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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Say what Silver-back Monkey: Growing old?

Growing old
What a scary thought, the sheer fact that you are no longer as "good looking" can sent one in a spiral of depression.
I just want to share a few of my observations I had lately. As you guys know I am really into dirt biking. Last weekend I joined a group of 10 guys some of them over the age of 50 most of us in the 30 something age group and some 20 something guys as well.
Dirt biking gives you another sense of age that one didn't expect. Usually we judge age of another guy on the amount of grey hair, silver beards or even the way they walk or talk. With dirt biking one don't see that things as the evidence of age are well hidden below helmets and protective clothing, and all pre conceptions are blocked out.
Hein, he is a 53 year old guy looking, and riding, like a teenage skateboarder! 
Everyone of us looking like rock-stars from mars the only thing differentiate you from someone else are your off road skills and sheer guts. There are no age factor, Yet somehow we all know who's the leader of the pack and we followed his path.

Dirt biking gives you a pretty good workout, and its no place for guys hung up on weight, skincare or muscle mass, but man you should see the bodies of those guys.  The only thing that matters to them are fun. That's our common interest that is what brings us together, that is what is keeping us connected to other guys and that is what is keeping them young.

Me during a race, mud flying!
In my opinion the only thing that is making one old or not are the amount of fun you have, and let yourself. Yes dirt-biking may in some opinion not be monkey-play  but its got the elements of weaving with nature, weaving and sharing in a physical level experiences with other guys, much like a road trip without the road. You truly get the dust mud, grass, water and the odd stone down to every part of your body, whitest testing your skill and talent against the Great spirit's creation, you become part of it, and you are glad for it. You make awesome and real good guy friends, sure the main objective isn't erotic play but given a chance without being to "holy" about friendship it has a great potential growing into a Guatiao relationship, especially when your dirt bike buddy start having the same association as your own sibling brothers, you care regardless and out of a deep rooted gratefulness for just being.

Yes you get assholes that always want to take the lead and end up no one following them, especially when they defy the leader of the pack, but the best thing to do is to ignore them, because in the end they are so full of themselves, riding with only the most expensive (but inferior quality) having a inferior complex to defy, this guys are not your friends and will always try to make you feel inferior to them old and ugly. Assholeness are contagious and will leave you with no friends, and no fiends mean no fun, and no fun makes you depressed and old (maybe that is why most of the older men are so Sour and no fun).
Yes and we take breaks when we are tired. ThabaNchu RSA
Hamman with me in the Photo.

This is just some of my wisdom, I am glad through my own efforts and safe keeping from my creator I have had this experience. I am no longer afraid to grow old.

Ni Guia
Phlip Volschenk

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