Men visiting at the Moment.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

The Power Tools- How the Fempire Enslaves Men... part 2

We are continuing our examination of the ways and means fempire enslaves males that live in it.

Let us examine the economic warfare in greater depth. We have discussed how being involved with and bonded to a non-male is extremely costly, as non-males are very materialistic ( the root word for materialistic is “mater”, which is also the root word for “mother”; ie. In the “alma mater” usage), and re unsatiable. They will demand more and more, at an ever-increasing cost to the providing male. Loans (ie, mortgages, etc) will be taken, and those are usually at a ridiculous high rate of interest. A typical mortgage in New York is a “30-year, variable interest rate mortgage”, which will result in the “purchaser” of the house paying at least three and as much as 10 times or more what the actual property was really worth by the end of the term, and many properties start with madly inflated values when on the market (“real estate bubble”). The same holds true for credit cards for smaller consumer purchases. Typical credit cards here have a 17% to 21% interest rate. The interest quickly overcomes the value of the original purchases. Again, the original price is usually quite inflated to begin with. Let's take an example, just to show the power of this, which may not be so obvious- an object is mass-produced in East Asia, and the entire cost for the object (raw materials, manufacture, labor, shipping, etc.; anything before being in the store) is US$5. The store will demand at least a 50% markup, so the price is now US$7.50. The item is popular and sells well, and there is a “craze” or “fever” for it. The stores and importers see this, and mark it for retail for US$30. The stores may hold back on orders, claiming the very common object is now “backordered” and “rare”, so they now jack it up to US$50. A typical consumer gets hornswoggled into buying one, and is short on cash, so he charges it. His cost is now 10 times the original value, and now at 17% interest, so he pays a minimum of US$85 for a $5 item. Yes, this is a greatly simplified example, but welcome to capitalism, dear Bronkey. That this is considered “normal” and “accepted” is mind-blowing to me. And this doesn't even consider the environmental damage and horrid working conditions in the place where it was manufactured; or the horrible job and conditions the consumer here works in at a low wage so that they can end up paying US$80 over actual value for a trinket they really didn't need. This is all subject to massive propaganda and marketing campaigns, and the pressure to “buy, buy, buy- or the terrorists have already won”. (Quote from Rudy Guiliani, former NYC mayor). It is “unamerican” to do it yourself or be a craftsman. Remember that before widespread air travel and trucking, whatever goods were needed were done by local specialists, who the consumer usually knew personally. As we have lost our craftsmen, we have become enslaved to this manufacturing pyramid scheme of globalist controls. I am 40, and when I was a boy, my hometown had two tailor shops and a cobbler, as well as a tack leather shop, and no one by me had horses- they sold boots and hats and guitar straps and chamois cloths. Try and find a tailor or cobbler or carpenter or cooper now. (Sewaornock is blessed with a magnificent Jordanian tailor who is fast, efficient, and affordable. We even still have a blacksmith in town!) All of these economic traps effect single as well as married males, the fempire is rabidly consumerist and capitalist. Anyone in empire will have to deal with these pathologies.

