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Sunday, February 12, 2012

Inaction In MBP Due To The Genocidal Khazarian Academic Dichotomy

There is a very large and strong movement within academia in North America currently that deals with racial identity of Native First Peoples. The dichotomy is that all Natives MUST have African blood in them, and that to deny it is somehow acutely racist.
At first, the dichotomy might look like some overdone political correctness thing, or perhaps even giving the African bloodline it's due. Upon deeper inspection, it becomes a convenient way to annihilate and statistically genocide and deny any Native claims to land or any other benefits from a clear identity.

This has been used several times, most notoriously in Manahatouac in the 1970's with the Ramapo people. The Ramapo are an R&K indigenous group, with their language, culture, and spirituality pretty much intact. They live in the Ramapo mountains, and for the region they are in (border between New York and New Jersey, they are pretty isolated and cloistered, considering. I have done ritual and sweat with them, and can tell you they still got it.
A pair of imperial lackey-demics (Cohen and Dixon) for the Rockefeller Trust went in, allegedly trying to prove what kind of “injun” the Ramapos were. The Ramapos own land surrounding major highway arterials, and are sitting on some of the last forested land in the tri-state area that could be used to expand the urban block. They also sit on the fantastic Hudson Highland aquifer, which NYC wants desperately. So, the two quacks go in, and after futzing around for five years, suddenly declare the Ramapos “black”, as in “escaped slaves”. This is fascinating, being that few if any Ramapos are shades darker than me (I am pink), and as stated earlier, their culture is intact. The “black” designation erased any possible sovereignty the Ramapos would have had as a First People. Cohen has since passed, but Heriberto Airy Dixon continues the cause, claiming all Natives are really Africans.

Now in fairness, I must state that in several areas- Cuba, Haiti, Barbados, St. Lucia, Belize, Trinidad and Tobago, Brazil, and Guyana are just a few examples- African slaves who were brought in and escaped to Native villages bred in, creating wonderful, powerful hybrids of not just genetics but culture as well. The Garifuna of the Caribbean and Central America and the Gullah of the Southeast EEUU coastline are two of the most identifiable examples. These cultural blends have become part of the core of American identity- even the Gershwins borrowed from them, admitting their famous song “Summertime” was a “Gullah lullaby”.

My own family is an example of Caribbean mixing- there are branches that contain African and Taino mix, European and Taino, and all three together, all in one family from a small island (My particular mix doesn't even have Castillian in it, it is Cockney British Pirate and Taino). Racism starts with and exists among, and then spreads from the elite controllers of empire, it does not start among the commoners.

Amazingly, the imperial professors of “Black” or “African” studies only promote and continue this dichotomy, instead of fighting it. When one approaches a PhD “blackologist”, and mentions either the Great Zimbabwe and it's technology and archaeology (heaven forbid you mention Egypt coming out of Zimbabwe, or try and find a book on Zimbabwe), or you mention what Thomas Jefferson did to Haiti right after their independence, and they will shriek, slam doors on you, and call in the guards. The empire simply cannot allow two glorious histories (Native Africa and Native America) to be fully researched and understood, they have to cripple them into a Creole, and then enslave it. That is the truest racism of all.

When it comes to imperial talk of “bloodlines” and “racial purity”, one should always proceed with the utmost caution. Minus all of the political baggage of the last 500 years attached to this eugenic, genocidal thinking, the biggest problem is that it is unrealistic, and only serves to invoke a dichotomy of a “people (genetic or cultural) chosen by god” to “rule over a subhuman slave caste”. This paradigm is a blatantly imperialist thought process. In reality, culture is transmitted by experience, not transmitted on a genome. One is not born a believer in any religion, one must be taught. If you were to take an infant from a homogeneous genetic stock- like that of North Korea, and raise it as a Bantu, the baby would be a Bantu. A strange-looking Bantu, perhaps, but a Bantu nonetheless. The infant would speak Bantu, know Bantu legends and religion, and live Bantu-style. Nothing beyond physical attributes would have been transmitted by it's R12A gene sequencing. Beyond certain traits and diseases, eugenics is complete and utter useless bullshit used solely to create control insane paradigms. Humans is humans, and culture is learned from the land and situations.

So, who is behind the monster here? Think of a major monotheist imperial religion that claims it is genetically different and better than anyone else, the same people who claim they are the Chosen Ones. Ahhhh. The Khazars are at it again. If you check all the new eugenic mapping and testing done by Nat Geo and others, it is all paid for and labs done by the Israeli government and companies. Someone there needs to prove something fast, and is pulling a fast one. (Hilariously, the Zionist-despised Palestinians are actually genetically identical to the Sephardic Jews, who are the real original A'i'biru stock. The Ashkenazis (the name means Germanic), are European stock, the Khazarian Jews. They have nothing in common with the genetics or culture of the southwestern Asian deserts, but more to do with Germany, Russia, and Poland. Their costumes reflect this- 15th century Polish buckle shoes, trenchcoats, and fur hats work well in the Baltic, but not in a desert. Much like they squash and deny African history, they do the same to their own history as well, always re-paving it to be more politically usable. Just ask Arthur Koestler what happens when you challenge the Orthodoxy.)

