Men visiting at the Moment.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Realities of the Sacred Androgyne

We hear many times of “two-spirited” shamans from many modern sources, and in classical Eurasian alchemical tradition, the hermaphrodite, or androgyne is shown as the complete person, the ultimate magician. Since these ideas and images are often touted as “evidence” of GLBITQWXYZ, and are almost always not understood in the least, let us examine some aspects of this more closely, to find out exactly their origins, meanings, and applications.

If we remove political and power agendas and gender pathologies, we can look at the androgyne as a balance within a person of the internalized and externalized energies to create self-actualization and foster autonomy. The actual sacred gender energy present will grow on a solid, balanced base of a functioning human. This will be the base definition and watermark I will use in this discussion. Under this definition, one becomes empowered by becoming complete and whole with what they have. A person working within this definition needs nothing or no one to make them complete, they are already whole. They are complete as-is, and need no affectations or gender-changing operations, they go deeper than cosmetics and costumery, as they are connected to the cosmos.

The idea that the individual can be (and already is) complete, whole, sacred, and pro-creative is quite profound, but really quite simple. You might expect that because of it's simplicity, this knowledge would have been widespread, or at least if it is kept as a Sacred Mystery, that it would have been transmitted whole and pure. That unfortunately is not the case. Because of the self-imposed human limitations of politics and gender-identity-expectations, everything has been complicated, contaminated, and ruined. Humans have been taught by other humans that there is a dichotomy of male and female, that both are incomplete, and that they need each other to be whole (as in a married hetero saying: “I have to go ask my better half”). Nothing could be further from the truth! This only occurs when the humanity of someone is replaced by a gender caricature or stereotype. When being human is the base for the actual gender energies, the individual is whole and complete, and the others around them are enrichment and strengthener, not the defining paradigm. Socially, humans love to be together, especially in pairs or trios. But that is a socialization pattern, and wanting to be with people does not make one weak or incomplete- we are pod-forming primates. The idea that your own completion, identity, and power have to come from outside of you is an absolute lie, it is the main problem. That fallacy is enforced by paradigms such as the Wiccan “Great Rite”, the pinnacle of EuroPaganism, which only counts if a male and a female have unprotected, vaginal intercourse. In this case, sacred eroticism is bastardized to break people down and keep them in the control paradigm.

But why is the authentic balanced, autonomous androgyne so hated by the control paradigm? What makes it so dangerous? I will make this as simple as possible- the control paradigm runs as follows: You are broken, incomplete, and need something else to make you whole. If you were complete, whole, and intact, you would be empowered and autonomous, and wouldn't need the prevailing political control paradigm, be it political or religious, and the paradigm would be out of business. The paradigm and it's practitioners will do everything in their power to keep and grow their power. The power paradigm looks for what it considers opposites to form a dichotomy to be promoted . The controllers always need an “other” to be the opposite, and usually the bad guy- the paradigm works on war,so there always must be something to battle: male versus female, black versus white, jew versus gentile, true believers versus infidel, rich versus poor, teetotalers versus intoxicated. In humans, male and female is the easiest, most obvious. So then the control paradigm says that anyone outside of a boy-girl pair is incomplete, and not whole. They promote the Noah syndrome, the male-female pairs, two by two as the social standard. Realizing where this can go, they then promote nuclear pair-bonding, since small pairs scrambling to survive don't form clans and extended families that might fight the reining authority. Trillions of dollars have been spent producing programming (movies, television, music, romance novels, etc) to re-enforce the control paradigm. This only began in earnest during the industrial revolution, as a way to get the populace to be slave workers willingly. If the control paradigm was so natural or truly integral and strong, they wouldn't need to promote it so hard. Also, we are still well within living memory of the time before Edward L. Bernays and his ilk began their crusade to conquer humanity for the overlords.

