Men visiting at the Moment.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The Power Tools- How the Fempire Enslaves Men... part 1

Hard-wired into males (and most species, not just humans) is a need to connect and weave with other males on deep levels, body, mind, and spirit. There is a crucially important sacred homoerotic homosociality that occurs in all living males, infant to over 100. Males who do not have the opportunity to interact, weave, and play with other males quickly grow pathological and insane. In that sick state, they can be re-conditioned and re-programmed to benefit and be controlled by fempire. Let us look at some of the power tools used by the fempire to break males and achieve these goals.

The first is simply propaganda- males are told that all males (themselves included) are dangerous, pathological beasts, who must never be trusted or cared for. This not only prevents males from finding each other and bonding, but it also instills a sense of filth and uselessness in the boy's self esteem. He believes (because he was told such repeatedly- “Repeating a lie over and over makes it become Truth”- Heinrich Himmler) that something is wrong with him, and he is incomplete. This is greatly facilitated by the dominance of females in empire. The boy is trapped in a feminized domestic sphere from birth, when the smother is the center of the universe, through his imperial programming education, where female teachers are dominant. He is then infected with Itiban girl-craziness, and will soon be handed off to a series of non-male overlord/ lovers. If a male shows independence or resistance to this vassal programming at any time, he is immediately declared ill, and put permanently on behavior-modification drugs to control and subdue him. If a male gets too far in before enlightenment, he is doomed to a miserable existence, surrounded by people he doesn't really care about, but he is totally responsible for. The only out is divorce (where he loses everything), or suicide.

If a male bucks the program and wakes up early enough, he is in for an even more difficult ride. He will be pasted with the fatal moniker “gay” as a way to get him to go into a set of artificial behaviors as a feminized caricature, where he can be made docile and domesticated and controlled. If one examines what “gay” means in a sociological context, one quickly sees it is nothing more than yet another battery of approved actions and behaviors, mostly consumerist, buoying the failing capitalist system. “Buy back you manhood, or surrender into being a female” is the obvious message. This twisted insanity causes the transgender pathology to occur. Transgender is not seen in pre-fempirial societies, it is an exclusive product of modern fempire. The eugenic psychologists claim that if a male likes other males, then he is a “third gender”, and must be made to act like a female. So any free expression of the inherent and crucial homosocial homoeroticism must be crushed, and if it is not, then the male who is expressing his total masculine heritage must be “changed” into an acceptable feminine caricature. The reason for this is blatantly obvious, and it shows the core weakness and flaw in fempire- a complete, autonomous male and his bonded male comrades are above and beyond all control mechanisms of fempire. Homosociality is a complete indigenous (being able to be an interactive piece of the local environment, not the conqueror of it) egalitarian social system, and no massive domestic consumerism of useless manufactured goods is needed. A male with an activated and cultured Chic'chan has no need for the fempire's religious control structure, as all the meddling clergy that block the direct connection to the Creation are no longer needed, the connection to Creation is direct and personal.
So for the self-actualized, autonomous, homosocial, homoerotic male who does not submit to the fempire's demands and paradigms, the road is a long, difficult, dangerous one if he lives in fempire. Violence is common, as evidenced by the recent discovery of the Roman Catholic Church castrating altar boys they suspect are “homosexuals”. Apparently the boys in question wouldn't let the clergy get a good feel for what was wrong with them.

The second power-tool that is used by empire is guilt and victim-mindframe, which are both only variants off of the Zionist Frankfurt Schule Critical Theory, which we have discussed elsewhere. Basically, it states attack your opponent ad hominem, and in the most irrational, emotional way possible; always claim victimhood, even if you are the obvious aggressor; and never exactly state what your position/opinion really is- if it remains vague, it can always be conveniently changed to benefit you even more later on. The two dominant forces in empire, feminists and Zionists, have used Critical Theory quite successfully repeatedly over the last 85 years. The most grievous example is Israel, who seems to have brought CT to a new low.

