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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Moses and Jesus Riding the Set Serpent pt 1

Recently, I have been conducting quite a bit of research- both academic with books and hands-on- with the CHIC'CHAN. My overall goal is to bring this esoteric facet into the mainstream of MBP and the world, as I feel it is a core piece of what men are missing. While I am not quite finished on that journey, I would like to share some amazing material I have found, so that you may review it, and integrate it into your daily Bronkey-walk. This is the second in a series of essays.

I'd like to start with two books I have found, and have been deeply enjoying. The first is Primitive Symbolism, as Illustrated in Phallic Worship or the Reproductive Principle by Hodder Michael Westropp, published as a facsimile reprint by Bibliolife, 2010. The original was 1885, a posthumous work published by an admiring academic society. This volume is available online free as a PDF, Google it, and it will come up from Sacred Texts. The second book is Ancient Symbol Worship: Influence of the Phallic Idea in the Religions of Antiquity, by Hodder Michael Westropp, C. Staniland Wake, and Alexander Wilder, facsimile reprint by Nabu Public Domain Reprints. The original is from 1874. Both are print-on-demand from websites, and my local booksellers were able to get them within a week, and they were under US$20 each. For a serious Bronkey, they are worth a look, I'm sure libraries either have them, or can be cajoled into buying at least one of them.
The books are amazing, they not only go into the phallic cultures and history of Ancient Egypt, India, Africa, and the Americas- they also plunge headfirst into the CHIC'CHAN (or, as Westropp refers to it: “Sacred Masculine/Generative Phallic Principle”) in Judaism, Islam, and Christianity, amply citing the Koran and the Bible. Given that I have repeatedly asked out militant fundamentalist Bronkeys to PLEASE write an essay or two about these aspects of desert monotheism (instead of proselytizing and spouting ex-gay demonic bullshit), and I have been stonewalled and ignored, these books apparently fill the need, and amazingly so. The books show that even desert monotheism is rife and filled with CHIC'CHAN principles, and that the modern fundamentalist cults active today are totally disconnected from their own use (not to mention their very claimed history and heritage), and are nothing more than political rallies and tools of the dying fempire. The moderns are entirely castrated and separated from their own alleged roots. It astounds me of how many churches, synagogues, mosques, et al there are, how many alleged scholars, and yet all of this important and obvious material right in their guidebooks have been entirely abandoned and overlooked (most likely deliberately). It is unfathomable that it is not intentional that these materials are ignored; it is also so far unclaimed by any believers that the original source material is “no longer valid”. Apparently it takes an Owasco-Taino Behique to explain how to properly do Moloch worship and not lose your balls.

As far as I can tell, sacred serpent and fish masculine and CHIC'CHAN being present in the original texts would not diminish any of the potency of these cultures. Indeed, it would do quite the opposite, bringing these cultures back to a real connection with the Creation, instead of a disconnected, violent, political psychodrama.
While many see three major and several minor religions with the topic and characters here, I see one- Abrahamic desert Eurasian monotheism. I see them all as simply branches of each other, they all reference each other. I also include Ancient Egypt here as well, as it is impossible to separate the history, language, and faith from the others. No only was Akhenaten (XVIII Dynasty, ~ 1965 BCE) the first public and legally enforced leader, the A'ibiru (Hebrews) come directly from Egypt, and may have been the ones who fed him the monotheist ideal. (And yes- that means that historically, Israel should be in Egypt, NOT in Palestine...)

