Men visiting at the Moment.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

What Went Wrong With Your CHIC'CHAN, And How You Can Fix It!

Taiguey, Bronkeys!

Welcome to Part 3 of our discussions on the new CHIC'CHAN paradigm. We're gonna start off rough, get scholarly, and then I need to get personal. Hope you enjoy today's journey with me!

I am an honest man, and I have to be blunt here:
Unless you spend quality all-male time, and allow other males to interact and play with you and your entire body, and you with theirs; and yes, including your and their penis and balls- you will never, can never reach and have a truly activated and functioning CHIC'CHAN.
It will also not work at all if you do what I stated above, but only do it rarely, and “because you have to”. As it states in the Amatl Turey and Popol Vuh, “you must give your armpits and waists over in love, not fear.”
It is also not going to work if you have to keep hiding it or get approval from a non-male who defines and control you, whether it be smother, wife, fiancée, girlfriend, or other such domineering cunt. In fact, it probably won't work if you have any of the above, in any form, anyway. When a non-male defines and controls you, much less you fucking and feeding one your energy on any regular basis, you are surrendering your masculinity. Indeed, even being attracted to and fantasizing about non-males compromises you and your CHIC'CHAN.
These statements are about as important as the rest of the stuff here, if not more so, because these limitations and pathologies have to be overcome before someone tries what follows. CHIC'CHAN will only function in a balanced, autonomous male, and in masculine situations. Being rock hard for and able to shudder a non-male into a cascade of orgasms IS NOT CHIC'CHAN. Splitting her twat in half, and making a non-male's cervix hurt by your fucking her pussy hard (the way she likes it) IS NOT CHIC'CHAN .  Worrying about what a non-male will think of you because you are in masculine time, space and activity IS NOT CHIC'CHAN. And getting rid of all your close male friends because your bonding and weaving activities make the bitch feel insecure, useless, etc. IS CERTAINLY NOT CHIC'CHAN. It is more of complete surrender of masculinity.

Another thing I have to stay is that once you get it, you gotta keep doing it. Again, it can't be an occasional, regretful, half-hearted. It's gotta be wanted, sought-out, and actively done. A guy who sneaks off away from wifey for a male-male handjob IS NOT CHIC'CHAN. A guy who feels he needs a full-time, continuous non-male because he thinks it is normal, or that people would say things, that IS NOT CHIC'CHAN. If that is the case, the guy should grow a set, and not even bother with the non-male. All it is doing is taking away from energy and presence, and feeding on his masculinity to survive.

It sounds harsh and extreme, but let's look at the creation of mankind (and non-males) directly from the Amatl Turey:

Deminan showed the men how to make and use fire for the first time. The animals showed the men what to eat, and Yucahu and Cineotl showed them how to grind maiz, and how to process yucca, as to not be poisoned by it.
The men reproduced quickly in this wonderful environment, and soon there were many of them. The men were happy in the land, and soon spread to Cubakan, Jamaica, and Boriken. The men here were noble, and were good men. They called themselves the NiTaino, the good and noble men. They reproduced amongst themselves by an enchantment and process called Sirioco, and it was in this way that their numbers increased. The Tata was the parent who gave life, the Toa was the parent who carried the boy. Sirioco meant that all the boys created were wanted and expected.
The men quickly learned, and built things, raised crops, and studied the natural world. They soon began differentiating into different tribes and clans, populating even further the near and distant islands and lands. The names of the tribes and clans included those such as: Taino, Arawak, Yucatec, Quiche, Quuechua, Mexicali, Olmec, Caluso, Dine, Ogeechi, Mimbres, Korubo, and many more; many were the tribes.
Soon, trade began between the lands and groups, and men began exchanging things from one land to another. All of the men remembered their ancestors, and knew where they had come from. They were all good men.