There are many historically documented bad examples of attempted androgyne, where the balance was not found, and it became a game of gender charades. A great example of this is found during the XVIII Dynasty in Ancient Egypt, with a woman Pharaoh named Hatshepsut. Hatshepsut is depicted as a male, wearing the uraeus, beard, and even has her features flattened to be more masculine. She is rarely depicted as a female, especially as Pharaoh, so to say she was a feminist hero is false- she has to masquerade as a male and deny her femininity to get and keep power. This holds true for many of the other drag-king “heroes” in mythology, such as Mulan (the original story is NOTHING like the Disney version). If, more like the very real Amelia Earhart, Hatshepsut had embraced and celebrated her femininity while doing something considered masculine, then she might have been an example of a powerful androgyne. By being openly a powerful female, Earhart proved her own strength and autonomy, and didn't have to invade and destroy masculine sanctuaries to prove her power. In the EEUU/USA, Title IX requires females to play on male sports teams, and has now been interpreted to mean enforced co-ed locker rooms. It is not so much about equality, as it is about destroying masculine sanctuary and bonding, much like Hashepsut's reign. Earhart wanted to be a woman flier, Hashepsut and Mulan wanted to be a men. That is a big and quite revealing difference.

Eurasian alchemy, begun in the Medieval period and strengthening during the Renaissance and Enlightenment, got the androgyne so tangled up in the gender dichotomy that it still hasn't recovered. The androgyne itself is depicted as a two-headed Siamese-twin creature, with the genitalia and secondary sex-characteristics of male and female included in the creature. Natural world things, such as metals, rocks, animals, and plants, are referred to as the “king and queen”of their kind (Nubian lion as the “King of the Beasts”, Jesus as “King of Kings”), which insanely forces nature and Creation into human-derived gender opposites and a human power structure. Anyone who watches lions on a veldt knows the lions are one of the top predators, and part of a much more complex system, not the sole controllers of it. Not only do we engage in rampant anthropomorphizing, we force things to fit our power structure fetishes. Copper is no more female than an olive baboon is “Queen of the Serengeti”. I don't see a penis on the Sun, or a vagina on the Moon- these are all attributes occurring only in human minds, not in natural reality. The same goes for what are considered male and female traits (outside obvious plumbing) in humans. Is cooking or washing dishes really a female thing? Is being creative and communicating clearly only a female trait? Is compassion and caring only capable with a vagina? These are HUMAN attributes, and we need to free ourselves from the kabbalistic-marian magic to see that again.

The current transgender (trans- across, gender- defined expectations, as in the word “gerund” in grammar) pathologies are quite telling, and reveal a massive problem within “civilized society”. The pathology proves that the stereotypical expectations and roles are fabrications, and are false. We need to be HUMAN, and the paradigms presented do not allow that. A dangerous situation in modern imperial view is someone who has become human again- compassionate, caring, expressive, creative, valorous; in a word, self-actualized. When this human self-actualization is reached, then and only then can the interior workings of balanced masculinity be started. Until then, you will be running on a bad platform, and will be limited in your abilities. To state it more clearly: you must be a balanced, feeling human before you can begin deeper studies of your true deepest sacred masculinity. Otherwise, you are running on a caricature of what masculinity is. You basically need a decent machine to run the real program in, not a hand-held adaption gizmo. A transgendered person is trying to fulfill their humanity properly, but are stuck in the imperial gender caricatures. They suffer by trying to meet the part of the duality of imperial pathology. Surgically and chemically changing plumbing and surface features and playing dress-up will not bring solace, as there will still be no rooted human base for them to thrive on. Humanity is not carried on appendages or wardrobe.

