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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Patriarchy and the Amazon

As my studies of R&K cultures and the Chich'chan have continued, I have been floating around in the Amazon and Orinoco forest basins. The Native peoples of this region are among the most still-intact and still-connected. They are rivaled only by the Papuan peoples for their continuing heritage, although between missionaries, narco-militias, and petrol, rubber, and logging interests, their time of being unmolested is rapidly coming to a close.
I have been in correspondence with several archaeologists who have directly lived among and studied these Amazonian Natives, as well as having read over 70 books so far. I have also communicated with a dozen or so Brazilian ex-patriots here in New York, who have explained some of the more subtle interactions and politics involved, and I have corresponded with the FUNAI office at the United Nations. The American Museum of Natural History also has a most amazing Amazonian Peoples hall, filled with artifacts and mannikins. Overall, it has been quite an amazing journey, and I am blessed to have gone on it.

There has been nothing but horrifying cruelty and exploitation for the last 150 years- starting with the industrial rubber-tapping (including Ford's failed Fordlandia slave camp), and the Rockefeller oil explorations; New Tribes Missionaries enslaving and pimping out Natives to tourists in the name of Jesus; Napoleon Chagnon calling the Yamanamo the “missing link”, while he does Mengele-inspired eugenics “experiments” on the Natives and their bodies; to the state sponsored murder of medicine men and healers, to exploitation of Natives as spare body parts for genetically-inbred Jews in Israel; to the Chabad setting up “conversion mitzvah tanks” in the Peruvian Amazon, to provide new “settlers” for the West Bank (and a supply of fresh foreskins for use in Kosher cosmetics for Israeli dowagers); to the continued CIA-sponsored narco-trafficking; to Jacques Lizot turning the Wari tribe's xi'paals into his own French Jesuit version of Man-Boy Love Land (the local natives call him “Ass-Monkey” or “Ass-Handler”); to Chinese logging interests; to the EEUU State Department continuing the myth that “all the Natives of the region are capable of are being beggars, prostitutes, and laborers”; to the twisted Brazilian Government dreams of “energy independence” by damming and flooding entire swaths of rainforest, destroying the people and animals and biota that live there; to even the New York Aquarium promoting that people in the EEUU should by endangered river fish freshly caught in the wild because as the wall in the Aquarium's Conservation Hall states:
“The people of Amazonia are ignorant, and by encouraging them to fish for the pet trade, we will be saving the forest, which they want to cut down.” (Well, so much for the silver arowana or the blue-spot stingray... and would these “ignorant Natives” cut the forest they live in down unless other people from the EEUU paid them lots of imperial coinage to do so? Many Natives loggers also live in slave conditions, forced to work at gunpoint for little or no money. Interestingly, the Israeli-owned company Local Ocean is the promoter of such “conservation methods”. Local Ocean is in the business of selling live pet fish to global exploitation markets.); to the co-opting by Eurasian trash of Native decorations and customs for profit, including abuse of Ayahuasca (and an emetic mix not the true psychotropic one), and Cohoba. It even goes as far as Nubian Mother Goddess Oprah pushing Acai berries from the Amazon as “a superfood”, while the Natives who usually ate Acai now starving. It is clear and obvious the EEUU, Israel, and China are fucking and raping the Amazon raw and blind.
All of these attrocities are nothing new, however- it is simply a continuance of Eurasian imperial policies towards the people and land of the Amazon. The first contact by the syphilitic Sephardic adventuring family Pizzaro following the fairy-tales of El Dorado (City of Gold! What more could a A'I'Biru want?) and a new Andalusia, to Raleigh rallying around an endless supply of Native virgin pussy (Queen Betty I just wouldn't put out for him), and the babyfucking Jesuits and their Reduction concentration camps are all consistent with the ways and means of Christendom and Judea in the Amazon and Orinoco watersheds.
Looking at the original writings, we see a pattern too- the accounts- starting with Admiral Colon and Rabbi Torres in 1492, through Cortez, the Pizzaros, del Fuca, Cabeza de Vaca, de Leon, right on to Diego Duran in 1550 and later- are all full of chauvinistic, entitled, bad-macho lies. Total lies, complete and impossible fantasies which serve only to stroke the ego and small penises of Los Conquistadores. The Pizzaro chronicles claim that the two treacherous cousins (one didn't wait for the other as promised, and left almost as soon as his cousin had left to get more men) separately entered the Amazon forest with a claimed “2,000 dogs each, specially trained to hunt and kill Indians”. Reality check, dickwads- there weren't 2,000 dogs in all of Peru, and certainly no one to train that many, as there were under 800 Spaniards in all of Peru at that time. They also claim they each had “a thousand-plus men with them, plus Native slaves”. Really? Did you empty out Mexico and the Caribbean of Spaniards as well? Also, this is all stunning, given the fact that the real Spaniards were searching for Pizzaro, trying to capture him for “crimes against the crown”. Maybe a fugitive coward with a small band of mercenaries is more like the real story. We also have English and French pirates picking up the five or six survivors of the expedition months later at the mouth of the Amazon- they were all so fearful and terrified, and said they would never go back into the forest, and none wanted to go back to Peru, even by sea. All of our brave conquering heroes wanted to go straight back to Spain. Nowhere do the Castillian histories ever mention this- we only get the Pizzaro's Million Man March annihilating and dominating the Amazon and it's people into submission. If the Spanish version was true, then how come it was well into the 1800's before anyone got anywhere deep into the Amazon or Orinoco? If the Iberiospics has been successful, wouldn't Brazil have been populated and developed from the Western edge first? And wouldn't Portugal have lost it's grip on the region? After all, it was only Portuguese on the eastern coast by papal decree... not military prowess.