The most effective use of CT in a modern male's personal life if the idea that if he becomes physical or friendly with a non-male, they are “in a relationship”, and that relationship must be “exclusive”. It is basically an one-sided agreement that benefits the non-male exclusively, and the formula is that if the male wants ANY attention or interaction (erotic or not) with the non-male, then somehow a male must surrender to it, and give the non-male full control over the male's life. With the propaganda mill above working in overdrive for over 90 years, and societal pressure, a male usually gives in, so he can fit in, be “normal”, and not be hounded, ostracized, and ridiculed by the non-male networks. If he submits, it will temporarily alleviate his having his masculinity and worth questioned at every turn (that will resume in full force when the non-male feels insecure).
At this point, we must speak frankly of the pathology of being a non-male. Non-males, especially the females, are energetically neurotic, shallow, confused, petty controllers and consumers. Their reproductive system show this- they are internalized, consuming, and only produce waste product from their genitalia. They suffer from a hollowness-hunger, and can never be satisfied. Any happiness is fleeting, and the complaining, bitching, and gossiping will soon resume. Energetically they are unstable, as their menstruation and related blood-diseases show. Because of all of these factors, females have an extreme need for approval from outside sources, and need to be reassured continually. They are always hungry for significance, since they can't directly uplink to the creation (they have no Chic'chan), which is why fempire religion is dominated by meddling clergy. Under the Itiban bicameral reproductive system, the only real use for females is breeding.

So the idea of ownership in a relationship plays into both the imperial Noah Syndrome (two-by-two, boy-girl-breeding pairs in eternal competition as the only social model), and the deep need for significance in a female. “Committed” means “owned and surrendered”. We are told exclusive monogamous (one female only) relationships are “natural”, which couldn't be further from the truth. From a biological reproductive perspective, the idea is to fertilize as many eggs as possible, to create the largest genetic diversity. Monogamy goes against this entirely, Remember, too, that we are a pod/herd species of primate- we naturally live in collective communities, where there is mutual aid. Monogamy is a product of the Noah Syndrome. The idea that the offspring benefit from monogamy is also bunk, we have seen how in tribal groups where the community- in the form of guatiaos or even the larger community at large care and provide for the children- the offspring come out stronger and better-prepared. Monogamy is the worker-breeder-soldier unit in full effect for the male. It enslaves the male, and takes from the children. Monogamy only benefits the female (who the system is centered around- “if momma ain't happy, ain't no one happy”) in her drive for significance, and the empire, by separating people into artificial, controllable units. Extended families, clans, and bands of brothers are unwieldy and unpredictable. Mom-and-pop pairs (Bernays' “American Dream” propaganda only dating to 1928!!!!) are much more controllable. Remember all of this effort must be put forward by empire because human females are a pathology that is less than 22,000 years old, and there is no inborn, natural inclination for males to want to be near, or be attracted to females. Human females and anything involved with them are artificial constructs.

Monogamy and marriage also bring other, secondary enslaving pathologies to ruin a male's life with it as well. Once he is surrendered to a non-male, the non-male will demand to be provided for, which means the male will have to go out and get an imperial slave job to support his cow. He will be forced to wear a uniform, and sign contracts that will limit his expression. He may even be required to wear a leash, er- tie. The non-male eel will demand a nest, and more and more consumer goods as her whims change (depending on her low self esteem and need for significance, she is quite susceptible to advertising ploys and jealousy of what others have), which will end up with a male deeply in debt to imperial banking institutions- credit cards, mortgages, etc. Once the eel is nested and fed, she will feel less the need to “put out”, and will let herself go. Any semblance of beauty (usually a mirage made through heavy cosmetics and fetishistic fashion, and chemically intoxicating the male to re-enforce his
girl-craziness conditioning) will be let go, and then the eel will make various, and ever-increasing demands as her own self-worth sinks, and her insecurities surface. A male will then be denied any semblance of autonomy or any connection with other males. Any time he steps from the cow's control, he will be met with “How could you do this to me?!” and other such CT statements, and threats of his life being ruined if he does not submit back under her control.

The only way out of all of this is to never get involved; the only way a male can live truly masculine, autonomous, and free is to live to nurture and honor his inborn, innate sacred homoerotic homosocialism. Anything else is slaver, misery, and death.

- Joaquin 2 Cacimarex, Sewaornock, Manahatouac.


  1. After a 25 year marriage I finally escaped this empire trap. My 'wife' found out I was connecting and weaving with men. My 'wife' of course did the 'How could you do this to me' scene, divorced me and alienated me from my children. I am so happy to be free of the mortgage, debt and I quit my empire job to live in simplicity. I am developing sincere and fulfilling friendships with men and finally doing the things that make me come alive.

    1. Man I an happy for you, I am married as well, but pretified at how bad the misandry are aimed at married men, to keep them in check and under control. I wish you well on your journey of this life, peace and happyness to you.
      Kind regards
      Phlip Volschenk
