuckers are happily hetero, married, and have kids of their own, and are “model, upstanding citizens”. Like Milton Hershey.
I also believe that sexual child abuse and exploitation is endemic and pandemic in the modern Western Empire, for whatever reasons.
And now is where the Bronkeys come in- I want ALL of your thoughts, comments, ideas, input, and everything else you got on this. Let us solve the “why” of it, and try and figure out how to cure this. We need to do this for a sacred masculine heritage future, we need to do it for ourselves (especially those of us who were abused), and we need to do it so no more boys will ever be molested again on our watch.
So, this essay is left unfinished for now- WE NEED YOUR INPUT!
Please help solve the why, find solutions, and finish this essay.

Bo ma'tum!

JoaquinRaymundo, Sewaornock, Manahatouac!

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