We have the same lies with Diego Duran in 1550- he claims “20,000 or more of the vassal tribes were sacrificed by the Aztecs each month.” Being that the entire population of Aztec Mexico and it's sphere of influence was well less than one million at the time of contact, (and that even the Aztecs didn't have control over all of it), the Aztec empire would have sacrificed itself out of existence in less than five years. We have seen this bullshit spinning before- Tainos are African-based cannibals, Hadenousaunee are cannibal and scalpers, and Navajos sacrifice babies and do black masses. Patriarchal empire is only capable of projecting it's own misdeeds on people they want to annihilate, it is a tremendous black propaganda campaign.
Yes, I said Patriarchy, just like a feminazi. And yes, I understand the implications. There were no Iberio females anywhere in the Americas almost the entire first 100 years of the invasion. It was all greedy monotheist clergy, mercenaries, merchants, and felons. Not a bitch in the pile. To be sure, Isabella and her father/husband Ferdinand were on the throne, and in Castillian culture, women ruled the roost, so the fact that there were no eels present is a telling aspect. In fact, even Native girls (and I mean pre-pubescent girls, not women) were so rare among the populous, that by Colon's third voyage, a girl “large enough to take a man's virile member” was worth “500 viable acres back in Spain, or 1,000 acres in Hispanola” as trade value. Land in Spain was quite more valuable than the swampy Quiskeyan rainforest. Diego Colon actually traded the equivalency of a Borgian duchy title for a “ fortnight's duration unlimited carnal use of ” an eleven year old Taino girl. This wasn't a matriarchal invasion from the hearth, it was a fevered, throbbing push by a bunch of privileged gurrumiao.
This good-old-boys gang-rape of the Americas only got worse when the Iberian domestic hen set got taste of the myriad of “luxury” products from the Americas. Then, the insanity went into overdrive, and became corporate. To feed the domestic nest's greed for cacao, sugar, and tobacco, the dwindling Native populations weren't enough, they had to import African slaves as well (all defended, of course, by cherry-picked readings from the vulgate scriptures.)

So, why is this all being brought up now, and here? 2012 marks 520 years since the Columbian invasion, the first footfall of Eurasian empire here in the Americas. 52 years is a sacred bundle of time in R & K cultures, called a Baktun. 1492 to 2012 is 10 of these Baktuns, which marks the end of a major cycle, and, according to the actual writings, the end of empire in the Americas and around the world. This is important because these words of hope from the past to our near future are from the same peoples who understood and expressed the Chic'chan that is so important to understanding MBP. We are all overwhelmed by our insane world, and we are all suffering inside. I deeply believe that the ancestors knew we were coming, and wrote these instructions down so we could find them, and use them. I truly believe what happens this year is based on what we do, and how we manifest our own sacred masculine, and how we express it. I ain't talking war or revolution with guns or violence, or even political or propaganda campaigns. I am talking internally, by awakening our sacred masculine heritage and Chich'chan inside yourself, and then expressing that in your world around you. Remember the Play It Forward campaign we started. And always remember it's all about LOVE. No more Oppenheimer's Death the Destroyer. Remember, know, live, become the Cosmic Magic of the Monkeys: “I am become LOVE, CREATOR of the COSMOS”. All faiths and cultures that are real teach God is Love. Let us manifest that now, in these crucial moments. Walk in Beautyway, and Love like your life depends on it, because your future and the future of the world most certainly do depend on it.

-Joaquin 2 Cacimarex, Sewaornock, Manahatouac

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