Men visiting at the Moment.

Monday, December 5, 2011

With Quackademia like this, Who needs Disinformation?

For years we have been told by the Alphabet Faggots (LBGTQWXYZ...) and their “academic establishment” (Gay, Lesbian, Queer, and Trans Studies) that historical data on homoeroticism was hard to come by, as the ruling patriarchy deliberately suppressed, erased, redacted, edited, and destroyed references to such behaviors and ideas. Alphabet Faggot (A&F from now on...) Quackademia claims that after decades of work, they have found the real, hidden history, and they have made a rather large industry out of publishing these sacred fragments with loads of their own commentary over-explaining just why these shards are so needed and so important today. To me this is amazing, as I only find real material on homoeroticism in history from very real, classic historical tomes and artwork- never from the A&F sources. Now, what I have found in classic history and art is that those are the best sources for real data and perspectives on homoerotic paradigms in history. I have found that sources made previous to 1900 are loaded with references and data on Bronkeys in history, and their playing and lives.
These resources are not of the scandalous out-of-context outing attempts on historical figures, like the Abraham Lincoln-James Speed argument. For those who don't know, Lincoln and Speed shared an apartment and a bed above their law office in Springfield, Illinois, until Lincoln got married to Mary Todd. Who knew Honest Abe could have triggered so many gay fantasy fan fiction! In the 1800's, there was no central heating, and even soldiers slept 2 or 3 to a bed to keep warm for the colder months of the year. Both men were novice lawyers, and had little money at the time. Both men later married and reproduced, and had illustrious careers. Did Abe and Jimmy ever jerk each other off? Who cares? Even if they did, how could that possibly matter or validate or save someone today, 170 plus years later? This is but one example of how A&F Quackademics push an agenda not based in reality.

Pete Sigal is one of these characters- he is considered the “sexpert” on the Maya and other pre-contact Native American tribes. Sigal is a Khazar scholar, last seen at California State University, Los Angeles.
He writes and edits 400-page-plus volumes on fragments of conquistador church documents, bits of arcane Maya poetry (most quite horribly mistranslated), and then oodles of his and his ilk writing modern interpretations of what it meant politically then and now. One of his favorite repeated passages is an alleged older nobleman asking a xi'paal is he can smell the seat of his pants, which Sigal uses to construct an easily deconstructed fantasy of systemic pederasty in classic Maya culture. Never once does Sigal and crew ever speak to a modern Native or native-speaker of the language in question. Never once does Sigal ask Dr. Michael Coe, the real expert on all things Maya, as to what the cultural context would have been if the passage was true. In true whining, bitchy fashion, Sigal immediately brandishes his translation of the passage as “proof” that Mayas were pederasts, and loved transgendered people. Sigal has taken a bad translation way out of context, and has glued his own fetishes and demons on top of an ancient root, to validate his own pathologies, and make a career for himself. This is all the typical modus operandi of A&F scholarship. All that is needed is a way to make the alleged Maya pederasts transgenders into holocaust victims, and he would have hit the trifecta, and he would be a Distinguished professor, not an adjunct.
Sigal and his cronies never take into consideration the cave art of Naj Tuunich, which features explicit homoerotic scenes and writing as a form of initiation for the youth, not with the youth as an enslaved barrel-boy hooking his ass out for approval and political power. It is a blessing of Chi'in, the Maya Yayael. Sigal et al never even look at the rest of the book they claim the passage is from- The Ritual of the Bacabs. The Bacabs is a book containing healing instructions, prayers, and other practical rituals. One of them is the acceptance of an apprentice by a mentor who will guide, counsel, and initiate him. The passage Sigal fixates on actually says that if the boy is accepted by the mentor, he will have to give up wearing cloth of his mother's manufacture. The mentor offers a new breech-clout of a material made by male hands to replace the one the boy's mother made for him. It is a sign of the boy leaving his mother, and entering the mentor's masculine sphere of influence. Nowhere does it even closely resemble the twisted skid-mark-sniffing fantasy of Sigal. Also, the word nagauli appears, which is “loincloth”, not “trousers”. Mayas never wore trousers, there were chaps and leggings, but no Eurasian pants. Sigal was describing a night out he had in a college-town bar, not accurate Maya history.
Actual Maya homosociality is extremely open, complex, and widespread. The pattern is a familiar one to readers of MBP: boys left their mother's realm by age 12, were provided older male mentors, whose jobs it were to nurture, protect, and teach the boy (and not rape and use him like monotheist clergy and sports heroes), and grow him into a proper man. Mentors were chosen by the xi'paals from a pool selected by the community at large. The entire Maya society at large was open and really didn't care if two males were lovers or close, indeed, it was expected. The modern word ese to describe a guatiao is Maya in origin. Everything in Mayan society was sacred, and had it's place and context in and for the cosmos.
And that sacredness and cosmic context is exactly what the A&F Quackademics are terrified of, as it disconnects and disqualifies their own pathologies from the pages of history. As long as the past is taken out of context and is profane, they can validate their modern behaviors and interpretations.

