Men visiting at the Moment.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

A Bronkey Anti-Christ?

MBP seems to continue to hit trouble with fundamentalist monotheists, particularly fundie Christians in militias. It is becoming more and more incredulous that a site that opens with the following words:

This site is a celebration and encouraged actualization of males rooted in the living heritage of the Atlantic Sea Stream Peoples, particularly of the NiTaino and Matouac Peoples of the Caribbean and Eastern Amerikragkan Seaboards. The NiTaino cultures are unapologetically and entirely masculinist and erotic, and are rooted in 100,000 years+ of experience.

My invocation is that this celebration simply confirms and encourages what you and your brother/ lover/friends are already living. For those from other traditional cultures around the world, we welcome our visiting brothers. We not only welcome you to play with us, but encourage you to find your own traditional experiences, roots, heritage, and culture. Once you find these, we dream that you reclaim and re-root, so that you may become your maximum masculine potential. Perhaps then, you can invite us to play in your herencia as well!

can be so misunderstood and misconstrued by so many. The problem is something deeper than simple poor reading comprehension.
I believe that people who have political-religious agendas read the above words, and think they have found an uncontacted, innocent, defenseless tribe that they can proselytize to. These evangelical-trolls also are banking on guys struggling with themselves and their feelings (and with imperial society as a whole) being the “broken spirits” that the missionaries claim are the core of new conversions. “God can only work on a broken spirit” may work in an area of great suffering, but by and large we Bronkeys are not suffering enough to have that lame-ass trick work. MBP expounds something that monotheist empire can't even conceive of- self-actualization and empowerment by a direct, personal connection with the Creation. No middle men, no clergy, no political control threats veiled as fire and brimstone, no “God told me to tell you”, and absolutely none of the bullshit trappings that got you in the bind you are in in the first place. No need to follow a demented, child-molesting, greedy politico-preacher with an agenda around like a blind and broken sheep. No need to give tremendous portions of your shrinking imperial income to support the fetishes, activities, and luxury lifestyles of your religious overlords. No having to be a bleating member of a mega-church or controlling congregation. MBP actually follows Jesus' own words: “wherever two or more are gathered”. By self-actualization, we ignore the meddling middlemen, allowing more time and resources for truly following the will of the Creator. By following traditional tribal philosophy of faith and Creation, one quickly escapes the prison of corporate worship and religion, and returns back to a personal, living, direct connection with the Creator(s). We have enough problems in this world, being present and celebrating the Creation shouldn't be one of them.
For a person raised in an imperial corporate religion that claims exclusive,“chosen” status, examining other cultures, faiths, and ideas can be threatening, as the paradigm of dominance you were raised in is realized to be invalid. Dogma must be static to work effectively as enslaving chains, and dogma is always rooted in a limited, unrealistic, unnatural set of ideas. If one examines other ideas, even with a “take what you need, and leave the rest behind” filter, he will find his own faith increasing and deepening, not weakening and shrinking. One person or congregation can see everything, and being that there are no “chosen people”, understandings and revelations will never all be centered in one population.
Humans have shared information and taught each other throughout history, and not just the missionaries to the heathens. In fact, if the “Body of Christ” wasn't so head-up-it's-ass inbred, and just a little more open-minded, it might actually be more relevant and gain strength. As it stands, it is a very threatening, oppressive Jewish-offshoot cannibal xombi cult rocked by scandals of greed, powerlust, child molestation, and violence. The only relevance it has is because it is propped up by governments, militias, and missionaries- “Do it for God and Country, Soldier”. No one in their right mind would willingly wander into Christian monotheism, it is spread like a mind-virus by nagging, intimidation, and threats of violence and hellfire- much like Kinney's recent campaign and rampages have eloquently shown. John Wellesley said the best way to show what a Christian is supposed to be is by being a living example. I want to thank our several recent Christian revolutionaries of doing just that in public and private. I need to state that I include ALL monotheist and imperial cults in equal disgust. The same Molochian pathologies rise and activate endlessly, no matter how many promises or attempts are made. We have had almost 6,000 years of attempts at monotheism, and the end result is always the same- an out-of-control political control system masquerading as a faith that is abusive, murderous, overly dramatic, and hundreds of millions dead.
I had offered Kinney a chance to write an essay on the masculinist and Bronkey aspects of Christianity, and extended the offer to several other believers. No one took me up on the offer, so I rescind it. When I read the Jesus mythos text, I see several deep male-male friendships (David and Jonathan, Jesus and Lazarus), and many MBP and masculinist situations and ideas. It then is unfathomable to me that the practice of the faith would be so goddamned rigid and venomous towards Bronkeys and guys bonding. It is historic, long-term, and well before Southern televangelists. I see no way a “true believer” can have any compassion, caring, humanity, much less attraction and eroticism towards and with another male. I don't know how any male who loves men on any level would want to be a Christian- the entire faith has been deliberately and militaristicly oriented towards hunting and harming Bronkeys for well over a thousand years now. It is more insane and double-think than a Log Cabin Republican. Why participate and be surrounded by hate where you are so obviously not wanted or respected?
I also want to state that I offered the Amatl Turey free online as a resource for Taino culture, and as a celebration of my completion of a 12 year translation journey. This action was interpreted as me trying to start a religion by our Pentecostal dissenters, which is laughable. In my essays and surveys, I quote from whatever sources are applicable, including the Christian vulgate. The Amatl Turey and the related Popol Vuh have stories that date back 15,000 years, and are important World Heritage sources. My goal is to show that Bronkeys and Bronkiness have been a part of humanity for as long as mankind has existed, and in many times and places, it was the most sacred expression of humanity. Sorry the small-minded and paranoid are threatened by that, but I must emphasize that the site opens with the words re-posted above. MBP never claimed to be a collection of Dobson's sermons.

- Joaquin 2 Cacimarex, Sewaornock, Manahatouac.

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