Men visiting at the Moment.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Secrets of the Big Throbbing Cock

Recently, several Bronkeys have made some amazing discoveries on the sacred masculine, all of them include public displays and architecture of large, erect, anatomically correct penises. These discoveries are from wildly different places- Yucatan Mexico, Papua New Guinea, and Korea. What is it that these “exotic” cultures have that we don't? Aren't we Eurasian imperials “better” than these “primitives”? As the Euro “May Day” approaches, we still occasionally see a “Maypole”, with it's knobby top. The Maypole is a giant phallus, and a few moments research will show that clearly.
The Eurotrash fear of things phallic and masculine (especially in sacred context) has only existed since the Victorian and Edwardian eras, so the fears are under 250 years old. The fears are direct products of English colonialism, which was influenced by the neurotic Catholic response to the Renaissance.
European art- even “church” art- show blatantly phallic imagery up until the Victorian era gets running full throttle. There are mountains of pictures of muscular, writhing, tortured male saints who look for the world to be in a gay S&M video- Saint Sebastian is a favorite depiction. We also have images of both the crucified Jesus and the baby Jesus depicted naked with prominent penises from before the Medieval period onward. In fact, I have yet to see a classic image of baby Jesus without an obvious erection. Part of his power was reflected in his “zion”, or sword. When you add in the ideas of the Grail being a bloodline instead of an artifact, the Sacred Erection of Jesus becomes even more important, as does the Magdalene. These are all clearly and frequently depicted in Euro art from 500 onward until 1800.
We don't even have to go into Da Vinci or Michelangelo, both of whom provided true believers with some of the most homoerotic images ever made. Their paintings and sculptures rival the ancient Greeks for male-featured erotic content. The Pieta and the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel (not to mention the David) have been oft-used by observant Catholic boys for devotionals involving “the Sin of Onan”. One wonders how and why the ruling elites would create such a conflicted dichotomy, and then expect no problems. Maybe that's why they have to fuck little boys- the clergy, too are turned on by the thought of Jesus “Coming Again” in play with Peter (“the Rock”). For those who think I am being sacrilegious, I ask you to simply look at the art I am discussing- a trip to the Cloisters museum (part of the Metropolitan Museum of Art) in NYC was all it took to open my eyes. Guess what one of the accessories no nobleman would be caught not wearing was for over 1,000 years in Europe? A codpiece, usually quite prominent and exaggerated in size. The ones in suits of armor were more practical, an ornate, adorned third leg would most certainly add another lance to a jousting contest.

As a Bronkey goes through history and art, he begins to see the glaring omission of the sacred masculine in image, concept, and execution in the modern imperial world. It would be quite easy to simply say that it no longer applies to us today; that tastes and society have changed, and it is now the world of the sacred feminine. Indeed, these slogans are exactly the answers produced when a Bronkey begins asking questions. Trouble is, none of the answers hold up to any scrutiny. The sacred masculine most certainly has merit and importance today, indeed- we need it now more than ever. “Tastes” have only changed because of a massive concerted effort on the part of the controlling elite to make them change. The amount of media and entertainment spent pushing the monogynisitc worker-breeder-soldier unit and Noah Syndrome paradigms can only be rivaled by the effort and resources spent on pathologizing and demonizing males. Since Rabbi Westphal's invention of “the Gay” in 1870, the imperial propaganda and reprogramming machine has been at full-tilt overdrive. The “sacred feminine” is a recent construct, which is a part of the whole Khazarian Eugenics Psychotherapy game of world domination. Read Margaret Sanger's 1920 book “Woman and the New Race” to find out the plan for endgame: “Men shall be no more than 15% of the population, and shall do the bidding of the females.” Gods help you if you are a “mudrace”, then you will be only 3% of the population, and bred like a thoroughbred to do heavy labor. The “sacred feminine” is an inhumane, twisted nightmare.
No matter what fantasy is created and marketed by the overlords, the reality of humanity will always poke through the hologram. A great example of this is the pathological imperial pornography- amongst all of the bouncing plastic tits and fetid bleeding holes, there almost always has to be a huge throbbing cock of monster proportions, and an obvious ejaculation. You can deny the sacred masculine all you want, but you can't take away the monster cock money shot, or your soldier won't be able to get it up or off for the cow he's with.

For whatever reasons- be it greedy hope for profit, or trying to gain stature with the exotic, or trying to hoard sacred information for their secret society- the sacred phallic and masculine images are preserved, and if one searched through the imperial manure, he can find it quite readily and plentifully. It is quite difficult to prove conspiracy, especially over a time frame as large as centuries. Unnatural repeating patterns that are enforced upon the masses gives us a good idea of what is going on. By the time we read Darwin, Galton, Anthony, Katt, Sanger, or now Gore, Gates, and the UN Agenda 21, it becomes shockingly clear- the conspiracy is not only true, it is being done out in the open. The conspiracy is enrobed in noble propaganda- by being eugenic and misandric, we will “save the Earth”, and we will centralize power even more, and strengthen the hegemony of the controlling elite. Along the way, we can also eradicate any threat from indigenous ways to our technologically powered paranoid empire. A few books and such will circulate among the elite, and an occasional copy will turn up in the hands of a serf scholar- the Dumberton Oaks Masonic Library in D.C. has to make some extra money somehow in these tight times, so why not sell a few copies of material members requested but never picked up? Few will ever read it, much less understand it. And so it goes- the data is everywhere, and doesn't even require a translation code. The average person is too tied up in trying to survive to care, much less spend precious time (time is money!) combing dozens of old sources to figure out what is missing. And what sources remain are so obscure, no one will readily comprehend it, even though it is in obvious pictures and clear language. If any of the serfs does find it, we will increase the distractions- new celebrity scandals, yet another fad exercise or diet or pop psychology program, and an even stronger push of the sacred feminine and how demonic and wrong males are. The scripts may be old, but they still work (as in worker-breeder-soldier unit). Sure we like getting off to a big throbbing cock in that “dirty” movie, but it's “no homo, bro”. And our obsession with those strapping, sweaty, handsome athletes? “It's just hero worship, no homo, nothing more. Hey! Did you see this new poster of a shirtless Derek Jeter? The man is a GOD!!!”

