Men visiting at the Moment.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


The simple answer is Gucumatz. More precisely, the Return of Gucumatz.

By this point, we have all heard some variant of the Maya and Taino “Prophecies” for 2012. December 21, 2012, Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, and Summer Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere, is the marked “end date” of the Maya Long Count, which started on August 13th, 3114 BCE.
The original, actual “prophecies” have none of the 20th and 21st Century Millennial flair that has been hoisted upon them by the crumbling Western empire. Nowhere do any of the originals mention anything about harmonic convergences, magic crystals, magic crystal skulls, wayward comets, billiard-ball-behaving planets, UFOs, aliens, planetary Rubik's-cubing, runaway asteroids, solar coronal orgasms, nuclear war, Israeli dominance, or invading giant pudding pops.
So what do the sources mentioning the equivalent date of December 21, 2012 say about that day?

“All the kings shall fall, and the men shall walk free on the rounded face of the Xeti Aon Coaybay (biosphere of Earth). Cacibu visits and embraces the men, and the New Creation begins” - Chilam Balam of Utuado

“The kings are all fallen, the katun established at Chichen itza. The resettlement of the Itza shall take place there. Our Lord Quetzal shall come, the bird will return. Ah Kantenal shall come. Blood-vomit shall come. Kulkulkan shall come with them a second time. It is the Word of the Creator.” - Chilam Balam of Chumayel

“So that he might return from the West, uniting us in hope over our present unhappy plight! This is the fulfilment of the words of Katun 5 Ahau... God grant that the Deliverer Serpent will come save us from our afflictions, who will answer our prayers in Katun 1 Ahau!” - Chilam Balam of Tizimin.

There are three structural lintels- Chichen Itza has 2, and one is in a new find on the Guatemala- Mexico border that also mention the date, and they mimic the Utuado and Chumayel statements closely. Chilam Balam means Jaguar Wisdom, by the way. Utuado, Chumayel, and Tizimin are cities where the books were found, Puerto Rico, Mexico, and Guatemala, respectively.

Let's look at the workings of the Maya-Taino calendar, the Tzolkin.

There are twenty day names available, named after gods or natural aspects and animals. These run over and over again in order. Added to this continual rotation of twenty day names are 13 numbers. These numbers also run in a repeating cycle, but at the fourteenth day name, it is numbered 1 again.
A day is called a Kin, which also means Sun.
Twenty Kins make a Winal, or month, and eighteen Winals make a Tun, or year of 360 days. The remaining 5.4 days are considered “dead days”, or “Wayeb”, and are off the observed calendar.
Twenty Tuns make a Katun (7,200 Kins), and twenty Katuns make a Baktun (144,000 Kins).
The full 365.2 day year is called the Haab.
Thirteen Baktuns (1,872,000 Kins) is a Great Cycle.
The Tzolkin is not only a combination lunar and solar calendar. It also maps the known planets, as shown by the Dresden Codex, where Venus and Mars are featured players in the almanac. The locations and behaviors of the planets were important harbingers for the Maya and Taino- Venus was Icoqui, a version of Quetzalcoatl/Kulkulkan as the star. Sirius was also on the schedule.
So, the Maya and Taino also loved 52 year bundles, also referred to as a Baktun in writings on Venus, Mars, and Sirius, as the 52-year cycle calibrated and added the behavior of the three into the rest of the Tzolkin. Pretty good astronomy for people “too dumb to invent the wheel”, eh? Oh, and I've seen several wheeled toys in different Maya museum collections. So that fallacy is gone as well.

So we have a penchant for 52-year bundles. Ten of those would be 520 years. December 21st 2012 is exactly 10 52-year Haab bundles since the Columbian invasion. 520 years, being a multiple of 52 and another favorite Venus number 10, marks the end of a political cycle or envisioned era.
You may have heard of the Maya “collapse”, or how they “suddenly up and abandoned their cities”. The abandonment is correct, they would leave where they were to start over on a 520 year mark. They would consider their time there done, it was time to move on. Take the same idea globally, and you have the vision for 21 December 2012.

I am not only praying the ancestors were right, I'm betting on it. And I am not a gambling man.

So getting your CHIC'CHAN activated and keeping it running and nourished is the order for the year. As I said in a previous essay, Love and CHIC'CHAN like your future depends on it, because it does.

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