Now, Itiba Cahubalba, who was living in the body of the Xibalban lord 3 Came, Xiquiripat, had run away from Sorraya when Deminan, Xhunahpu, and Xbalanque had overcome the Came Kings and Itiban council of Xibalba. Itiba-as-Xiquiripat went towards the edge of Sorraya, to the surface of Coaybay Earth. When Itiba-as-Xiquiripat breached the surface, it became overwhelmed by the bow-shock. Then, it became overwhelmed and very jealous of the guiarq, quibey, and tekguiarq that the men of Coaybay Earth had, in the surface Creation of the Hurukan, the Heart of Heaven. Itiba-as-Xiquiripat vowed to overcome and destroy the Creation of the Hurukan, the Heart of Heaven, and all the loving and wonderful men who were there.
Itiba-as-Xiquiripat had taken up residence in a series of subterranean caves near where it had breached the surface in Peru, near Huaca Cao Viejo. As it seethed in the caves, Itiba-as-Xiquiripat got an idea to destroy the men- it began constructing an army of blank-faced, all-consuming she-xombis, complete with razor-toothed vaginas. The she-xombis were designed such that after they devoured the body, the tonal of their victims would be transferred to Itiba-as-Xiquiripat, so that it could regenerate.
Itiba-as-Xiquiripat released the hoards of she-xombis onto the mainland on the surface of Coaybay Earth, where they went unchecked, devouring and destroying many men. Their preferred method was to mount either one of a man's heads, and then begin grinding and devouring. Several men began to try and battle the she-xombis, but even a hand with a makana was enough for the she-xombis to grab onto, and begin their bloody destruction.
Deminan Cacicarikan, Creator and protector of Mankind, heard his beloved creations crying out, and saw then what was happening to them.
Deminan Cacicarikan, Creator and protector of Mankind, then pulsed the Essence of Creation into several large and powerful flash-charges. Organic and crystalline things were not effected. The she-xombis, however, and were constructs, and disintegrated instantly and entirely. Deminan then took His men, restored them and cleansed them, and instructed them on how to protect themselves in the future from another such tragedy.
Being not too bright, but not to be defeated so easily, Itiba-as-Xiquiripat went through the cave systems, breaching the surface of Coaybay Earth in several more places, including the extreme eastern Mediterranean. It then smashed a sewer culvert that ran from Xibalba, releasing polluted water, which flowed up onto the surface of Coaybay Earth. The polluted water flowed into rivers that men used for drinking and bathing. No good would come from this.
At several places, men on the surface of Coaybay Earth drank of and bathed in the polluted waters from the sewers of Xibalba, and then got strange ideas. They began to kill each other, and eat the flesh of the dead. Both of these were forbidden to the men. They also began reproducing with their siblings and close relatives, and they began copulating with toa animals, trying to make human-animal offspring. The animals had been treated as equals, and now were used for Itiban carnal conquest. This was not good.
Some wanted to have sex with the eels in the river. They tried to capture the eels, but they were too slippery. They went and found some workers there, who had rough, thick, calloused hands, to grab onto, grip, and capture the eels. They soon found the eels' mouths full of sharp peg teeth, so they brought the eels to their elders, and explained their desires to release guanguayo inside the eels. The elders of those tribes then had Inriri Caubabayel, the carpenter-bird, the woodpecker, drill holes in the eels to make vaginas. The men who drank the polluted water began to forget the dangers of the Itiban she-xombis, and began to wrongly desire them. When the men entered the eels, they became women.
When Deminan Cacicarikan, the Creator and Protector of Mankind heard of this, He was greatly upset. In his Grace, Deminan Cacicarikan, Creator and Protector of Mankind, destroyed the eel-women.

Then, hearing the cries and pleas of the men, Maquetaurie and Yucahu made a true mammalian model of a vagina-bearer, called quix' ye'eel totos, and sent them to the men who wanted them while they slept. At best, the design was imperfect- it was shallow, petty, paranoid, and very conceited. It could not generate it's own energy, so it needed to feed on the tonal of the men. Deminan Cacicarikan, Creator and Protector of Mankind, was not pleased, and only allowed the quix ye'eel totos to continue thanks to His Brothers imploring Him to do so. With careful balance and attention, though, things might have gone alright.
We know that they didn't, Itiba-as-Xiquiripat quickly utilized the tonal-feeding requirement, and modified the quix ye'eel totos, so that any tonal they gathered beyond what they needed to exist was funneled to Itiba-as-Xiquiripat, so that it could continue to exist, and regenerate itself. Once outside of Sorraya, a Xibalban could no longer regenerate under it's own power, it needed to thieve and feed to survive.

Once the men had mated with the women, they became peculiar. They quickly became lethargic, and they didn't accomplish as much. Aside from being lazy, they also became untrustworthy and treacherous, dishonorable, and selfish. They became fearful of each other, and fearful of guiarq, quibey, and tekguiarq, which had made them strong. They even forgot their Creators and Makers. All that mattered were the quix ye'eel totos.