Abraham himself is from the twin cities of Uruk and Ur, along the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, in modern-day Iraq. His original culture is that of Gilgamesh- phallic Sun worship and deep sacrifice. Abraham the Patriarch would have been quite versed in such topics, which is why he really didn't flinch when Moloch ordered him to sacrifice his son Issac on a phallic altar. The story then reads that Moloch provides a virile ram instead, and that Abraham was “just being tested out”. Moloch likes cocks, be it ram or human. Check out Genesis 12.6; Genesis 13.7; Genesis 21.33; Leviticus 27.28 & 27.29;Judges 11,30,31, and 34-40; 2 Chronicles 3; Genesis 38.18-22; Genesis 35.1-15; as well as the book of Kings- there are tons of references to masculine groves being planted, large pillars and stones being erected (hilariously, the verb used in the original is the Egypto-Hebraic “Set”, who is one of the Egyptian deities, and a member of the Ennead, whose own story is quite phallic and penetrative), and these surrogate phalli being symbols of power and authority. These are quite similar to the Mesopotamian ones Abraham would have been familiar with, and working with. A common term for all of these phallic monuments is “suffet”, or “judges”, which is revealing. The other term used is “Zane Mizpeh”, a play on “zion” being “sword” or “penis”.
This obsession and focus on the penis is the reason for circumcision- scarification could be done on any other body part or area (as it is in a myriad of other cultures)- so why does Moloch demand the penis be bled and marked? It is the obvious organ of pleasure and generation, and it is an attempt by Moloch to “own” arousal, orgasm, and reproduction. In light of the obsession with baptism and circumcision on infants, it is an early total claim on a human life. The Catholics and Episcopals even have a mythos on “limbo” or “purgatory”, where an unbaptized/uncircumcised baby goes if it dies before it is marked for Moloch. Unfortunately, the idea of purgatory or limbo dates back to the late Medieval period, and is not a part of their actual claimed sacred texts. When circumcision is done by Hasidic Jews, it is required that the rebbe use his mouth directly on the baby's penis. Apparently the cutting could be done with a blade instead of the rebbe's teeth- but the blood drawing can't be done except by direct oral suction- (fascinatingly, adult, consensual fellatio is forbidden, but it is required on an injured infant) no wonder pedophilia is so rampant among the Hasids. Lawsuits have been launched in modern times to prevent the practice, since oral herpes is often transmitted to the infant's wounded penis, and in over a dozen cases in New York City alone, the baby has died of the infection. Apparently the bleeding of the penis, and a bleeding male are two memes that are at the core of monotheism- not only was Jesus circumcised with great fanfare (it is a major Church holiday, and the Catholic Church has used display of “the Sacred Prepuce” for centuries as a worshipful relic), but after the crucifixion (while the corpse is still hanging), Roman centurions lance and pierce the side of Jesus, and blood and water flow forth copiously. Again, there is an entire relic and obsession with this event, and the phallic piercing instrument, the Spear of Longinus, has excited everyone from St. Augustine to Hitler. Wars have been fought over this artifact, and the bearer of the steel cock that fucked Jesus is supposed to bring the owner great power, and offer the bearer domination of the world. No matter that the two claimants in modern times are stupid fakes, the faithful need their fix.

The fascination with serpent imagery abounds among the Mosaic and Abrahamic faiths. In the Garden of Eden, the serpent shares the secret of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, which serves the purpose of the bringer of knowledge, be it Thoth, Prometheus, or Loki. That knowledge is that Moloch is a demon who is not the original Creator, and that mankind can directly connect to the Creation without an intermediary. (This concept has even reached the US newsrag Newsweek, which ran an article entitled “Forget the Church, and Follow Jesus”. Even the empire knows feudal power pyramids based on fear are no longer viable.) That is pretty dangerous stuff to a monolithic controlling power structure.
The snakes don't stop just there- the adventures of Moses are filled with snakes and serpent imagery.

The name Moses doesn't mean anything in Semetic languages, so where does it come from? A short amount of research finds the origin of the name as Om Sesth, or Om Sethis, or “He of Seth's Glory”. Seth, as in Egyptian Set, “the Erect One”. Moses is named after Set, exposing his real roots.
Moses first encounters serpents in Pharaoh's palace in Exodus, the court magi turn their staffs into serpents, and we are told that Moses does the same, and his serpents eat those of the Egyptian magi. This is fascinating, as Moses doesn't turn his staff into falcons or meerkats, or anything else African that eats snakes, but only into serpents. This pissing contest was allegedly to show the power and glory of Moses' god who, while it is implied that it is Moloch, must remain in question- remember from Eden, serpents are evil, and not a symbol of Moloch- so is it Set at play here? Why such an interesting inclusion? But that is not the only episode of Moses' serpent play. We are told that while wandering in Sinai, Moses is given a large staff with brass serpents on top, to be used for healing (Numbers XXI, v 8 and 9). When someone is bitten by a serpent or scorpion, the staff is the only thing that can heal them. Moses touches them with it, and the serpents detoxify and heal the person. So much for the power of Almighty God against snakes, and what an amazing example of homeopathy- only snakes can cure snakes. Combined with the Hebrew letter Tet, one begins to wonder exactly what is the root of the Abrahamic cultures, as it is obvious that it is not what is claimed.

We will continue soon with more on these amazing topics. Before anyone gets their tampons in a twist, I suggest they go look up actual history and study the early times of their faith and their religious organization. Since at least the middle ages, the story being told from the sanctuary and pulpit have nothing to do with the original heritage, and one wonders why the original heritage has been denied and hidden, and by whom. You are not being bullied and picked on here- you are being told to find the real truth of your claimed faith, and not some lie a government, church, or politician preacher told you so that they can keep control. Also, I am not asking anything I have not been through myself- I have spent over 15 years now researching, translating, and checking what I was told, and discovering the real truth has been liberating, not harmful. My faith was not shattered, indeed, it has been purified and made stronger. Yours will too, I promise.

- Joaquin 2 Cacimarex, Sewaornock, Manahatouac.

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