Men visiting at the Moment.

Saturday, February 11, 2012


Humans are mammals, and mammals are defined by fur and nipples and the ability of those nipples, in the right circumstances, to produce milk. “Mammal” comes from the same root as “mammary”, milk glands.
Only the infants of mammals drink this milk, and after they wean, the milk is relatively useless to the adolescent and adult mammal. Humans and chimps are unique in that they seek the milk of other species as well. Usually, milk is protein and enzyme specific to a particular species.
We humans alone are obsessed with breasts and milk in our adult stages. From the Red Hot Chili Peppers' album “Mothers Milk” to the comedy pop song “Titties and Beer” by Rodney Carrington, we are obsessed with breasts. Girls go for enlargement surgery early, and Dolly Parton even had ribs taken out to make hers seem huger than huge. Breast feeding rights in public have become a flashpoint for feminists, and in New York State, it is legal for females to go topless in public as long as they are not “behaving lewdly”.
I have personally witnessed several five year olds in New Paltz still on the tit, and Michael Franti sings about “a baby boy, he's silky smooth, sucking on his mamma's (another derivative of mammary) milk”. The intention of his phrasing indicated he was going to say “tits”, and he later implies that he, the 40 year old singer, wants to be sucking on those tits, drinking the milk as well. In this song, the infant boy is a “playa”, he got to the tits before Daddy (Franti) did.
Even in the PG-rated Scientology comedy series “Look Who's Talking Now”, tit and milk jokes abound. This fascination, obsession, and malfunction over breasts and breast milk is uniquely western monotheistic fempire; in almost any other society, the obsession would be looked at as infantile, insane, and detrimental.

We western femperials also have an obsession with menstruation and period blood; here it is a valuable magic substance, and is not considered the contaminated waste product that it really is. “Earning your red wings” (ie, having unprotected sex with a female who is on the rag) is an award here; it is in drastic, sharp contrast to the isolation and taboos of almost all non-imperial cultures. I once watched a man who always was calling his co-workers faggots and queers eat one of his girlfriends used tampons in front of a gathered crowd of those same men “to prove he was a man”. He claimed that the rotted blood was “full of hormones, and helped make him more masculine”. (this was at the PathMark supermarket in Holbrook, NY, in 1992, where I was the dairy manager- yet ANOTHER milk reference... :) )
Once one leaves the fever-pitch of pussy-obsessed Moloch-worshipping fempire, we see a completely different ideal and behaviors. A general life-cycle arc for a male would be as follows:
an infant male is breast-fed by his mother from birth until he is weaned, which would be an absolute maximum of 18 months, by which time he would be offered other foods. In Amazonian tribes and Papua New Guinea, the father feeds the nursing baby by either lactating himself (it's not as hard as it seems; the local couvade customs provide a diet conductive to this), or by placing honey (which westerners are terrified of giving to babies) and mashed fruit on his nipples. This takes place particularly if it is a boy- it is considered quite important for the baby boy to absorb the breath, sweat and oils from his dad.
A just-weaned son would receive food cut-up or somewhat pre-masticated from the father, as he learned to eat solid food.
A boy sleeps with his father almost always post-weaning, and if the father is absent, one of the father's Guatiao (“the boy has two fathers”), or another older adult male relative. Upon becoming a somewhat older boy, he begins to sleep with peer-aged males, sometimes in small groups of two or three. This is a time of high affection and sensuality, and the beginnings of the Guatiao bonds.

The theme of being nourished and cared for and loved by males, away from the domestic hearth of the smother, are part of as pattern of weaning not only from the smother's milk, but her control and influence as well. The overall larger pattern is to switch the boy from consuming smother's milk (influence, control, and presence body, mind, and spirit) to the milk of males, which culminates during the insemination/ inmasculating process during masculine initiation. Indigenous tribal societies realize that masculinity must be consciously cultured, nurtured, and encouraged; that it is not an automatic process. They also realize that the longer a boy is steeped in the smother's hearth sphere, the less masculine he will be, and the more easily controlled, which is why fempire encourages males to remain Peter Pan-esque boys who live at home with mom well into their thirties. We are truly a room of thirty-year-old-boys raised by their mothers, which benefits fempire tremendously. It is the next best thing to castration and keeping them in chains.

I mentioned “Lechosos” in the title, which is Spanish for the Milky Ones. In the fantastic Mexican film Y Tu Mama Tambien (And Your Mother Also), two Guatiao (they even depict them playing naked, masturbating together, and swearing life-long loyalty oaths), while running down a list of the same people outside of their bond they have both had erotic contact with, call each other “hermanos lechosos”, “milky brothers”, the milk being their shared semen- think of “sloppy seconds”. They get involved with a dying older MILF, and the relationship is destroyed over her drama and games.

