Men visiting at the Moment.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Hostility Towards Natural Guatiao bonding (male-male desire)

Submitted Via: Reclaiming Natural Manhood please check out their blogs. I just thought I'd share it with you as it is a heartfelt piece of writing, cutting deep.

"Hold my dick!"
As boys grow up, they hear such adverse comments about male-male sexual interest --- often as part of peer pressure --- that most of them develop deep hatred against their own feelings. They fight with it, suppress it, kill it, divert it disown it and hide it. Often, overcoming their sexual need for another man becomes a major obsession. Since these feelings are most intense during adolescence and youth, the struggle is the most intense during this time. Boys learn to wear a number of masks of 'power' (e.g. they may incessantly talk about girls or have girlfriends) to hide their struggle. While they burn inside, they appear cool, calm and controlled outside.
During this struggle, many boys also experience superficial sex with other boys/men. Such bonds are deliberately kept superficial, even if there is a strong emotional attachment. It is easy to suppress emotional needs, even if it has long-term harmful effects. But sexual desire can momentarily be overwhelming and boys can easily give in. The sense of shame afterwards is enough to make most boys to ----- what scientists call ----- "come out of the phase" eventually. In reality, eventually they build an inner mechanism to rein in their sexual need for men. They deaden the need, often cruelly. Most boys have 'achieved' this (and they feel proud and relieved) by the time they are 19 or 20. But when they kill this need, they also kill an important part of themselves, their power to bond, their power to love, (essentially their power to form normal natural Guatiao bonds) ----- and also an important source of their natural masculinity.
This extreme (but acquired) hatred for male-male sexual need is also externalised. It comes out in outward hostility towards male-male sex, and in jokes that boys crack about it. This also serves to keep peer pressure on one another. There are clichés that boys use to denigrate these feelings (e.g. I have the same 'thing', i.e. penis, as you, so why should there be any sexual attraction?). These clichés are handed down from generation to generation. The terms of abuse that boys use also have abundant references to sexual activity between men, especially penetrative anal sex.
There is an interesting observation that men who unusually or violently put down sex between men, often harbour strong unresolved feelings for men themselves. Therefore, intense inner struggle with one's sexual feelings make men behave violently or negatively to such bonds. (Because of this deep hatred, some boys victimise the rare boy who openly seeks sex with boys ----- who in most cases is a feminine boy ----- at the same time (ab)using him to fulfil their own suppressed sexual desires. They may have sex with the boy and then circulate the word about him being a 'homo', which subjects the boy to group humiliation, ridicule and abuse.
The diversion process
Extreme measures and mechanisms are put in place ----- both at the individual and the social level ----- to block, suppress or kill men's sexual need for men, and to divert this need towards women. These mechanisms include social restrictions, barriers, mispropaganda, rewards and punishments, apart from manipulation of social masculinity.
These measures are put in place before the individual experiences positive male intimacy or has the chance to develop his sexual need for men in a healthy manner. This means that adolescence is an extremely crucial stage for building this mechanism. If society fails to put this in place during adolescence, it has little chance in diverting/ restricting this invaluable male power.
Effective measures have been in place to ensure that the evidences of this 'diversion' are well-hidden. No discussion of this issue is permitted in society. Added to the fact that this has been in place for a long time, it is hardly surprising that male sexual attention 'naturally' appears to be solely towards women.
By the end of this diversion process ----- and after innumerable harmful side-effects to the individual ----- men come out with a diverted, bruised or mutilated sexual need that makes them incapable of forming intimate bonds with men --- although in most cases this need survives in suppressed forms.
Many feminine males do not go through this diversion process ----- because they don't consider themselves 'men'. They find solace in separate social identities such as 'Hijra' or 'homosexual' which accommodate and recognize their femininity.
There will always be some masculine boys who experience positive male intimacy before their same sex need is mutilated. The 'diversion' process will fail to have much effect on such boys. They may go on to develop a strong sexual/ emotional need for men. But life will be difficult for them --- more so if they don't have a sexual need for women. Their well-developed sexual need will find no space in society. They will suffer consequently. But unlike feminine males who become homosexuals, they will suffer in isolation and silence. Most of them will get married. No one will know of their plight. It will go unacknowledged. They will have to undertake enormous social risks to fulfil even superficial sexual needs. There is no space for them to fulfil their emotional needs. In frustration, they may either lead a totally non-sexual life or become promiscuous, especially as they grow older, and chances of finding an emotional partner diminishes.
As they grow older, their desperation may grow, and they may start taking greater social/individual risks to find sex, may use unhealthy ways, and a few may turn anti-social to fulfil their sexual needs. In a heterosexual society, they will face another enormous social risk of being labelled a 'homosexual'and thrown into the homosexual space.
In the case of the rest of the boys, what remains of their sexual need for men after the diversion process, is a highly negative/deformed sexuality. This may come out in suppressed, superficial and unattached sex with other boys/men, or worse, in situations where men are in a position of physical power over other men due to social circumstances ----- in ragging, prison abuses, etc.


  1. Jan-Anthnoy MichealsJuly 23, 2011 at 11:49 PM

    Excellent article, to bad it is so true.