Let us look at a traditional rooted cultural view of the possibility and power of an androgyne. In many of the Creation stories from cultures around the world, we see a very male deity being empowered with the ability to conceive and bear offspring. This is accomplished not by having the figure lose it's masculinity, but by the character being empowered to be able to internally nurture life. The best example of this is the very cock-diesel Deminan Cacibu of the Taino becoming pregnant, and bearing sea turtles in a larger turtle-shell aquarium on his back. He is impregnated by Bayamanaco during an initiation ceremony. When he is “ripe”, his brothers take chunks of flint and break his shell-back open, releasing the water and turtles. Deminan never loses his masculine body structures or his ability to achieve erections or ejaculate. From the Amatl Turey: (Part 1, section IV and V)


Deminan was the first to awaken, and he did so because he inhaled a fragrance he had never inhaled before. The fragrance made his insides alert, and he found he was even more hungry than before.
Deminan followed the fragrance carried on the wind, until he had crossed the valley, and ascended the ridge there. On the other side of the ridge there was a meadow in a flattened area. Here in the flattened meadow was an old Bayamanaco, cooking cazabe over a fire.
“I am hungry. May I have some of Your food?” Deminan asked.
“Taiguey, Grandson,” Bayamanaco replied, “why are you so hungry, with so many fragrant flowers blooming?”
“Grandfather, I am hungry. May I have some of Your food?”
“This is not My food, as I sustain on the fragrances of the boughs. If you wish some of your food, come here to Me.”
Deminan approached Bayamanaco, and sat beside Him. Bayamanaco moved behind Deminan, and embraced him under the armpits with His left arm. He raised Deminan up, and slid underneath the boy, until his qui-quix was pressed against Deminan's back. The Chic'chan Coatli within Deminan's spine awakened, so with His right hand, Bayamanaco began working Deminan's toon, and held him closely until They had both climaxed. “Qu'yx nohin-tah!!” They cried, and it was done.
“Go awaken Your brothers in this way, and return here. It is then that You shall eat the cazabe.”
Deminan stood, and returned to where His brothers were sleeping. One by one, He embraced them, and woke each one, according to His grandfather's instructions. First He woke Maquetaurie, then Yucahu, then Boinayel. When They all awoke, Deminan announced He had found food to end Their hunger. The Four Guatiao Cacicarikans went to the place Bayamanaco had been, but He was no longer there. The fire still burned brightly, and many stacks of cazabe, so much that the Four Guatiao would never hunger for a long time, were there.
So the Four Guatiao feasted until They were beyond full, and in the warmth of the fire, They rested again, and fell fast asleep.


A long time passed, and the Four Guatiao Cacicarikans rested. The first to rise was Maquetaurie, the second Boinayel, and then Yucahu. They began to stir, and then to play. After a time, They realized Deminan was not yet awake. The Guatiao went over to Him, and touched Him until He woke. Deminan sat up, and let out a cry of pain. He fell over onto His stomach, under the heavy weight of a large turtle-shell that had grown on His back while He slept. He lay there, weeping, while His Guatiao backed away in fear. “What is wrong with Him?” They asked Themselves.
Deminan begged His Guatiao for help, but They were so scared and confused. Finally, it dawned on Maquetaurie to pick up a piece of flint that was on the ground, and to strike at the turtle-shell with it. After several strong blows from the flint in Maquetaurie's powerful hands, the turtle-shell began to crack. After a time, the turtle-shell broke entirely open, and released a great deluge of water. This water covered all of the Land of Hurukan, the Heart of Heaven, to knee-depth and then began to quickly drain. After the water, a large number of carey of different kinds and sizes came out of the broken turtle-shell on Deminan's back. Boinayel took some cazabe bread, mixed it with His semen, and packed the hole in Deminan's back, and the wound healed instantly.

We can learn quite a bit from this story. A male who has an activated and cultured CHIC'CHAN is complete and balanced, and is capable of anything. He is the true perfect practical androgyne. And he does so without losing his masculinity, in fact, it is enhanced. He is not becoming a female, he is opening the deepest potentials within his masculinity. We see this among many depictions of leaders and gods in MesoAmerica. Each powerful being is depicted in it's own form, but carrying or surrounded by a serpent “lightning staff”, representing the fusion of their Tonal and their CHIC'CHAN. The Taino and the Yucatan Maya are the best examples of this, although it is widespread.

By becoming whole, we can experience our masculinity in ways that render us complete.

- Joaquin 2 Cacimarex, Sewaornock, Manahatoauc

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