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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Gucumatz and the Quantum Creation

2012 has been marked as the Return of Gucumatz. But who is Gucumatz, and what importance does He have to us today, and how does it relate to the CHIC'CHAN and Monkey Brothers Playing?
Let us look at the Creation from the Amatl Turey and Popol Vuh:

Part I

This is the record of how all was quiet; all was at rest in silence and calm, and the vaults of the sky were clear and empty.
There was neither man, nor monkey; no birds, fishes, turtles, crabs, forests, plants, hills or mountains. There were no stars, or planets; there were no stones, crystals, caves, or ravines. There was only the vast expanse of the sky, and in that, the Hurukan, the Heart of Heaven.
There was nothing yet brought together, nothing existed. The only noise in the sky was the Hurukan, the Heart of Heaven.
In the Hurukan, the Heart of Heaven, there was nothing standing; only the calm water, the vast tranquil sea, alone and still, and above the vast tranquil sea was the Hunab-Ku.
There was only stillness in this, the darkness of the cosmic night.
In this Time Before Time, all that existed was in the vast, dark waters. Nothing existed beyond the waters and all that had existed, or would exist, would come from these waters. This deep, tranquil sea was what was, and was what was left of what had been.
The Hunab-Ku, hovering above the great tranquil waters, there the facets of Hunab-Ku were finally visible. Among the facets of the Hunab-Ku were Tzacol (whose name means Creator), Bitol (whose name means Former), Alom (whose name means inside space), Cajalom (whose name means outside space), Tepeu (whose name means Governor), and Gucumatz (whose name means Plumed Serpent).
Tepeu and Gucumatz awoke before the others, and began eating them, so that they would encompass them when they were again mobile and free.
Gucumatz and Tepeu finished encompassing the other facets, and then they were free in the Hurukan, the Heart of Heaven. Tepeu fused to the Hurukan, the Heart of Heaven, to bring It consciousness, It was now awake, It was no longer hollow, vacant and void. Gucumatz fell into the vast, deep, tranquil dark sea.
In the calm and tranquil sea of Hurukan, the Heart of Heaven, there was the Singular Creator, the Forefather; in the water, and surrounded by light. He was hidden from view, He was invisible, for He was hidden under a blanket of bright blue and green feathers, and was therefore called Gucumatz or Yukiyu.
By nature, He was also a great thinker and sage. In this manner the sky existed, also the Heart of Heaven, the dwelling place of the Creators.
Then, Gucumatz climaxed, and convulsed. His seed came together in the darkness, and formed the consciousness and being of Bayamanaco.
Gucumatz and Bayamanaco sat together in the darkness, in that dark night, and talked. They talked then, discussing and debating; They talked until They agreed, and then They united Their words and thoughts.
Then, while They thought, They then new that dawn must break, and that men must appear. Then They planned the Creation, and how the surface of the Earth would rise from the waters, followed by the growth of trees and thickets, then the birth of animal life, and the first walking men. Thus it was arranged in the darkness, in the night by Those Two Who were in the Hurukan, the Heart of Heaven.
Then Gucumatz and Bayamanaco came together; and They loved so that there would be light and dawn, and to complete these thoughts of Creation.
They climaxed, and thus let it be done! “Qu'yx nohin-tah!!”, They cried out, and so it was. In this way were the Earth and the worlds created; they were created in truth, in love, and in light. They did these enchantments with Their Chic'chane'k in their hands, it was by Their love They created this way.
As they cried out, so the Light and Dark separated, and the Presences of the United Hurukan, the Heart of Heaven, and the Opiyelguobiran, Heart of Sorraya, too, separated, and went to Their respective places, to balance the Creation that was beginning. The Two that had been fused as One, were now separate and independent again.
Instantly the Earth was formed. Like a mist, like a cloud or fog, that was the Creation, when the mountains appeared from the water, and instantly the mountains rose up, and separated the waters. The currents of water were divided, and the rivulets ran freely between the hills.
Only by a miracle, by enchantment and love were the mountains and valleys formed; and instantly the groves of trees and shrubs put forth shoots together on the face of the Earth.
Above the Earth was the Vault of Hurukan, the Heart of Heaven, and below the Earth was the Vault of Sorraya, the Land of Xibalba, the Underworld.
At this, the worlds were complete, and Bayamanaco was filled with joy. He exclaimed: “Your coming has been fruitful, Heart of Heaven; You, the Glorious Hurukan!”
Gucumatz answered: “Our work, Our creation, shall now be finished by Our Descendants, Heart of Earth.”
So it was that They made perfect the work, when They did it in love after thinking and meditating on it.