The sacred aspect of homoeroticism is exactly what everyone is missing. We have not only the A&Fs to thank for that, but the “liberating feminists” as well. Until the power ladies got involved, homoeroticism was part and parcel of being human. No one around Lincoln and Speed would have thought them “gay”, only modern pathologicals do. It's all about context.
Feminism is inherently misandric and matriarchal, so any male is denied his sacred masculine heritage. We have lived for over 120 years here in the EEUU under feminist domination. In popular culture, it took Edward L. Bernays and his propaganda techniques until the mid-1930s to finally succeed in pathologizing homosocial aspects of human life. Before that, homoeroticism was sacred, and the masculine sacred was EVERYWHERE. It was only after decades of eugenic Zio-fempire efforts that masculinity was demonized and homoeroticism became a pathology.
At this point, I want to suggest two widely distributed books, they are available inexpensively on abebooks or . Most library systems will have copies, and selections are available online, so there are no excuses. The first book is Alain Danielou's The Phallus: Sacred Symbol of Male Creative Power. The current EEUU reprint is by Inner Traditions, but the book dates back to 1962, and there are many versions available, including the French-language original. The second book is The Mystic Rose: A Study of Primitive Marriage and of Primitive Thought in Its Bearing on Marriage by Ernest Crawley, revised by Theodore Besterman, This book dates from 1926 originally, and was widely reprinted though the early 1970's. I also can suggest ANY real history books on Pompeii, Ancient Egyptian mythology, Sparta, Northern India, or on the Amazonian peoples. Many of these are in the resources and booklists on the main MBP website.
The point is not to make your read dusty old books, or to bore you to tears, but to show you the richness and universally present sacred masculine and homoeroticism. It is everywhere, referenced in older histories, and that there is no need for whining, victim-mindframe modern A&F “histories”. The gloriousness of your penis and your liking guys is an ancient human trait, part of the very sacredness installed in you by the Creator!

I myself am quite guilty in getting tangled up in and worrying about Zio-fempire and how to fight it, and obsessing about it. It is hard to do otherwise when we are overwhelmed with atrocities and “news”.
But now we MUST separate from the overload of imperial shitflow, and focus back intensely on our own sacred masculinity. To not do so will be to have surrendered to the fempire. We MUST rediscover and reconnect to our sacred masculinity, immediately. That is what the next essays on the blog and site will be about. We are going to ratchet MBP up a few floors, focusing exclusively on the sacred masculine, and how to connect to it and live it again.
The world will not be short on evils and suffering, but I believe if we are to change it, the change starts with us as individual Bronkeys, and it begins with us becoming wholly masculine and fully sacred again.

-JoaquinRaymundo, Sewaorock, Manahatouac.

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