  2. Call it what you will...but how is having sex with men not GAY?? No problem with that, it just is what it is.

  3. Anonymous it all depends on what you mean with gay and what you mean with sex, in both cases it can be good or bad, . A male who can express affection, connection, solidarity, and love for another male is immediately labeled by one of the zionist-feminists' favorite weapon-words: "That's GAY!!!".
    "Gay" has become not just a slang term used against homoerotic males, it is now used by imperials as a tag for anything empire declares dangerous, stupid, unpopular, or not supportive of the empire itself. The term was originally used as an attack on males who wouldn't serve non-males and their hollowness-hunger, and was only used for males- "dyke" or "lesbian" is used for non-males, rarely does anyone hear of a "gay woman". The term gay has also spread out to be applied to anything contradictory to empire- I have heard of a local yard maintenance law referred to as "that law is so fucking gay" by a professional landscaper in open town council. Everyone present laughed and nodded their heads. It is interesting how powerful this three-letter combination is; people have been killed for the mere suspicion of fulfilling it's deliberately vague, ever-changing definitions.
    Those of us living in empire are quite distanced from our masculine heritage and birthright, and must put in conscious effort to regain and cultivate it. It is a gross understatement to say that those of us raised in feminized empire are a bunch of incomplete pussyboys. None of us are fully autonomous, self-actualized, complete males; we are simply broken fragments with masculine potential trying to gel. None of us have undergone a true initiation or masculinization process. Bar Mitzvahs and confuirmations don't count, they're claiming and marking rituals, NOT enrichment on any practical masculine level. Fraternities, secret societies, and any religious rituals als don't count, as they are not real, rooted cultures, but imperial constructs used for control. They also "initiate" to "break someone in" by using intimidation, fear, shame, and force. Typical imperial ways and means, simply for power and domination. Indeed, the very idea of such a thing as a true initiation and masculinization process frightens us, and we yell out forcefully: "No, I won't- That's GAY!!!"
    What is truly gay is a broken, emasculated fragment, living enslaved and chained, denied his masculine heritage and birthright; and even worse, living completely ignorant of his masculine heritage and birthright. And what the biggest, gayest thing of them all is someone who knows of his masculine heritage and birthright, and chooses to deny it and ignore it himself. That's a true pussyboy, a true cunt.
    So, here are some specific examples of what is truly "so very gay"
    A male who has lost his autonomy, particularly to a non-male- THAT'S GAY.
    A male who is afraid of other males- treating them as equals, playing, sharing, and weaving with them body, mind, and spirit- THAT"S GAY.
    A male who denies or hates his own masculinity- THAT"S GAY.
    A male who can't stand in solidarity with other males- THAT'S GAY.
    A male who has no close male friends, and is afraid or forbidden to make them and maintain them- THAT'S GAY.
    "Gay", "Straight", and "Bi" are artificial imperial constructs, designed by the empire to separate and disconnect males, thus breaking and destroying the sacred masculine communion, and rendering the males broken and enslaved. These maliciously constructed misandric labels forces the concept of a male and masculine things to be defined solely by non-males and non-masculine things. Under this brutal system, males can only be defined by their relationships and interactions with non-males, which is unfair, insane, and illogical.These three artificial restrictions are as forced and cruel as the eunuchs in the ancient Chinese palaces and classic Arab harems.

  4. The trap set to ensnare males is this: a male is defined by a limited range of behaviors that are only a part of his life, yet he will be defined by them alone. Nothing else matters in his life besides his interactions with and relationships with non males. This not only ignores the entire rest of his life: his interests, ideas, creations, and achievements- but breaks him into a consumable, controllable unit based on one factor or trait- his "sexuality". This factor and trait is quite elastic and variable, and so he is forced to be defined and limited off of a limited number of experiences. It is smothering and complete denial. If one eats falafel and veggie burgers as part of his overall omnivorous diet, does that make him a vegan? One should eat and express arousal freely.

  5. If a Brother is crying, hold and console him
    If a Brother is hungry, feed him
    If a Brother is depressed, engage him
    If a Brother is laughing, ask him to share the joke
    If a Brother is cold, cover him
    If a Brother is tired, let him sleep
    If a Brother is questioning, answer him
    If a Brother needs a Brother, be there for him
    If a Brother is weak, protect him
    If a Brother loves you, love him back
    If a Brother is horny, nuzzle and rub him
    If a Brother wins, celebrate with him
    If a Brother is speaking, listen to him
    If a Brother is singing, sing contrapunto for him
    If a Brother needs a hug, embrace him
    If a Brother is feeling ugly, show him his beauty
    If a Brother shares himself, accept him and share back
    If a Brother reaches out, reach back for him
    If a Brother is angry, let him vent
    If a Brother is in pain, ease him

  6. "Anonymous guy: Call it what you will...but how is having sex with men not GAY?? No problem with that, it just is what it is."

    Just as a woman having sex with a man she is not married to, is not a 'whore' ...

    There are societies, where women can't do that without being labelled 'whores,' you know that right?

    'Gay,' 'whore' etc. are social labels that we give to certain acts that we as a society need to isolate and condemn. Without this need, these labels are useless. They make sense to some people -- like a woman who takes money for sex, or a masculine woman may not mind being called a 'whore.' Similarly, a third gender male, who already feels different from men, may not mind a 'gay' label, but that doesn't make these labels any more relevant or justified.

    Besides, male desire for men is a universal phenomenon, so it is pointless to have a separate label for it. 'gay' is entirely a western social construct.