Part II

Time passed, and Bayamanaco wandered far and wide among the worlds of Creation. In the vast Creation, He found only the gardens and the waters; He and Gucumatz were alone. They were Turey, but They were alone.
Bayamanaco returned to the Hurukan saddened. “In all of Creation, We are alone. There are none who will praise and worship Us, We have no Descendants. We have no one to teach, and no one who will give Us sustenance.”
Gucumatz agreed that this was so, and then the Heart of Heaven and the Heart of Earth came together in the Hurukan, and created and formed the Tai Turey. They instantly created and formed Their Descendants.
The first of these was Yaya; the second, Baraguabel; and the third, Itiba Cahubalba.
Yaya, who instantly declared Himself Cacique, was very handsome and strong, but was filled with much fiery tonal. When He gazed upon Itiba Cahubalba, He was filled with both anger and arousal. He set upon her at once, beating her with heavy blows, while forcing Himself to climax inside of her. From this union Yayael was birthed instantly.
Baraguabel found contentment in the water, and from his emission came forth Baibrama, His son.
Baraguabel and Baibrama were in the form of Coquis, and They began to sing loudly in praise of all the glories of the creation.
Their song reached such a clamor that it enraged angry Yaya even more, and He alighted to attack Baraguabel and Baibrama, in order to silence them.
This did not please the Hurukan, the Heart of Heaven, Who was provided for by the love in the songs of the Coquis. The Hurukan, the Heart of Heaven, struck Yaya down, warning Him He would be destroyed if He allowed His rage to overcome Him again.
As a reward for Their praises, the Coquis were made the Turey servants of the Hurukan, the Heart of Heaven, and all of It's descendants.
As so They could continue eternally singing the praises of the Hurukan, the Heart of Heaven, the Coquis created the Tucurs, the nighttime hoot-owls, as Their messengers.
(The Amatl Turey, translated by Joaquin 2 Cacimarex, distributed by Monkey Brothers Playing Worldwide. It will soon be on our sites, available free online.)

The Plumed Serpent Gucumatz is an expression of the CHIC'CHAN, and is the primary Creator. Note that the Creation is in Love, not anger, desperation, or greed.
This kind of story is not unique to the R & K Americanos cultures. They are found in many cultures around the world; indeed, they are a watermark to help the seeker discover which cultures are original and pre-imperial.

In Ancient Egypt, we have the Benben appear in the void, and Atum appears, and straddles the Benben, lays back upside down, and masturbates. As he ejaculates, his semen falls into his mouth and nose. As he spits and sneezes his semen out, the other gods and goddesses form.

In India, we have Shiva astride his Sacred Bull, who stops to rest. Shiva begins masturbating, and as his semen falls onto the ground or into water, it forms other deities, and physical aspects of Creation.

In China, we have the first Tao Immortal masturbating, and with his energies and semen, the other gods and many environments come into existence.

Among Australian Natives, the Rainbow Serpent begins the Dreaming (as well as makes the barren beginning of our Earth fecund and watered) by self-pleasuring.

This model of Creation holds up even into modern quantum physics- we are told that there are 6 kinds of quarks, and that they are made of a roiling wave-function called quantum foam. This matches exactly the facets of Hunab-Ku present at Creation above- there are six facets, as there are six quarks. The facets are Tzacol, Bitol, Alom, Cajalom, Tepeu, and Gucumatz. The quarks are Up, Down, Top, Bottom, Strange, and Charm (which, amazingly, used to be called the Beauty quark!).

So, even in a non-cultural, non-faith-based interpretation, The Return of Gucumatz is a real, tangible happening that will greatly effect our world, and will be extremely beneficial and useful to those who have an activated, nurtured CHIC'CHAN.
There is no need to fear the Return of Gucumatz, as it will be nothing but amazing, wonderful, and magical.

-Joaquin 2 Cacimarex, Sewaornock, Manahatouac

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