When one looks at one of the greatest Khazarian creations of the last 120 years, Frankfurt Schule Critical Theory is among the most effective. Critical Theory is a way of rationalizing anything. It makes the mundane special, and renders impotent any variance or strong ideas. It is behind Edward L. Bernays' methods of modern political and commercial propaganda and mass mind control, and it is behind Israel's Holocaust and anti-Semite defenses they use to try and silence protests about their genocide and rape of Palestinians and their land. At it's simplest, Critical Theory states shout your opponent down using ad hominem attacks, and baseless innuendo and illogical emotion-jarring statements. One using CT NEVER states their own position or belief, as that would give a foothold to an opponent.

The CT has been used successfully by all the dominant ruling “minorities”, including feminists, and gays, as well as the Khazars. It is quite an effective propagandistic way to go from an “oppressed minority” to become the ruling elite overlords.

Now, how does this all effect MBP? How does equating the indigenous First Peoples with subhumans and slaves have pull on how we process MBP?

We have been looking at ancient, deep, repeating patterns within humanity that deal with the sacred masculine, and these are always from indigenous cultures and sources outside of monotheist empire, as monotheist empire offers none of the needs of human males. CT comes into play every time a male says: “That's them, they do that. We are here, and we don't do that.” The us-versus-them attitude is CT in full effect. We believe ourselves superior to the indigenous, even though we are inhumane and suffering greatly because of it. The indigenous are subhuman, somehow less than us, the classic “niggers”, whether they are brown or not. We are the sophisticated conquerors, we are “civilized”. Ours is the “real” culture, we have the “one, true god” and Wal-Mart. Nothing is wrong, and progress marches onward!
But, you wouldn't be on MBP if you thought everything was hunky-dory and functioning well in “civilization”, would you? You are searching, looking for alternatives. You know something (many things) are horribly wrong, and your very soul fights to find solace again.

When data on indigenous is shared, we find it intriguing, even titillating, but we adamantly refuse to allow ourselves to encompass and become even a portion of what is found, we won't allow ourselves to even stick our toes in, it must remain philosophical, or we, too will be tarred as “niggers”.

This insane neurosis is not racism, it is programming- we do not hate the indigenous, we simply won't allow ourselves to “become” them, and it's not about technology, or living naked in a mud hut, as those things attract us and make us hard. We are fearful that if we step too far out of the dominant control pattern of empire, that we will somehow lose our status as part of the “Chosen People”, and then we, too, will be treated like the indigenous- some semi-dangerous, sub-human problem needing to be conquered, solved, tamed, civilized. We hold onto empire, even though empire enslaves us, emasculates us, and truly turns us into “niggers” for the elite. We want to be the “kike” overlords so badly, we will sacrifice ourselves into true slavery so we can be “accepted” (and only as servants or cannon fodder- remember the worker-breeder-soldier unit) by the Khazarian elite. The elite don't give a rat's ass about you, except how much they can give you. Fuck, you are so programmed, when a “revolution” occurs, you keep the pyramid scam, and change a few of the lower bricks, and wonder why nothing changed.

The only way out is to abandon the “kikes” at all levels- their pyramid scams, their elitism, their social castes, their fiat currencies- and fully embrace and become a “nigger”. “Nigger” amazingly means freedom in the truest way. Once you reject and are outside the game, you are free, the “kikes” have no power over you. You can think freely, act freely, and grow to be fully masculine and human again. British prophet and polemicist George Orwell (Eric Blair) wrote about this in his masterpiece 1984- the Party members are nervous and get tortured by the dominant paradigm, the Proles are free, and are left alone. Inner Party member O'Brien even tells Winston: “The Proles may be a sea, but they aren't human. Big Brother has nothing to fear from them, they will never wake up.”

And before your house cat political-correctness detector goes into overdrive: my usage of the words “nigger” and “kike” refer to positions in an imperial slave system, not a color or faith. That the controlling overlords (and creators of Critical Theory) happen to be Khazarian Jewish is not my fault, or my decision. The word “kike” comes from the Yiddish word for Crown, as in Imperial Crown, indicating overlords from the house of Cohan. It is their own term. And they use the word “nigger” to describe all those who are not part of their club. I despise the terms, which is why I put them in quotes.

I will end by asking again: Why are you still allowing you and your masculinity and life to be defined by and run by the Eurasian Zio-Fempire? The list of excuses is almost over, and time is most definitely running out. Why are you afraid to be empowered and free?

- Joaquin 2 Cacimarex, Sewaornock, Manahatoauc.

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