In some tribes, the women took over, and things quickly fell into competition, paranoia, and gossip; and the tribe quickly destroyed itself in useless and pointless wars. These were the tribes that were not as intelligence, and once the quix ye'eel totos were there, they were prone to violence. The death and suffering fed and strengthened Itiba-as-Xiquiripat.
In some tribes, the men attacked the women, and destroyed them.
In some tribes, a balance was struck: the men and women respected each other, and each had their own separate ways and activities.
Since people were free to choose who to mate with, some tribes chose not to have any women at all. Itiba-as-Xiquiripat was not happy with these tribes, and drove the other tribes to attack those without women.

So, there it is. Right at the Creation, things are there. Even if one looks at this as a “silly mythology”, and not take it on faith- there is a huge nagging question: Why do almost ALL pre-ZioFempire cultures (and even the Judeo-Xtian-Islamic one) have the idea that females came in after the men, and they were problematic and evil, and massive consumers? The idea of females eating and depleting male energy and essence is found worldwide, most notably in the East Asian cultures, where a male's Yang can be devoured by a female, and if he is fed on too much, he will become Yin, and lose his masculinity. And classic NiTaino and Amazonian cultures have this as a major idea. The men of these cultures didn't just have a separate conuco and men's house, even in the main shared family dwellings, the non-males had separate quarters, and separate entrances, even if it was a simple as a woven blanket used as a wall. The reason escapes a person conditioned in the misandric ZioFempire, but is obvious to anyone who has deeply researched and lived among these people. I will let Dr. Peter G, Roe (University of Delaware, Dover) speak:

Three themes signal the presence of phallocentric beliefs in South America and the Greater Antilles: the stigmatization of menstruation as supernaturally enervating and polluting; the ritual avoidance of sex during, or immediately preceding, such quintessential masculine pursuits as hunting, war, or confrontations with the supernatural; and the spatial and/or residential segregation of men and women, of which the men's hut of the Island Carib is a classic example.

The culture-logic for sexual antagonism derives from the reversal of sexuality implicit in the sex act itself. According to the mainland form code, men are hard and dry and vertical, and women are soft, wet, and round. Men, however, become feminized by sex and ejaculation; what was once hard becomes soft, what was once dry becomes wet, and what was once vertical becomes curved and impotent. This leads to the logical deduction that masculine energy can be stockpiled, in the form of retained semen, through sexual abstinence. Female-avoiding hypermales such as the shaman can then channel the life-force into supernatural fecundity. The shaman, in complete control of his own impulses, aligns with culture, whereas females and “feminized” male seducers align with unfettered nature. No wonder sculpted and painted images of Taino shamans all emphasize the erect penis- potent, yet physically unactualized.”
(Peter G. Roe, taken from pg 154 of Taino: Pre-Columbian Art and Culture from the Caribbean, 1997, by El Museo Del Barrio and the Monacelli Press, NYC. One of Roe's essays is titled Just Wasting Away: Taino Shamanism and Concepts of fertility. Starts pg 124.)

“Female-avoiding hypermales”. Yup, that's it exactly. My first Taino mentor, Don Puma Santiago, taught me the same thing. If I wanted to be a Behique, I would never be able to have a girlfriend or wife. After what I had lived, this was NOT a problem. I wanted to be a Behique, I wanted my culture back, and active in my life, and having been dominated by my mom and two evil sisters (one who tried to castrate me at age 7, and the other outed me as “gay” when I was 14), the no women requirement would not be a problem. I was 15 when I started my training, I am now 40, and all I can do is thank Puma for his training over and over again. (Puma died when I was 19. He was born in 1902, I was born in 1971.)
When I asked about masturbation and horsing around with male friends, he had only a few rules: know and trust the guy, NEVER engage in anal, and avoid oral (it is literally “eating” the CHIC'CHAN. A penis or erection in the mouth for stimulation isn't bad in itself, it is the consumption of energy right before , right after, and right at orgasm. It is possible to balance this and do it properly, but it is quite difficult. My advice- if semen ingestion is wanted -and that in itself is not horrible at all!- then have the ejaculate on your hand, or in a receptacle, and consume it from there.), and always remember it is a celebration, not a contest or conquest.
In fact, Puma ENCOURAGED erotic activity and sharing between guys, as long as it followed those rules. At first I thought it was great, as I didn't understand the cultural context. As I learned the cultural context, I was in awe. Males playing erotically was how each of the different cycles of Creation took place.
I was initiated at the age of two weeks before my 16th birthday. Puma explained that one must allow themselves to be given over completely, and in love. I remember being a bit weirded out at first, and then thinking it didn't feel creepy or dirty like the Catholic stuff was, Puma had explained everything he was going to do well in advance of the session, and I had the ability to stop or opt out. Nothing was forced. Looking back, I was quite turned on by the viejo flaco. He was old, skinny, wrinkled, and a vestige of his former handsomeness. But he was oh-so-fucking masculine, without being “macho” at all. He was calm, strong, stable, enchanted, and I loved him deeply. Still do.
I was initiated old-school traditional, because I chose to be. I am actually quite a fundamentalist Owasco-NiTaino, and very conservative with it. I figure it has survived this long, this strong, it must not be so broken.
So, what was done during my initiation? I will give you the passage of Deminan's initiation by Bayamanaco, also from the Amatl Turey:

