Men visiting at the Moment.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

At the core warp drive of the #OWS movement... is this the revolution YOU want?

Since the #OWS (Occupy Wall Street) movement has started, I have been feeling and posting something was “off” about it, and that it had no focused goal or traction. “Wait”, I was told, “give them time.” Well, here we are a few months in now, and still nothing beyond some vague ideas. Oakland, CA became a general strike that shut down the port there, inspired by the burtal police. The cops in Oakland murder people for sport, and the locals finally had enough. Other cities went violent or tragic as well, and NYC still remained largely a camping trip sponsored by Starbucks.
I am lucky to have large numbers of diverse facebook friends, including ones in Oakland and NYC, who are part of the OWS movement. One of the ones in NYC, camped out in Zucotti Park, kept remarking on how misandric the crowd was getting. The talk was well beyond the “Captialism is Patriarchy” bullshit. It was a paranoid fear that women were not being heard, and someone was going to get raped. Over a month went by, and I chalked it up to crowd hysteria; rumors of attrocities pulse through a crowd as a natural matter of course. The camper keeps telling me that even though nothing happened, and everyone was being on their best coffee-shop revolutionary polite politically correct behavior, that the militant feminist/victim mindframe had rooted and was growing. I was pondering what was going on, and another friend solved the puzzle- at the core of the #OWS movement (in fact the group in charge of the website, facebook, and twitter accounts) was a group of “trans-women feminists fighting patriarchy”. Don't believe me? Here is a “Gay City” article you probably missed:
Justine and Zoe, two “trans-women anarchists” (do the hyphens and fun never end) are the warp engine for the revolution. Now, that in itself wouldn't be a problem, except that these gals HATE men, and anything masculine.
Informants in Brooklyn who have been near the core squat-house all report similar conditions- men are told to shut up, are treated like second class citizens, and have no voice because “the patriarchy has silenced women all those years”. So, apparently, men are not allowed a say in #OWS. Men are also required to leave when told, as it is “logistical”.
The public face is all about the nebulous “1%” and “occupying” something. But what is it? Empire? Capitalism? Patriarchy? It has never been made clear, there are too many clamoring voices, and now we know why- it turns out that at the core, this is a revolution against males. I happen to be a male, as do many of you. Fuck, some of you women may even (gasp) love a male, or care for one!
Why should the gender preference or identity of a few people matter so much? Because it matters so much to them, it has become a core of their platform. They can't separate themselves from it. And why is this dangerous? We need to quote eugenic feminist superhero Margaret Sanger on this one: “In the future, we shall need to be a superior society of and for the women, the backbone of society. Men shall be no more than 15% of the population, and the mud races shall be no more than 3%, carefully bred for work like thoroughbred horses are.” Woman and the New Race 1920. linked:
SO this is the revolution? Do these insane Nazi-esque demons speak for you? Are their ideas what you want to see happen? I know they certainly don't speak for me, and I know that this is not the kind of revolution anyone I know wants. This revolution based on these ideals will fail, as it is genocidal and inhumane.
Let us turn our backs on this way of insanity and evil, and remember true revolutionary heroes like Gandhi amd Martin Luther King, Jr. Yes, they were men- Great men- but their vision of an truly egalitarian, peaceful, balanced, just world is as of yet unparralled. Their vision must be our vision of the future, and not the feverish nightmares of a few pathological individuals grasping so desperately for power and self-significance. Until we have a Gandhi-King movement, I shall chose to live with empire as-is, as the current empire allows more true equality and freedom- even with the 1%- than any vision these sick trolls can come up with.

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