Men visiting at the Moment.

Sunday, February 12, 2012


The above headline is, as of today, fictional. Not that there have not been attempts; the Roman Church and the Lubbavitch have twice sued the State of New York (unsuccessfully so far) to reverse legislation to move the statue of limitations from seven years to twenty-eight years for the rape of a child under the age of 12. In their address to the court, these two unlikely bedfellows argues that if the expansion was allowed, they would both go out of business. I say good riddance to bad garbage.

There are unfortunate precedences, however- Spain's age of consent is currently 12, and Bangladesh is 11 (but homoerotic activity is verboten no matter the age). Of course in India and Burma and Indonesia, the age of consent is whatever the locals want, infant marriages to older people are not uncommon.

The age of consent, or at least what age is sexually mature and willing, has come silently into play again in the EEUU/USA with the Penn State University Football scandal, which seems to have fallen out of the news cycle here way too quickly.

A quick recap for those who might not know as of yet: Penn State is the home of the Lions, an “American football”/ rugby club. They were the “winningest team ever” under the almost 50-year guidance of head coach Joseph Paterno, aka Joey Pa. This collegiant rugby club had corporate backers, and the players were treated like royalty. Hershey Foods Corporation, IBM, Eastman Kodak, Xerox, and Pennzoil poured billions into the program, providing them with a stadium the size of my hometown, as well as gifts for the players, the best equipment, and a life of luxury for the coaches, and an amazing reputation for the college. (For those who do not know, most of the non-coastal EEUU/USA is obsessed with “football”, and along with Jesus, Mom and Wal-Mart, it makes up at least ¾ of the current “American” identity.) That reputation would tarnish a bit when a now-fired assistant coach came forward with some shocking news- the second-in-command coach, Jerry Sandusky, had been seen several times in the main stadium showers with 10 and 11 year old boys (and over a period of over 20 years). On one occasion, he had been seen penetrating the boy from behind, which was the incident reported. Only this assistant coach said anything, players and the myriad of others around who were witnesses never said or reported anything.

When the assistant coach approached Paterno to report what he had just seen on a Wednesday, Paterno waved him off, and decided to not even speak to Sandusky to find out what happened until the following Tuesday, as he “didn't want to ruin anyone's weekend”. The reporting assistant coach also said that as he tried to tell Paterno what had happened, Paterno kept interrupting him, asking him “not to be so filthy about it. Show me some respect.”

When it finally broke publicly, Sandusky was arrested, and two weeks later, a now 85 year-old Paterno was released. State College, PA, and the student body rioted, demanding the release of their pedophile coaches. As more young men and parents came forward, the victims were shouted at, called liars and opportunists. As one now 14-year old's mom said: “My son didn't want to do it, but 'you just don't tell the coach no”. This reminded me of boys who had been abused by clergy, and how their cult-indoctrinated families simply told them: “What can we do son? He's a bishop/ rabbi!”

As the investigation continued, the picture got much more ugly: an interstate NCAA collegiate boy-trafficking ring was uncovered, including major corporations and big schools, and then was suddenly silenced from the public. Before the blackout, several more head coaches were arrested (Syracuse University, NY; Ohio State University; Texas State, Austin; and Poly Prep in Brooklyn, NY), and we learned that the above-mentioned corporations were involved, paying for access to young boys. (The worst of all the offenders is Hershey- not only did they pay the most money in, but their Milton S Hershey boys' school (named after their married, yet never touched his wife eccentric founder) has been rocked for decades by molestation, which the local police were none to afraid to accept large amounts of money to forget all about. Also, Hershey and the Jesuits were main funders and organizers of Sandusky's “Second Mile” charity for underprivileged, minority boys, which is where the young ones came from. Sandusky's wife and lawyers have been no help: Wifey says that “she would have heard someone being raped in her home”, and yet then admits that “Jerry told me NEVER to go in his basement, no matter what”. His lawyer began a TV interview with this defense: “I know this may sound weird, but many 10 to 15 year old boys need to learn how to take a shower and apply soap to all of their bodies, including their genitalia and rectal area, by an older male”. Really now.

What also happened was normal, rational people, who should be against child molestation, rushed to the defense of Paterno and Sandusky, and give long twisted irrationalites trying to defend them and their actions. These platitudes range from :”They are unfairly being tried in the media” to “well, they did a lot of good. Does a little bit of bad erase that?” My only response: ask the boys what they feel. Was it just “a little bit of bad”?

I am not monotheist, I do not believe in Heaven and Hell, or any lake of fire and brimstone; but in the case of Paterno and Sandusky, and all the clergy who hurt and rape kids, I start to entertain the thought of the inferno. Fuck, I was even upset when the captured and beaten Qadaffi was sodomized with an axe-handle right before they killed him. There is a level of human decency that we keep plunging past; and fucking kids is well on the wrong side of that line.

What gets me the most is how two-faced this country (and empire at large) is. We are worried about law and order, we attack already suffering “illegal” immigrants (there are no illegal people, only illegal governments. People are all the same.) in the name of justice, and yet our country always takes the low road- we are cruel and unusual in war, we torture prisoners, we back drug cartels so we can look like we aren't selling drugs globally, we fight “terrorists” yet blindly support the Israeli terror machine, we cry about “saving the children”, and yet we systemically rape them and abuse them, many times in the name of the imperial Mega-God Moloch, and then rabidly defend the baby-fuckers. The same religious boy-rapists then argue and yell that gays are evil, they should go to hell, and gay marriage would bring the end of the empire. It seems the more famous the perpetrator, the more people rush to his defense. Or maybe there is just a different set of rules for the overlords and elite.

So, I have a proposal- let's stop the psychotic double-think. Let's just bring the laws to match what empire really wants, to match what empire really is in it's core. We already have it laid out in the Talmud- girls will be legal at age 3 years and a day, boys at age 8 and a day. Anyone who does it before then will pay a $75 as a tithe, and all will be well. We need to get rid of that sticky Thou Shall Not Kill thingy, too- murder and kill all you want. Torture isn't mentioned in the Bible, so I guess that one is OK. We should televise executions, and maybe mainstream porno could start showing kids getting raped. We can be violent and cruel to each other, and don't forget, it says in the Talmud and in Deuteronomy that you can stone queers to death- that is so much easier than bullying then into killing themselves. Consensual adult homosexuality is such a threat to our very morals and ethics, our very way of life! And following the rules, you can get married to as many people as you want, as long as they are the opposite sex! And don't forget- you still cannot lie, rob, cheat, and steal, 'cause that is the Government's job, and they HATE competition.

Now, if you think all of the last paragraph is absolutely insane, then please reconsider your own deliberate rationalization of the evils and suffering going on. Paterno and Sandusky are evil and twisted, as are the clergy and the corporations who have engaged in consuming and hurting boys. ANY defense of any of these monsters, or their behaviors, is completely unfathomable, and ask yourself why you are trying to defend them. Is it because reality has gotten really ugly and uncomfortable? There is no system or collective image to be preserved, it's all a cheap hologram outside a Vegas strip show.

Please, Bronkeys- let the insanity and imperial programming to defend it end with you. Stand up when you hear people rationalizing, and help them face how bad it is. Someone needs to be there for the next generation, or we truly are all doomed.

- Joaquin 2 Cacimarex in Sewaornock, Manahatoua

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