Deminan followed the fragrance carried on the wind, until he had crossed the valley, and ascended the ridge there. On the other side of the ridge there was a meadow in a flattened area. Here in the flattened meadow was an old Bayamanaco, cooking cazabe over a fire.
“I am hungry. May I have some of Your food?” Deminan asked.
“Taiguey, Grandson,” Bayamanaco replied, “why are you so hungry, with so many fragrant flowers blooming?”
“Grandfather, I am hungry. May I have some of Your food?”
“This is not My food, as I sustain on the fragrances of the boughs. If you wish some of your food, come here to Me.”
Deminan approached Bayamanaco, and sat beside Him. Bayamanaco moved behind Deminan, and embraced him under the armpits with His left arm. He raised Deminan up, and slid underneath the boy, until his qui-quix was pressed against Deminan's back. With His right hand, He began working Deminan's toon, and held him closely until They had both climaxed. “Qu'yx nohin-tah!!” They cried, and it was done.
“Go awaken Your brothers in this way, and return here. It is then that You shall eat the cazabe.”
Deminan stood, and returned to where His brothers were sleeping. One by one, He embraced them, and woke each one, according to His grandfather's instructions. First He woke Maquetaurie, then Yucahu, then Boinayel. When They all awoke, Deminan announced He had found food to end Their hunger. The Four Guatiao Cacicarikans went to the place Bayamanaco had been, but He was no longer there. The fire still burned brightly, and many stacks of cazabe, so much that the Four Guatiao would never hunger for a long time, were there.
So the Four Guatiao feasted until They were beyond full, and in the warmth of the fire, They rested again, and fell fast asleep.

Between this section and the statement: “You must give your armpits and waists over in love, not fear”, I think you get the picture. Puma also gave great amazing massages (I learned how, too! Still do them on close friends... Behiques have to learn to be healers- it's a major part of the job description), during which he would focus on the limbic system, and what to me were strange, obscure parts of the spinal column. Just recently while working on someone, while trying to solve the CHIC'CHAN puzzle, it hit me- Puma was doing CHIC'CHAN activation. The old boy had it. And that means I had it, too, for the last 24 years! What I thought was so obscure and strange turned out to be quite important, but at least I had been given the knowledge, even if I thought it wasn't important. My Abuelita was right: you are never given more than you can handle, you already have all the knowledge you need. It is just how you choose to handle it.

For those who would cringe at this story (“You were molested!”), or who can't understand or accept the Papuan initiation with it's bloodletting (bamboo stakes driven up into nose), standardized fellation (younger boys choose and fellate older boys, in order to be inseminated), or the Xingu usage of biting ants on the nipples, penis and scrotum to jump-start CHIC'CHAN; to these folks I want to say something. You live in a society where a majority of the religious clergy attack and abuse children body, mind, and spirit, and only for the adult's pleasure- it is out of context, there is no benefit for the child on any level, the boys are being consumed. You also live in a society that enslaves children as workers (who do you think sewed the clothes and shoes you are wearing? Even in the EEUU, child labor laws are less than 100 years old.), and encourages physical violence against boys as “discipline”. You have forced infant circumcision, which results in permanent mutilation of the penis, and think it's OK. You also live in a society rabid for capital punishment, and that is obsessed with cruel laws and imprisonment. I think these things are a whole lot worse, and yet you judge a one-time initiation ritual. Amazing. And, worst of all, you live in a totally misandric, female-dominant empire, where males are pathologized. Wow. You know what? I'll take the feral jungle over your “civilization” anytime.

OK, so let's talk basic trigger points and what the CHIC'CHAN activation bodywork is about. Just keep in mid this is the easy part. At the beginning of this essay, those blunt points- those are the more difficult part. Both need to be done, otherwise this is just another rubdown.