So, for those who got this far, let us look at what has been found concerning the sacred masculine in other cultures lately. I am not doing the material justice by summarizing it here, but this will give the reader a general idea of what is surfacing. Remember that there has been over 1,000 published pages collected and read so far from various sources to get this data. And remember, much of this “new” material was actually carefully preserved and hidden away in specialty elite libraries like Dumberton Oaks or Yale's Rare Manuscript Library, with access only provided to elite and initiated scholars.

RIO PORTUGUESE, PUERTO RICO/ BORIKEN: An archaeological site of the Classic Central Taino culture, North of Ponce has since 2007 yielded thousands of artifacts and paintings and carvings featuring a never-before-seen quite masculine frog entity. There is a frog glyph at the nearby Utuado site, that was originally masculine, and in the last 40 years was altered to match a Jesuit, feminist version of the local mythology. Even the original Utuado version is a pale shadow of the phallic glory or the Rio Portuguese findings. The frogs at Rio Portuguese are equipped with not simply a bump, but a complex tetrahedral point penis and scrotum set, which closely match Classic depictions of the equipment of Deminan and Boinayel. Unfortunately, we are working only on a dozen or so photographs taken during the beginning of the excavation, as the artifacts that were not destroyed “accidentally” by the bulldozers were stolen by an Army Corps of Engineers subcontractor, new South Associates, which is an openly feminist, born-again x-tian firm that openly promotes misandry on it's website. And they are proudly “wombyn-owned”. The photographs we do have are stunning, and easily destroy the Jesuit-backed feminista Taina mythos into dust. For anyone interested in Taino culture, these frogs could represent Baraguabel and Baibrama and the Coquis; they could represent Deminan and Boinayel in frog-form from a story we don't have a version of, or they could represent entirely new frog deities of some kind, which would probably be local, as nothing like this is seen outside of that valley. In any case, it is a crime against humanity that these carvings were destroyed so callously for such an evil, shallow agenda.

YUCATAN, MEXICO: UXMAL, CHICHEN ITZA, AND THE PUUC REGION: What is resurfacing is a pan Caribbean-Yucatan phallic Chic'chan cult that was the basis for the strength of Chichen Itza. Not only do these discoveries completely debunk the matriarchal or egalitarian, strong-women societies, it also completely denatures the popularly spread ideas on the faiths of the cultures in the region. Nowhere to be found is the sacred feminine, the female part of the original creator pair, or the feminine moon goddess. The goddesses that do show up in neighboring regions- Itiba Cahubalba and Coatlique- are terrifying demons, not noble mothers. The direct connection of the sacred masculine into the Cosmic creation is overwhelmingly obvious.
Besides the oft-discussed manatee-skin Porrua Codex, we have phallic imagery built into all of the temples of the Puuc region, including the surviving “Temple of the Phallus” in Uxmal. Chichen Itza and other sites once had temples such as this too, but the phalli were removed as not to offend visiting clergy and Castillian royalty. Mercifully, at a cave and site near Uxmal, most of the architectural phallic carvings have been preserved, and can be accessed, even though they are still not common tourist fodder. The caves near Uxmal are filled with phallic and overtly homoerotic drawings, paintings, and carvings, as are the secondary areas near Chichen Itza. Tourists wonder why they are offered local wooden flutes in phallic form (some even painted with white to represent post-orgasm) at all of the local artisan and craft markets.
All of the phalli, whether carved, painted, or drawn, are all anatomically-correct (including details of the thick foreskins prominent in the local males), and all of the carvings have urethras, which on the architectural carvings was used to channel water. We are told by locals and the images left that the water shooting from such spouts was considered a blessing to those males who stood under it. This is reminiscent of the Dine-Navajo Xochipelli blessings by Kachina dancers wearing wooden and skin phalli, who ejaculate sweet corn drink on the revelers as a blessing. Nowhere is any female image found in the Puuc region, much less a “sacred” female image. It is cocks all the way down.

In Mexico and the Caribbean, prudish and perverted Euros and the Church enforced their “morality” at sword and gunpoint, and beat the sacred masculine and phallic into submission and hiding. The choicest pieces were of course kept for the imperial elite, as secret knowledge and held from the commoners. Out of context, it doesn't work well, if at all. The conspiracy to kill the Chic'chan and sacred masculine is so obvious, it is blinding. In this Year of the Dragon and the Return of Kulkulkan, phallus once again rises, as it always does. From the new material processed so far, and from the recorded tradition, the Way of the Chic'chan is not an easy one- it requires discipline, dedication, and does not fit into the modern ideas well. As always, reality is quite simple, but few will walk in it. More soon.

- Joaquin 2 Cacimarex, Sewaornock, Manahtouac

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