The fourth aspect I'd like to discuss on how males are enslaved is touch and affection, or more specifically, lack of touch and affection. No other topic is of such concern, confusion, and pain in the letters and correspondence we get.
We are mammalian primates, of which every other species is highly social and affectionate. Monkeys and apes share food, are wildly sensual and erotic, and sit and hold and extensively groom and massage each other. Much of their time is spend in interactive touch; touch is a major form of communication and reassurance, touch is essential to their very existence and well being. Despite human societal controls, humans are no different. The experiences of Romanian orphans in the 1980's (where the children in state-run orphanages where there were severe budget and staffing problems were not touched or interacted with, and became highly autistic and pathological, including endless repeated motions, inconsolable crying, and self-mutilation- sound familiar, Westerners?) are clear evidence that previous studies with touch-deprived primates apply to humans as well.
In fempire, touch cannot be spontaneous and human, it always must have an agenda or direct, approved purpose. Any other touch is considered unusual or wrong, and will bring great scorn and ridicule. Interestingly, touch in fempire is usually only allowed during commerce or conquest sporting events- be it the businessmen's handshake, a car salesman draping his arm over the shoulders of his latest customer mark, or a quick, no-torso contact embrace or high-five during war or sports victories. Even allopathic “healers” now use machines instead of touch to make diagnoses of their non-existent diseases. I am old enough to remember older doctors using their hands as their major diagnostic sensory tools.
Fempire has even gone as far to legislate against touch, and now there are arrestable and punishable categories for touch: inappropriate (by what standard?), unwanted, forcible, and intrusive. People rarely even handshake or hug, and it is no wonder. Thanks to Critical Theory Victim Mindframe, both can now legally be considered rape. We even train our children that if ANYONE touches them in any context (even a parent or sibling; exemptions are made for clergy, allopaths, and coaches) they have been violated. One wonders how a parent is supposed to care for their children. In England, a father was arrested for sitting on a bench near their neighborhood playground and cuddling his sleepy three year old son. Yes, there are twisted fucks who prey sexually and violently on children, but they are not the majority, and then who is to give children direct physical care and interaction? We see how “official” touchers, such as doctors and clergy, are the most commonplace molestors and rapists. (On an adult level, allopaths in England are also told to ask women how often their male partners touch them, and how many times do they hit or rape them, implying it is all the same action and intent. Males are never allowed to be human, caring, or tender, and then they wonder why males commit horrible violence.)
I see it at my job as well- boys are touched and handled much less than girls, even when in arms. Very few parents offer the boys carino and loving physical touch, there seems to be a magnetic repulsion to do it. The disparity of girls being touched while boys are neglected en masse goes even deeper- little girls, and even older ones, are encouraged to be affectionate and in each other's space. Two little boys even wrestle (much less cuddle), and hellfire will be upon them. Boys learn quickly and early that contact with other males is verbotten, and those who continue to seek it must do so in secrecy or under veneer of some other context, such as sports. There are a few rare gems who get through intact and touched, and they tend to be much more grounded. It is my experience that these lucky people have direct heritage in an indigenous culture, and within three generations of immigration. I am one of them- my father was born in Culebra, Boriken. Until I was orphaned at age 14, I couldn't get out of a room without being hugged and cuddled by someone, very rarely did I sleep alone, even though I had my own bed. Friends and relatives who sleep over my house know they are expected to sleep in my bed with me. Even a detached white American friend I have known for almost three decades has gotten used to it. Many of us of Caribbean descent have these same experiences- I know from experience that the Macorix Quiskeyan tradition encourages food, sleeping, and bathing be shared among male siblings, cousins, and friends. This concept is amazing- when such intimacy is expected and the commonplace, it is always sensual but rarely erotic, and the heightened closeness is overwhelmingly palpable.
I was at a dinner party recently, and a Berber from Andalusia was there with his 12 year old US born son. The boy was the only child there, and conducted himself eloquently and intelligently on the level of the adults flawlessly for three hours. Towards the end of the dinner he became tired, and he curled up on his father, who caressed him, and rubbed his back until Sebastian (the boy) was happily secure and soundly asleep. It made my heart soar.
We are bombarded with new statistics almost daily of an epidemic of social awkwardness referred to collectively as “autism”. Autism has become the new cause celebre in the last twenty years. What once was an odd person or two is now an epidemic disease, with it's own funding and charities and “awareness ribbon”, which is a multicolored puzzle piece. Autism strikes boys in over 90% of the cases (Temple Grandin is a well known female example). So what exactly is going on? In a time of vast genetic diversity, is it genetic? In a time of a toxic environment, where even poisons are sold as “safe” food, and water is routinely spiked with deadly sodium flouride? In a time of rampant allopathic human experimentation, is it one of the mandated infant vaccines or mercury in the fillings of their mothers? In a time when politically-correct thought police control our very thoughts by limiting our vocabulary, is it that these people suffer mild, non-Down Syndrome, non-mongoloid retardation? Or could it all be more simple- could it simply be about touch-depravation?
Many of the parents of autistic boys, even those in print sources- say that they slowly noticed that the child became reclusive, withdrawn, and began repetitive behaviors. Many of the autistics in later stages are terrified of touch, as if it will harm or hurt them. All of these are the signs and symptoms that neglected Romanian orphans and baby Rhesus macaques show when they are touch-deprived. While there may be environmental factors involved, I truly believe that touch-deprivation is the key to the disease. Most parents of autistics are quite neurotic and hung up, and do not flow with affection and free touch with their offspring. Since they are conceited, they couldn't be the reason the kid is fucked up, so they begin a crusade of pseudo-scientific research to “prove” their child has a “severe allergy” to such common things as water, air, sunlight, or quartz, that is causing the misfiring. In the past, we also loved and accepted “autistics”, and called them “eccentrics” or “oddfellows”. Now we separate them and pathologize them, so that some Khazarian eugenicist can make a career off of false diagnoses and drug prescriptions. (This does not nullify allergies, I myself was at one point very reactive to strawberries, which I love. I simply didn't eat strawberries or strawberry-derived products. It did not define my life, and I wasn't pulled from school, and I didn't inflict my no-strawberry rule on everyone else within five miles around me, which is common today. Several school buses have been evacuated, and schools have been put on lockdown in several states because someone found a peanut on the ground. May this be the most severe problem or trouble they ever encounter.)
Perhaps if we weren't trying to make our baby boys into Mad Max/ Road Warrior stereotypes, they would experience their humanity. Boys who retain their emotions and humanity into their schoolyears are quickly drugged into submission by the academic overlords. Then, they are fed a steady supply of war-themed video games, which by their very nature of play on a computer cause even more isolation and no touch. It is no wonder boys snap and shoot their teachers and schoolmates, or become rapists and torturers in the military- these are the exact goals the system trains them for. Humans are primates, and primates need touch continually- it is one of the ways we communicate and share. When our normal tactile communication is interrupted or denied, humans become disoriented and fearful.