Among the Sambia and Asmat tribes of Papua New Guinea, we see the initiate boys having to “eat the penis” of older xi'paals as part of their initiation. The idea is that semen production and masculinity needs to be jump-started, and by ingesting the “milk” of the older boys, it will replace the feminizing milk from the smother, and they will begin their own semen production from ingesting male milk. While testosterone is not able to be taken usefully orally, androgen is, and the effect may be a hastening of certain puberty traits, so the process is not without scientific merit.

We see in the Pictish and Celtic cultures the initiation of boys including being colored in a natural dye (sometimes even psychotropic wode) by having the dye be mixed with the semen of the adult males guiding him, and then painted on his body, and letting it “soak in” and dry. This same process is used to apply wode to warriors before battle, the glycoproteins in the semen activate the psychotropic effect of the wode, which is applied and absorbed through the skin.

We see among Taoists in northern China prescribed ingestion of semen from another male to attain more Yang energy as a cure for effette and sluggish boys and xi'paals. Yang is considered to be lost easily, and must be cultivated.

Among the traditional Nuba tribe of Southern Sudan, during torso scarification, semen was applied to help the scars heal. (Similar use is found among the Queensland Aboriginals in Australia). The Nuba also separated boys into a wrestling camp, where they are fed a high protein diet, including cow blood, cow milk, meat, fish, and semen of older wrestlers.

The Dine peoples of the SW EEUU use semen during the Night Chants and healings as both a paint base (even as a gesso to apply pollen), and as a nutritive supplement mixed with honey.

In the northern India yogic wrestling camps, bija (Hindi for semen) is used as a sacred offering, or mixed into food as a strengthener.

Compare all of these examples to those of us in modern fempire- we consider our own semen (much less someone else's) as an evil, toxic substance- we wipe it up and off of ourselves as soon as we reach orgasm. It is “dirty”, “messy”, and needs to be gotten rid of. We have been taught incorrectly to fear it by our smothers and female overlords. Many times, even when we have a male erotic partner, it is common to hear: “just don't come on me, ok?” In the EEUU, it has been heavily promoted that semen is the damn near exclusive transmitter of almost every venereal disease, especially HIV, when in reality HIV is a BLOOD infection, and yes, semen can transmit it, it has to be in direct contact with an open, bleeding wound to be contagious. Semen on your hand, even from an HIV+ supplier, will NOT give you HIV. Most homoerotic HIV transmission is due to anal sex, when infected semen is in contact with a ripped and bleeding colon or anal sphincter. (Many times there is drug usage involved as well. This is actually also a major factor, as shown by another major blood-borne disease, Hepatitis C. According to the US Centers for Disease Control, Hepatitis C is NOT transmitted by sexual contact, only by blood-to-blood transmission- sex with a Hepatitis C will not get you infected, shooting up with them will. I deeply suspect HIV works in much the same way. Anal sex, or vaginal sex while the eel is menstruating are probably the biggest methods of transmission of both HIV and Hepatitis C. Either way, please stay safe, and be very careful- I am not advocating random, anonymous sexual/erotic hookups or shooting up heroin or other narcotics. I am discussing an unrealistic fear of semen as a contaminant.)

Semen is made up of various glycoprotiens, the sperm containing the DNA of the donor male, zinc, magnesium, vitamin C, and several complex and simple sugars, and some masculinizing hormones- all in an aqueous solution of slightly briny and alkaline composition. No poisons, no toxins, no caustic chemicals. Smell and taste can vary depending on stress (add cortisol and vasopressin), diet, and chemical usage or illness. Why are we afraid of this innocuous substance?

We are missing out not just on initiatory practices, but for our adult selves as well. Remember that in NiTaino culture, a Guatiao shell and name-exchange is done by two (or more) males ejaculating into a shell together, with the appropriate invocations. When done properly, the two are considered by the community-at-large, as well of the gods, to be of one genetic code, they truly become brothers. As explained on the main site, Guatiaos define NiTaino society, and prevent wars and territorial skirmishes, as well as cooperation, not competition for resources. The same holds true for the Amazonian peoples.

Next time you ejaculate while masturbating, don't be afraid of your semen, experience it! Celebrate it, your sacred male milk. Feel it, smell it, taste it. Spread it over yourself, let it soak in and dry. You could even begin collecting it in a jar, glass, or shell. It is your stuff of life, your genetic code, it is part of you- it is not harmful, it will not hurt you. It starts off as thicker, viscous, and pearly. Given time, ti becomes runny and clear, much like albumen. If it is allowed to dry, it is like golden amber, and then darkens to like a brown wax. If you are with your Guatiao, share it with him, and revel in his as well.

So I will end with these questions- how do you respond to your semen? How do you celebrate it?

- Joaquin 2 Cacimarex, Sewaornock, Manahatouac

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