The first consideration is the guy who will be doing the bodywork. He must be calm and balanced, and quite focused to be able to transmit enough masculine tonal to activate the guy-being-massaged's CHIC'CHAN. To do this, he must be of clear mind, and he must focus on and control his breathing. CHIC'CHAN breathing is like the way a dolphin or whale breathes. It is done completely consciously. If a dolphin or whale doesn't focus on it's breathing, it's blow-hole will open under water, and the cetacean will drown. So for the CHIC'CHAN masseur, he must breathe in from his lower abdomen, not his upper belly (as he might in yoga or another martial art), or his chest (as if singing), or his upper chest/throat (as we do when we are normally talking. At least this is true in New York.). Try and tense the pubic mound or navel, and pull in from there to start the breathing. The breaths will be tempered, paced, deep, and rhythmic. They are not shallow, nor are they gasps. The masseur will feel quite rooted as he breathes this way, a calm will overcome him, his mind will quiet.
Once he reaches into this state, he can focus on pulsing and flowing his own CHIC'CHAN energy. This can be done most simply by alternately tensing and releasing the penis/pubic mound, and the anus. One is tensed, the other is released, back and forth, in a cycle. It doesn't have to be clenched so tightly, just tensed and felt, held for a moment, and then released. You will feel the CHIC'CHAN begin to flow, at
which point you can tense intermittently when you feel the flow waning.
At this point, focus on your hands. Feel the CHIC'CHAN flow down your arms, and into your hands. As you do this properly, the hands will naturally tense a bit, and they will warm up, as they begin to flow CHIC'CHAN through them. This set of focus and energy is also exactly what is used when working on your own CHIC'CHAN solitary. Whether alone or with a partner, it is the same breathing, tension, and focusing. After a few moments of this, you are ready to begin working on your partner.

All around the areas, front and back, where the legs connect into the torso, there are nerve ganglia, vein and artery junctures, and lymph glands and plumbing of the limbic system. These are located at or near the surface, but in deeper folds like the groin and buttocks. Since we have been conditioned that these regions are forbidden, dirty, evil, and off-limits, we, and even doctors and chiropractors generally avoid and ignore the areas. That is unfortunate, since many major structures and systems meet in these areas, and to do complete healing requires their inclusion.

When one starts to freely allow another to explore this area with the application of basic massage and fingertip accupressure techniques, the specific spots for CHIC'CHAN activation will quickly become obvious. The CHIC'CHAN points are all quite sensitive, and many will hurt or be sore because of stress-storage and excessive tension. When a spot is found, work at it a while, to allow the person being worked on to begin to freely feel in the area again. Circulation and nerve function being restored or freed from tension will result in intense feeling and response. Different points will be felt in different places, some of them surprising. Radiating sensation down limbs or up the torso are common, and indicate the body's meridians are back functioning again.

Once basic exploring and mapping have taken place, the masseur-activator begins working on the recipient's lower abdomen, from just above the navel. Work your way downward, from the lower belly and pubic mound, out to the hips, an the outer part of the hips and legs. Work your way up back to the pubic mound, and then into the groin and inner legs. Work your way to the fold where the leg and the buttocks connect, and then up the central fold of the buttocks to where the coccyx is. Work straight up the spine from this point, radiating out only for the top of the buttock/ hips are, and the sacral disc. Work your way up the spine the place where the spine and the skull connect, and then back to the shoulders, over the shoulders, and down into the central chest. The whole time you are working, work with each trigger point, and keep in contact with the recipient's body. You are working with and to stimulate the neural, circulatory, and limbic systems.

The recipient should get an erection from the work being done, and that is wanted. The erection should be of the calm kind, as the body relaxes and feels and flows again. Do not begin direct stimulation of the penis to reach orgasm until you are done with the rest of the body.

If this seems too vague or general, it is because using words to describe what is a very human and tangible thing is quite useless. This is an outline/ guideline, and I encourage you to explore and play on each other's bodies. The more you do, the easier and better you will understand each other, and know what you are doing with this.

An activation of CHIC'CHAN is one time, the maintenance of it is an ongoing process, a continuing work. Not only will continued bodywork be a part of this, but a conscious change of life, and conscious
disciplines will be needed as well. Now go back and read the blunt statements at the beginning of this essay again. I'll wait...

As you can see, CHIC'CHAN is an all-encompassing lifestyle paradigm. Much like my master Puma laid down rules for being a Behique to me, I have laid the rules about CHIC'CHAN out for you. There is no half-stepping. You either will do it, or you won't. There are no grade curves, there is no substitutions. You will either do it, or you won't. If you try and half-ass it, it will not work, I promise you. This stuff is ancient, the rules don't change to fit modern sensibilities and pathologies.

The choice is yours, and yours alone.



if anyone has any history, biology, or source questions, or any questions or input at all, please email me at .

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