Fear is the last power tool used to control and destroy males we shall discuss (for now). When a male in fempire is approached by another male, the first instinct is fear, which causes a fight or flight response. But where does this come from? Even boys in fempire, when left to themselves, congregate with other male peers- this occurs naturally until they are forcibly infused with the girl-craziness just before the onset of puberty, to make sure they “come out normal”.
Fempire spends tremendous resources breaking males down with fear about their masculinity. Since fempire does not provide for a realistic, humane model of masculinity, males are constantly seeking some standard or model to imprint on and learn from. Fempire abuses this fact, and uses advertising demographic propaganda to achieve the worker breeder soldier unit. Clear examples of this are the endless barrage of hetero imagery of happiness and normalcy in “entertainment”, be it movies, songs, or publications, and governmental threats on registration forms- not only is there an enforced registration for all males 18 to 45 to be included in a military draft lottery, the form's cover even says: “Men! Do the right thing!” And “Be A Real Man, and Register!” This is in addition to federal law that prohibits a male who hasn't registered from getting into college, getting scholarships, bank loans, or even voting. Notice that females do not have to register, even though they are in regular active forces today. And please also note that the “Be a Real Man” bullying is done by a large murderous group who were terrified of homoerotics in their ranks and showers until they were forced by executive order to deal with it. What a lovely cesspool of contradictions and fear... the fearmongers even scare themselves.
Males are gregarious, and look for acceptance by other males. However, males are trained to ostracize and attack any variant from the accepted imperial norm. This is enforcement by conformity- if you don't act “normal”, we will kick you out, and then attack you. Not only does this create widespread fear of being different, it also leads to men who are not “normal” living double lives to hide that fact. This includes denying ones true self, and masquerading for a living. A boy who likes eels, but doesn't like sports? He MUST be “gay”, and will be treated as such. This is at the root of the “transgender” pathology- “if you were a real man, you wouldn't think/ act/ feel that way, so you MUST be a GIRL!”
It is my humble opinion fear is the most powerful weapon of fempire, as it continues to grow, and hurts long after it is planted, almost like it was a time-release medication.

- Joaquin 2 Cacimarex, Sewaornock, Manahatouac.

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