Men visiting at the Moment.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

The True Self-Actualized Revolutionary Bronkey

We live in a powerful time of change, where we see oppressed or suffering masses rise up and make their collective voice and power heard and felt. The cycle has occurred in many places, the most notable in Egypt, where an empire-backed dictator-for-life was replaced by a military regime by the will of the people. We also now see the people uprising against the military regime.
Here in the EEUU/USA, we are way too comfortable, and we are way too programmed. If we were to truly revolt, we fear we would lose all of our comforts and luxuries. In Egypt, the people were truly suffering, and had lost everything. We are still bread-and-circuses here, and a celebrity sex scandal, wardrobe malfunction, or lethal overdose can distract us from what is important. Even our attempted “revolution”, the “Occupy Movement”, resulted in a bunch of pacifistic unarmed sheep being held in playpens until the local government gorillas figured out how best to torture them. In New York, the Zucotti Park protest became a platform for corporate sponsorship- pictures of the rallies and encampment show protesters on free wifi provided by Verizon, who also gave them logo-emblazoned helium balloons to hold. Free fresh hot coffee from Starbucks provided a mountain of cups with logos as a free photo-op every time a news camera was operated. The idea was right, the execution was co-opted and horrible. We also saw a fear of breaking laws and being arrested at the protests (the exception being Oakland, California), which led to ineffectual activities and outcomes. The protests and encampments are over, and the corporate bankers are still in power.
We are all familiar with the mass movements and crowd revolutions throughout history, we learned them is school- France, Russia, Spain, Haiti, and even abortive uprisings like the Boxer Rebellion and Guy Fawkes in England. We may not be so familiar with the smaller, individual or small-group led uprisings, such as the Esopus Wars in New York, the Zapatistas of Yucatan, and several rounds of revolution in Cuba, starting in the 1600s with the Ciboney-Macorix warrior prince Hatuey. These small uprisings are nowhere near as famous, because it was more ideological, and less Broadway-showstopper. Many of these smaller events were just as impacting on history- the Esopus Wars changed not only New York, but United States history, allowing enough Native independence at a crucial moment that many Nations of Amerindians were able to reformat and survive somewhat intact to this very day. Not headline-grabbing, but crucial nonetheless.

The rarer, and more powerful revolutionary is the singular one, the man who has become autonomous and self-actualized. Since he follows his own path, and not that of the lemmings of the mob, he has an independent internal strength not found in the swarming masses. Fempire spends an inordinate amount of resources talking of how the individual is meaningless, and conformity is the way. This is why it is easier to follow the throng, instead of leading your own pathway. One person truly can change history and change the opinions of the masses- think of the iconic student protester in Tienanmen Square in Beijing, China in 1989. The brave xi'paal stood by himself in front of a line of tanks, armed with nothing but his valor and his briefcase. Even though he was dragged off by the secret police and murdered, the image of his solitary stand is still an inspirational, widely-recognized icon. Most don't even know his name. In that one brave moment, his stalwart non-violence showed the world how violent, obsessed, and demonic the Chinese government really was. Same holds true for the xi'paal murdered at Kent State University, Ohio, USA, in 1970. While the governments of the USA and China have continued to become more violent and psychotic towards their own citizenry, the rest of the world saw the truth of the matter. Even in death, these two brave lads made changes on both subtle and not so subtle ways, and changed the zeitgeist.
George Orwell, in his masterpiece novel 1984, explains why these solo dissenters are so powerful. These individuals know that what fempire wants is total acceptance and conformity. As long as an individuals heart and mind are still in dissent, the fempire cannot rest, and it cannot win, as ideas and strong feelings transcend an individual, and transcend death. As long as there is dissent, the fempire cannot win. We must remember this powerful truth, and practice it in our lives.

We who live in this tumultuous imperial modern world need to be more revolutionary, we need to be more radical. We are surrounded by a society where we are told we must continually conform to the needs and desires of fempire, or we will be ostracized, medicated, hunted, jailed, or maybe even killed. We are told that being male is a pathology, and that men are dirty, evil, and untrustworthy. Any affection or bonding not aimed at the controlling elite or a non-male, and we are told something is wrong with us. We are denied our health, we are denied our creative expression, we are denied our children, all for the benefit of the fempire that hates us. Eugenic fempire has made it's thoughts on masculinity quite clear- “The men shall be no more than 15% of the population, and like the mud-races (who themselves shall be no more than 3% of the population), they shall be bred as thoroughbred horses, so they can work, and provide for the core of female citizenry”. (Quoted from Margaret Sanger's Woman and the New Race, 1920.) Outside of the worker-breeder-soldier unit, the fempire has little or no use for males.

A male who wishes to live free and clear of the accepted and enforced masculine paradigms (either the worker-breeder-soldier unit or the fawning, effette eyeri non-male) must be a true revolutionary in every aspect of his life, he must live as a true radical. He must live every waking moment as a truly free, self actualized, autonomous male by choice, which is not easy. He must break every expectation and pathology foisted upon him by the controlling fempire, and the rest of the dumbass enslaved xombi-sheeple around him, or he is simply one of them.
When we speak of radicalism, I NEVER mean violence or bombs or guns or conspiracy plots or assassinations or death or destruction-those belong solely to the rapidly dying empire. To engage in those things would to be to become fempire in the same way as taking it in the ass (or giving it in the ass) to a one-night stand with a drag queen.
What I mean is internal valor and bravery, to live boldly and defiantly. A Bronkey can accomplish this by engaging all men as equals, loving and bonding as equals, always with the respect and dignity as brothers and equals. The oft-quoted and always ignored French national slogan “Freedom, Brotherhood, and Equality” would be a good guideline. To sit and hold another male and consider and realize he is not your bitch (or you as his bitch), and that you are both beautiful, loving, amazing equals as is, that is one of the most powerful revolutionary acts one can engage in. Being able to live the old Taino proverb “Move in me, I'm strong enough to be weak in your arms” is a strong statement.
As I have often shared, when the first atomic bomb test took place in New Mexico, lead demon alchemist Julius Robert Oppenheimer misquoted Vedic scripture as he orgasmed to the destruction: “I have become Death, destroyer of worlds”. That statement holds all of fempire's values, ideas, and guiding principles. It has been stated that we Bronkeys hold a different mantra in our cores: “I have become LOVE, Creator of the Cosmos”.
Engaging other males with compassion, dignity, love, and respect on the levels of body, mind, and spirit- and no power games or grabs, no territorial pissings, no domination or bullying or intimidation or fear or feelings of judgment or unworthiness (on either side)- but just real and deep guiarq, quibey, and tekguiarq, and trust and faith in each other- that is the most revolutionary act of all.

The time is now. Are you Monkey enough to meet the challenge?

- Joaquin 2 Cacimarex, Sewaornock, Manahatouac.

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